Cendell M

TOB Member
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About Cendell M

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    Welcome Me
  • Birthday March 24

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  • Location
    .Houston,TX Denver, Colorodo

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  1. If TOB shuts down right now...

    So this is talk here as well as Texas when will this come into effect? Crazy we have a provider collecting a list of the girl's emails and phone #'s to give to the gents (our friends ) so we can keep in contact it's a great idea, but a lot of work for her she amazing! So I'm assuming this will affect p411 as well? JUst trying to see what other rights will be taken from us! A Communist country now!
  2. Problem with warnings inside messages

    Hello kaduk, im have the same issue the above gentleman with the arrows pointing to .I don't know if this message was for me im using windows 7 and yes running very slow at times ...i hope im posting in the right forum im so forum again im from Texas and that board from this to the rules etc....is a 1000 times different & im not super tech savvy, i absolutely hate bothering MODS/ADMINS but what do i do to fix the situation? I was so frustrated yesterday i didnt even get on to mess with it and i want to come visit and i need to read rules on ALL THINGS. Sorry to bother just very confused. Thanks Cendell M
  3. TOB for male providers

    HEY ALL im Cendell M from Houston, this is an interesting thread lol, My question if im reading this correct...I believe OP wants to know if there is a site for him to be a male escort?? So us WOMEN would get to do reviews ? correct please feel free to catch me up if im miss understanding ...that be fun i would love to do reviews on a man/men sounds fun !!! to get to do from the other side of the fence hahah COUNT ME IN IF in fact someone finds such a site .