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Everything posted by crazyb

  1. Very interesting look at life . I like the idea of seeing a woman to go fishing, I have one lady that I plan on teaching her how to shoot the biggest guns I own just cause SHE thinks it would be great fun.
  2. Hello! I'm new here...

    Welcome Vera, There are plenty of fun people here. Enjoy your self
  3. The Denver Scene

    Plus 1 with Jos
  4. The Snake Charmer

    all i can say is WOW
  5. New to this place:)

    Hi Vonarose, Welcome and enjoy your summer here
  6. Texting Etiquette

    I have always let the girls know that they can text or call at any time so they dont have to wonder
  7. Well you know.

    look at you go Jez!!! Your all that and a bag of chips!!!
  8. Hey guys!! New to Denver :)

    Welcome and enjoy your summer
  9. New to Board

    Hi Josie, Welcome
  10. New to TOB

    Hello and welcome, Enjoy your time here
  11. Hello Colorado

    Hi Lola, Reviews are very easy to write, it just takes a few seconds. I always read the review section first because it may give me ideas on who I want to see next. I hope to write one for you some time lol
  12. It's me or it's free: marketing scheme

    I have walked out of a meeting if the girl has posted incorrect pictures ( not her or she is way larger than her pics) If you choose to stay thats your loss
  13. Birthday Encounter

    The Idiot started this post
  14. Birthday Encounter

    This is simple DO YOUR HOMEWORK , RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Dating while in the business...

    I think that would be a fun post I think you should post some of them here and maybe some other people could post their stories
  16. Incorrect Advertising?

    If she is someone you are interested in seeing and the price is what your willing to pay what does it matter where her add is? I am not trying to be a smart ass I just dont understand why people get hung up on location of adds?
  17. Just wanted to say hello.

    Hi Brooke, I hope you find this place as much fun as some of us do.
  18. Sex or Guns?

    I have had several providers ask me to go put my gun back in my truck before the fun can start. I understand that many people do not feel the same as me about guns and gun control, so now I take my gun off and leave it in the truck when ever I see a provider. I am not here to impose my opinion on anyone, but if i have to choose its going to be GUNS
  19. Porn Stars from Colorado

    That was interesting Thanks Lucy
  20. GREAT JOB Kashmir, You said it so correctly.
  21. Girls change their names all the time Maybe shes just trying to find the right fit?
  22. For me I would prefer to be able to find a price with in a few clicks. I have enjoyed doing me research to find prices, but still there are some who dont list prices anywhere. Most girls dont want time wasters so its kind of a loose loose deal if its to hard for a guy to find it
  23. Hot damn when do they move out the swing sounds fun
  24. All that damn makeup

    I have always said I want a woman to be as comfortable as she can, there is nothing sexier than a woman feeling uninhibited. If she feels better with makeup great if she feels better with out great!