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Everything posted by crazyb

  1. Who's on top??

    Ok ladies this one is after a topic I saw on Twitter, do you avoid being on top??? I saw a tweet where a lady was bragging about the many ways she would avoid being on top and the number of women joining in with the excuses as to why they don't do it.
  2. Who's on top??

    Thanks all I appreciate response!
  3. Too Soon for Spooky Things?

    I love this time of year, Hunting open up, Skiing starts soon hate pumpkin spice
  4. Tongue or No Tongue?

    I like kissing, i like it even more with tongue as long as breath is good and teeth are nice. Bad teeth would put a halt on kissing for me
  5. Melissa is a LEGEND. I can say she would have never kicked a guy out unless he was disrespectful
  6. Range

    Centennial gun club is great! I love my membership there. If you want to shoot a bunch fast try their VAST range
  7. I'm being Catfished!

    I am sorry, I have seen you and did not think most of the pictures you used were you.
  8. 411 on EmilyDMV

    What do you want to know? she has reviews from several people
  9. Visual turn ons

    For me its a great set of eyes and a smile
  10. Halloween

    Nikki, are you wearing the messy dress? handing out cigars? LOL
  11. Burning Man

    All I can say F**k Yea I had a blast there
  12. Recommended doubles?

    You just need to do your research
  13. Deposits

    I understand your frustration with NCNS and last minute calls, as a self employed mechanic for longer than I care to admit I know none of my customers would even think about paying a deposit, ( Hell most dont even want to pay diagnostic when they dont fix the car). I would not ever pay a deposit Just my 2 cents
  14. Fall in love with client♀️

    Jen, I can see how someone could fall in love with a client, (god knows many customer have fallen in love with a provider, including my self.) The young lady I still have a soft spot for retired from this and moved in with me for a bit until the newly wed bliss wore off. She has since moved on and out. We still bump into each other once in a while ( God I miss her Sunday pancakes). Sorry your guy ripped you off, Good friends someyimes are the best
  15. I slew The Dragon today

    Great Job Bit
  16. Perfume or not ?

    I have always been one that feels " If it makes you feel sexy then you should wear it"
  17. HEY HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont bad mouth them. Some people liked them. Every body needs a good laugh once in a while. Bella you know their songs are stuck in your head today HA HA
  18. I turn 60 in May…

    That sounds like a great way to turn an even better age. Goodluck
  19. With my former bosses daughter on her dads jet
  20. I am curious how many time many people see a provider, I know I have been trying to work my way through the list. There are a few that I have seen several times and a few that while good not seen again. Is there someone with out mentioning her name that you have seen more than 5 times? I know I am going to see my favorite tomorrow and was just curious
  21. The best one is a provider that has not seen this post and been put off by your foolishness to have this as your first post.
  22. NCNS Board???

    Chrissy, you have to remember if providers call out to many of us guys in public we might get out feelings hurt. Lol I am sorry this is happening to you. There is always someone that thinks respect is a oneway street. Good luck
  23. As Jagcs said, I think it more to see if you offer what I am looking for. There are a few girls on this site that wont prebook and for me that is a requirement, being self employed I have to schedule my time. Then there is always the question of is the provider strictly 3G. cause that does not interest me either
  24. Let's see how submissive you are

    Sorry for you Kandi, His loss
  25. What a day!!!!!

    Can any body show me a politician that does not have a shady past? I think they are all crooks.