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About jus12pla

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  • Birthday 09/17/1962

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    I just want to play :)... But mostly I just work :(
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    NW Denver
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  1. Petition for Decriminalization

    Wasn't promoting Reagan or any party. The quagmire gets worse each year now. It was just encouraging to see people stand behind the concept of a smaller government.
  2. Petition for Decriminalization

    I really feel we are drawing nearer to 1984 and we need to be prepared for much less freedom not more. I am sorry and I know that is pessimistic but the government, aided by social media and the moral minority will probably wind up with more power to dictate what you may and may not do with your own body. 911 = Take some freedoms and have a more intrusive government. Covid = Take some freedoms and have a more intrusive government. War or civil unrest = ? What is next next state emergency how many more freedoms will disappear? I don't know what it will take to ever turn the tides. Reagan won a lot of support when he preached for a smaller government. Perhaps a movement will come along that will gain support on a platform of small government and individual freedom and freedom from intrusion by church and state. (like about 250 years ago). Who thinks the Right and Left in power will support this? Anyone? Anyone?
  3. Really? Not cool. I was thinking he was maybe being railroaded by the right - but maybe it wouldn't be redundant to say he is a dick.
  4. New Platform/Clarity

    Rent/lease/purchase? I never even noticed the banner ad before but I am glad TOB doesn't have the popups on the sides and ads are shoved down our throats. I would welcome SB's into the forum but I too - do not wish to lease or purchase. I don't see how this as is of any competition to you Marilyn.
  5. Just so happens to be

    We are getting stupider and more divisive on both sides of the fence with not even a hint of unity. The more humans I know the more I love my dog. Sorry - that was mean but jeez!!!! 50% of Americans are not absolutely stupid and we should be trying to accept the validity of other points of view - not just trashing them. My dog doesn't give a shit and knows that cookies are the most important issue. I see her point.
  6. Favorite Nipple

    Yes - What a mean thing to do to such a nice thing! Same with the nether regions.
  7. First Impressions

    Agree - If I get the feeling we are both there to have fun together - my respect for her soars.
  8. Providers in Golden

    Most providers who do outies will come and see you. I70 to 58 = Golden for the North providers, or 6th West = Golden for the South providers. I live way North and have had gems from way South come see me.
  9. Every morning a new arrival...

    This means different things to different people... but I got confused because it didn't rhyme. Phil I Stine
  10. What is TOB to you?

    Don't take it personal Dwayne. I too am a very infrequent but still remember the dot dilemma in another post. I think I just have five from popping for many years cause it's mostly a good crowd. Glad you and other regulars tossed in their 2 cents. Hope other lurkers recognize the benefits of hanging out here and chime in once and a while. It seems as though the community has been understandably repressed, depressed, and oppressed for a little while now. I am looking forward to seeing new and old friends here... if we ever freaking get back to normal!
  11. To me – TOB is a place to pop by occasionally and read comments and opinions from consenting non-judgmental people. The postings are very often amusing, educational, thought provoking, inane, and sometimes - just pretty damn funny. It is a small glimpse into many peoples lives and minds - many who I have grown to like and respect but will never meet. It’s a great place to lurk and share with mostly intelligent adults who occasionally get together an squish their naughty bits together for fun and profit. And it is also research tool to find those girl type people whom I would like to meet and fall madly in love with for an hour or five… Some I have met here because of their posts – some I have merely researched here in order to not waste their time or mine.
  12. Helloo Colorado

    Hellooooo Brianna Welcome to TOB. Lots of great people here with a light sprinkle of buttheads mixed in. Just curious - Why 5 years until you say Helloo? (although it's none of my damn business). Welcome - hope to see more of you here.
  13. Supply and demand never thought id use it here

    It does appear that the OP may be posting from a cell phone in one hand and 3rd gin and tonic in the other. If so - Cheers! I don't think it is a matter or supply and demand pressures just yet, (but that may be coming). I think people are still hibernating and the older crowd (many of us) may be forced to be even more cautious. As far as the BS... too many people with too much time on their hands is probably the cause of a lot of this and this may be the new normal for a while yet. Sorry if that sounds pessimistic, hope I'm wrong.
  14. Admins rejecting my post ??

    People generally try to be helpful to each other here and undo flaming usually equals reciprocal flaming.
  15. Motivational Speeches

    Sorry - I really liked the show. I'll wait another decade an then I am going to binge watch the whole damn thing all over again and enjoy the hell out of it!