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Everything posted by lintlizard

  1. Members you miss

    Paris Palazzo in COS. God she was a lovely woman!
  2. I am honored when a provider I have seen reaches out to me unsolicited - to me it indicates a certain connection which is what I usually long for in intimacy. This just recently happened to me, and it may my day. If I were to receive a text from someone I have never seen, however.... meh, not so thrilling. Maybe even a little creepy.
  3. The debate

    American democracy might just be circling the drain....

    I have found, in my extensive research and personal experience, that the following are deal killers: 1. plaid shirts and paints 2. the color orange 3. restrictive teddies 4. froofy frilly lingerie 5. and the middle finger pointed at me in profile pics This applies to both men and women. Okay. I've gone on record.

    Noted and agreed.
  6. Colored Contacts

    I'm coming to the realization that fake ANYTHING is kinda a drag... its the real stuff that usually gets me the most excited
  7. Colored Contacts

    loose 'em
  8. Can't say I've ever actually seen a Russian ASP in person, but I have occasionally thrown a token or two to the Russian cam models.... The trend is for all U.S. business interests with Russia to be severed, and it seems to be a universal truth that women have tremendous sway over their men.... I suspect that many Russian women might even side with that rascal Putin and his aggression towards Ukraine. So, what makes sense...?
  9. This is a truly f-ed up hypothetical. In this scenario, the husband and wife should both be bitch slapped! Not thinking far enough ahead to when the kid wants/deserves to know who his/her father is should automatically disqualify them from parenting. F-ING IDIOTS! The sad truth is, this (or something similar to it) has probably happened in modern society, and will leave some innocent kid with the burden of carrying heavy baggage around for the remainder of his/her life.... I repeat. the "parents" should be bitch slapped! HARD!
  10. What is TOB to you?

    I think FOSTA/SESTA was the party pooper. Insta and Snap also prolly put a dent in things.... Yep, TOB definitely seems to have lost it's luster. I still check in pretty regularly though in hopes of stumbling across a racy thread or saucy ad that will get my heart pumping.
  11. Sprinkler Start Up

    lol I can't believe you guys are geeking out on sprinklers and kentucky bluegrass on this site! I mean, WTF? You're fixated on THAT??? Listen - take a break and jump on over to the listings section! Get your priorities straight fellas!
  12. What is YOUR KINK?

    how much older...?
  13. Annie 719-600-3532 Colorado Companion I hope someone might be able to fill in the blanks regarding Annie in COS
  14. Is Tryst taking over?

    I had no idea! So, you as an established provider get booted if someone you "refer" f-s up??? That's kinda f-ed up!
  15. Ass Photos

    picked it straight off one of the providers here.... the fun is in the search my friend
  16. The Old Man

    jeez! CHILL! dude was just asking a question - don't take the bait if you don't like the taste
  17. Ass Photos

  18. Ironic Topics About Getting Screwed!

    the dude is a major asshat - sorry you got ripped off
  19. Is Tryst taking over?

    I like the optics on Tryst. TOB provider listings seem to be confined to a recurring handful of ladies - it would be great if more ASP's used the "hook" of photos to peak client's interest.
  20. Ass Photos

    agreed - a good ass shot goes a looooooooooooonng way
  21. It's. Been. Years.

    Melinda - you were my first ASP a few years back, and I must say there was no one better suited (and un-suited) to ease me into a wonderful, sensual experience. Thank you for breaking the 4 year dry spell I had endured during the waning years of my marriage. L
  22. I could use this right now.....
  23. COS 411

    719-353-9683 Colorado Companion Anyone? anything...?
  24. 411 on Jessica - Tryst

    correction: 2 years old!
  25. 411 on Jessica - Tryst

    wtf? this inquiry is nearly a year old....