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About monroepierce

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  1. Is Tryst taking over?

    But… just to clarify- you ask that they get a reference from an established provider. And that’s one thing. But, if the new provider gets banned, the provider they get the referral from also gets banned. I know this all too well because I’m a nice person who has referred three providers at this point. Two have been mostly non posting on the site thus far, but the third causes me endless stress! We stopped being friends over a year ago and since then she’s gotten several NCNS reviews, and just recently a rip-off review. She was a decent person and legit provider when I referred her, but I don’t feel it’s fair for me to be held accountable for someone else’s actions!!! People change and just because she’s not been a good provider as of late, doesn’t change the fact that my integrity is and always has been of upmost importance to me. Why should I be punished for trying to help a fellow provider and at the time friend, while also trying to help introduce some strange into the tob community for the gentleman?