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About MtnWood

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    Welcome Me
  • Birthday December 22

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  1. Spammer

    WTF? spam in their DMs?
  2. Such a great time of year

    🤣 As a matter of fact I do. I enjoy the intense hikes
  3. Such a great time of year

    You know where to bring them 😉
  4. I've missed you loveys...where have I been?

    Church? Praise Jesus!
  5. K Time to Lighten It Up Again...

    #37 for the win! 😂
  6. Favorite position

    I guess I don’t a favorite position. What ever it takes to get her off. I’m just happy to be playing!
  7. Boring Sunday Babble

    Been snowboarding everyday since Thursday! Need to get some work done today but we got another 8” of pow overnight so it’ll have to wait! enjoy!
  8. RIP Kobe

    Definitely never a fan of his..but yes this
  9. What do the black dots mean?

    Oh just give us a chance!