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About time4fun

  • Rank
    Active Participant
  • Birthday 07/01/1949


  • Biography
    I love meeting women
  • Location
    Central Denver
  • Interests
    girl watching, building anything, reading, wine tasting
  • Occupation

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  1. Irish Whiskey/ Maybe some fun?

    Jameson's Cask Conditioned is a really smooth Irish Whiskey. Then there's always the Dew, Tullamore Dew. I find the ladies prefer the Dew.................
  2. Yvie Dubois 720-715-3662 Colorado Companion Anyone seen this lovely lady? Yves Dubois: https://preferred411.com/P359086
  3. P411 Scammer

    Mila the scammer is at it again, this time on Private Delights. New telephone#, same pics which aren't her. Posted in PD on January 21. https://privatedelights.ch/USA/Colorado/Denver/MilaMolotov
  4. P411 Scammer

    Somehow the form didn't pick up the name: Mila Molotov, P411 411632. Phone 719-639-8040. Bad news.
  5. P411 Scammer

    Found this lady on P411. Made date, she showed, wanted to start with massage, lingered around, asked about fee, picked up fee said she forgot something in car. Never came back. P411 411632. Have reported this to 411. I hope 411 isn't lowering their screening standards. Never happened to me before.
  6. https://preferred411.com/P146630
  7. Anyone Seen her?

    Thanks growl for digging this up.
  8. Anyone Seen her?

    Only on P411. You can find her by number.
  9. Emila Chase Colorado Companion EMILIA CHASE P153141 She has a fairly low P411 number. Maybe a new name?
  10. Any Info

    Thanks for your response wGlide. I looked at her reviews and they are all pretty old. Have you had any recent experience with her?
  11. Any Info

    TALLSEXYIVY30 P64676 720-215-7538 Colorado Companion This attractive lady has been listed on P411 for some time but I don't recall seeing any reviews on her?
  12. Texas Elementary School Shooting

    Thank you Caressa for posting your thoughts on this. The fact is we have more guns than any developed country. Almost one per person. There have been numerous studies done showing we have the highest rate of gun mortalities of any country. The list has become so long that the narratives don't mention the early ones like Columbine and the Aurora theater. Our regulations are piecemeal and have so many loopholes that if you can't get a gun in Chicago go to another nearby state. And that's not even considering the online sales. We all know here, that it's quite easy to complete illegal transactions electronically. There are quite a few countries with full blown regulations that result in fewer deaths from guns. Japan, British Isles just to name a few. I haven't heard anyone say those countries are dictatorships. And what is that logic really? That you're going to forestall a police state by standing in your window and shooting at the armored vehicles looking to subdue the population? Then what happens when they bring the tanks or the F-16s. Good luck with that logic. The best defense against a police state is an informed populace who VOTES and refuses to take the fiction of demagogues seriously. We in Colorado have our share of tragedy and it seems like on a weekly basis, we see new hegemony. Mostly done by mentally whacked out individuals but if you follow the serious news, that population is growing and we have a wide number of elected officials(mostly Republicans) who can't seem to grasp and respond to their duty to keep the population safe. We've come a long way from 1776 and what we are witnessing now is not anything envisioned by the framers of our constitution. We have to move forward and take this serious problem in hand or the violence and grief that results will eventually result in greater societal breakdowns and everyone will start to believe they have to be prepared for the battle at the OK Corral. Maybe all this is our inheritance from the genocide waged against the native peoples who lived on this land before the "settlers" showed up and wiped them out. Let alone the institutionionalization of slavery that made us have to fight a civil war to acknowledge people of African heritage merited the same human rights as the rest of us. Maybe Michael Moore was right about our karma and what faces us. At this time, we need to take this in hand and do what we can to stop the gratuitous violence raining down on us. B
  13. I guess it's different for all people. I have been in the hobby for years and I've met some ladies who are burdened with various personality and coping issues. I consider myself fairly normal and 99% of the encounters I've had with ladies are also normal. I think from an anthropological perspective, that men and women of the modern age are looking for different kinds of relationships and the nuclear family, exclusive monogamy, doesn't do it for everyone. I feel blessed that I have been able to engage with new women and make them feel safe and appreciated, while at the same time, enjoying their marvelous sexuality and openness to giving and receiving love at so many levels. I revel in the fact that women are open about their sexual desires and wants. I think for some ladies who are willing to offer themselves as escorts, it is because they want to be able to express their individual needs and preferences in regard to sex. I think there is no guarantee that becoming an escort is an automatic ticket for big bucks. Most of the ladies I've met and got to know a little, are living lives that I wouldn't consider are in the realm of the rich and famous. I've also found that a lot of the ladies I've met, care about their paramours and sometimes that even impacts their economic needs and motivations. I recently got sick and I thought it was covid. Fortunately not, but two ladies I see regularly, offered to do errands for me and help me any way they could. This was not about money or time. It was about their sincere care for me and desire to help me in my challenge.
  14. Thanking ASP's for their services

    I second Savoir Faire's comments. I have met so many marvelous ladies in this hobby that each day I marvel at how fortunate I am to have found this community. The ladies who I have had the privilege of spending time with have enriched my life immensely on so many levels.
  15. We the Americans!

    ByeDon. YOU'RE FIRED!