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Posts posted by Mackonit

  1. 9 hours ago, Chrissy said:

     this is almost 2018 


    30 minutes ago, Melissa Sterling said:

    The Colorado market is over flooded. Too many girls, it's slow, and nobody wants to share. It will thin out and return to normal.

    Time is changing and it seems it's so hard to rely on some old school methods. Time to evolve the game. K ;)




  2. 1 hour ago, SultryKitten said:

    Sabrina never worked for Denver Ladies, and those are her pics so your "review" right there is invalid. Also, I do not see on her reviews under Sabrina any self reviewing, and since I know her personally for a while now, I can safely say that she has no desire to self review herself. 

    What I find interesting about this is the fact that OLD information is being thrown out there that has nothing to do with the post in question. Instead, you guys have decided to be assholes and go off on a tangent about something that has NOTHING to do with Badboy's post. Why? To validate yourself as THE MAN. Well, congratulations, you just put yourself on my "don't see list" because I don't associate myself with people that belittle others. You don't like a ladies business and how she conducts herself behind closed doors then write a review and move the fuck on, but hurting somebody's business for your own vendetta is childish and petty! 

    You should be ashamed of yourselves...


    Samantha Sheppard

    Some people create their own storms and then get mad when it rains.


  3. 42 minutes ago, Lucy Kitten said:

    Shouldn't we also apply that same line of thought the "best areas to stay" threads?  I get the OP was more specific than just a general area but there are times that we're like those dudes that guide the airplanes on the runways when it comes to plugging the DTC. 

    Good point, but DTC is considered a generalize area and it offers more amenities than any other metro Denver area.

    I'm not a native of Denver and I'm sure others can make some compelling points for other areas.


  4. 10 hours ago, Mr.Pink said:

    if you don't think the cops already know what goes on down there you must be pretty naive. :cool: 

    You're correct, but you forgot to mention upcoming new a-holes and stalkers. 


  5. You have a legitimate concern, but I would like to think that the members that read this forum do follow the rules of etiquette when contacting Providers. My suggestion is to point these clients that are getting it wrong to this forum so they may understand the errors of their ways. K :cool:


  6. 2 hours ago, Danielle Rae said:

    Honestly, I don't care if he has only seen me once and uses me as a reference a dozen times.  The reference system isn't about whether or not you formed a "connection" with the gent but rather its about confirming for the other providers that he is safe and not LE.  If I've met with him, he's paid my donation and didn't cause me any harm, I have no problem confirming his legitimacy ---even if I never see him again.   We are providing a service - an expensive service.  This isn't a competition to see who can convince their clients to be "monogamous."    Further, IMHO putting all kinds of "extra rules" and "stipulations" into the mix isn't going to attract much business.  If they wanted the hoops to jump through, they'd stick to the dating scene.  

