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Everything posted by rachelsonoma

  1. You can also use safeoffice.com for email. I like that it allows you to have 6 different email addresses. I use a different one for each advertising venue that I'm on. That way, when I get an inquiry, I know which venue generated it. There is a way to send an email that will self-destruct after 30 days. You just click on the designated button. Your email is a link rather than a traditional email. The only drawback is that it cannot be responded to. If you're interested, go to safeoffice.com.
  2. If you don't know what a VPN is, neither do I. Ha ha J/K. It is software that you install on your computer/phone. It allows you to connect to a server in almost any country you want before browsing the internet. The best VPN's don't keep logs of which website you visit. A super smart gal went thru all the VPN's and came up with this: Using the chart at https://thatoneprivacysite.net/vpn-comparison-char... Eliminate all VPNs that are from countries that belong to 14 Eyes https://www.my-private-network.co.uk/vpn-provider-... Eliminate all VPNs that log traffic. If it is not logged, it cannot be discovered. Eliminate al VPS based in Hong Kong and Israel. I do not trust the intelligence organizations. Then using https://www.vpnmentor.com/ for review information I am left with NordVPN, Panama, https://nordvpn.com/, $33/year, 3 year minimum, 4.9/5.0, Ranked 1st from 301 VPNs https://www.vpnmentor.com/reviews/nordvpn/ Trust.Zone, Seychelles, https://trust.zone/, $39.95/year, 4.6/5.0, Ranked 6th from 301 VPNs https://www.vpnmentor.com/reviews/trust-zone/ Doublehop, Seychelles, https://www.doublehop.me/, $33/year, 4.0/5.0, Ranked 101st from 301 VPNs https://www.vpnmentor.com/reviews/doublehop-me/ VPNTunnel, Seychelles, https://vpntunnel.com/, $35.88/year, 4.0/5.0, Ranked 180th from 301 VPNs https://www.vpnmentor.com/reviews/vpntunnel/
  3. I have been on TER even tho it is supposedly not accessible in the U.S. I have a VPN on my phone and laptop. Mine is called Golden Frog, but there are many others. What I did was to set my VPN to go directly to a server in another country. This is easy to do.Then I got into TER. Only their U.S. ads are down. Everything else is still up. I paid for Golden Frog, but there is a free version. I recommend paying because sometimes free stuff is snoopy. Now, privacy is more important than ever. Also. it's a good idea to read thu their agreement to see if you're comfortable with how they treat your info. If you have a VPN that you are happy with, please share.
  4. Newbie from NS

    They are referring to nightshift.co. It was the go-to site for providers and clients in the San Francisco Bay Area. There was a forum and free listings. It has been closed down temporarily while the owner figures out how to re-open it safely.
  5. Any recommendations for references?

    I have a membership on safeoffice.com. I've been there since 2012. They have bank-level security. I keep a database of email addresses there. This is a resource that now, it more important than ever. Providers and clients can get an account. SO has email. You can have 6 different email addresses. I have found this to be very useful for informing my advertising decisions. I can tell where my inquiries are coming from due to the difference in email address used to contact me. SO has a newsletter function. I feel that for providers, sending a newsletter is one of the best ways to deal with the loss of directories. SO has a tutorial on how to send a newsletter. There are many steps to take so I recommend doing the tutorial before getting your newsletter together.
  6. Good news from California

    Here is a youtube video of our attorney arguing in court:
  7. I am a member of the Erotic Service Providers' Union. Our case was heard in court on Thurs. Oct. 19, 2017. The judges indicated that they are willing to consider striking down anti-prostitution laws in California, for many reasons. One reason is that anti-gay laws have been struck down, because whatever happens between two consenting adults behind closed doors is not the government's business. Please read the article and send it to anyone you can. This is happening Article from fortune.com
  8. Challenging prostitution laws in CA

    Hi Nikki, you can get a Vanilla VISA gift card at a drug store. You don't have to register it. Just go to the tilt website and make your donation. Thank you so much for considering it!
  9. The fight is on! Sex workers will no longer tolerate antiquated laws in California. We are consenting adults who feel we should be able to do whatever we want in our own bedroom. Please consider making a donation so that we can pay our attorney. If the court rules in our favor, prostitution will be legalized or decriminalized in CA, AK, AZ, and other states as well. https://www.tilt.com/tilts/liberate-to-emancipate-esplerp-v-gascon-lawsuit
  10. What terms can be considered sex for sale?

    There is an important youtube video that we should all watch. It's called "Never talk to police." It's a male lawyer giving his reasons why you should never make any statements to a police officer. He gives the example if a guy who was convicted of assault. He had an argument with a woman, then spoke to an officer, who misquoted him. He should have zipped his lips. I tried, but can't post a link. Go to youtube and search. You can thank me later.
  11. PSA: Don't Flush

    Instead of flushing a used condom, it is wise to rinse it thoroughly before throwing it in the trash. I heard at a legal workshop that neighbors have been known to go into the trash, looking for evidence that there is a brothel. (I hate nosy people!) Why let the evidence be available when you can take a few minutes to remove it?
  12. For a woman to squirt, she must be well hydrated. Give her water or her favorite hydrating drink. Coconut water is more hydrating than water. The diagram shows stimulation of the g-spot. This may make some women squirt. There is a spot further north, near the cervix, called the a-spot. This is a good spot to stimulate as well. Ask her what is working for her, what kind of stimu, which position. Make sure you are playing on a surface that can get wet, such as a few blankets that can be easily washed. If she is worried about soaking a mattress, she won't squirt. May amrita be a joyful part of your future play.
  13. State of California Attorney General Notice and Motion to Dismiss has been filed by 3 women who want to be sex workers, and a disabled man who wants to access the services of sex workers. A 206-page response has been made to the declaratory action to strike down the prostitution law, and motion to dismiss is what I expected. The fight is on! Next Important Dates: June 8 ? Deadline for plaintiffs to respond to the motion to dismiss June 23 ? Deadline for defendants to reply August 7 ? Hearing on motion to dismiss (9:00 a.m. in Courtroom #5, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, 2nd floor, Judge Jeffrey S. White) It has not been easy to raise money to pay the attorneys for this historic legal challenge. After being kicked off of GOFUNDME, A second crowdfunding campaign is now underway to raise an additional $30,000 this year to cover further legal fees. Supporters can contribute to this historic effort to decriminalize prostitution in California at https://liberatetoemancipate.tilt.com/liberatetoemancipate
  14. Sex workers are discriminated against in many areas. If you disclose that you are an escort to a company who you want coverage from, you risk that they will turn you down. If you're talking to a broker, it mite be OK to disclose. Are you wanting to disclose so that if something happens, your insurance will be honored? God forbid you should die, the insurance mite not pay if they found you died while in session. Is that your concern? I'd like to know more about that too. Any underwriters in the house?
  15. The Sweet Smell of Pussy on my Breath

    Wannabebad: you are hysterically funny! Seriously now, I would recommend a shower with lots of soap and maybe even shampoo, then get a small bowl. Fill it with mouthwash. Soak your lower face in the mouthwash for at least 15 seconds. Then rinse your mouth with mouthwash and you're ready to go home.
  16. Ladies, how do you prepare yourself before a session?

    There has been a lot of misinformation regarding covers for oral sex performed on a woman. I would like to shed some lite on the subject. The cover is called a Sheer Glyde Dam. It is a sheet of latex. The proper way to use it is the giver puts it on his/her tongue, allows it to hand off the tongue, and goes downtown. The tongue finds the receiver's clit and stimulates it. Wandering around the vulva is not a good idea, because the dam will move around too much. Trying to cover the woman's vulva with the dam doesn't work very well. She won't feel much sensation. Placing the dam on the giver's tongue works much better. Dams can be purchased at sensuality shops or online.
  17. Redbook seized by FBI

    Greetings from the San Francisco Bay Area, June 25, 2014 was an historic day. Myredbook.com and mypinkbook.com were shut down by the FBI and the IRS. RB, as we call it, made the mistake of allowing anyone to put up an ad. This means that underage workers did put up ads once in a while. It took time to figure out that the workers were underage and shut those ads down. Mypinkbook was a site used by providers. Information on staying safe was shared on a daily basis. The media is reporting a lot on RB, but PB is being ignored. The public does not want workers to be put in danger. They do not know that shutting down PB did just that. Here is an article that explains more: http://www.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/sf-based-escort-website-myredbook-siezed-by-fbi/Content?oid=2830030 div.jp-audio, div.jp-video { /* Edit the font-size to counteract inherited font sizing. * Eg. 1.25em = 1 / 0.8em */ font-size:1.25em; } div#storyBody div.inlineAudio, div#AudioPlayer div.inlineAudio { width: 400px; margin: auto; } The San Francisco-based escort website MyRedbook.com was shut down by federal authorities Wednesday. Eric Omuro, 53, and Annmarie Lanoce, 40, were arrested during a FBI raid at a home in Mountain View. Both are charged with one count of interstate travel in the aid of a racketeering enterprise, and Omuro is charged with an additional twenty-four counts of money laundering. The suspects were arraigned in federal court in San Francisco this afternoon. At Wednesday's court session, Lanoce pleaded not guilty to the charges and was released by Judge Nathanael Cousins on a $250,000 unsecured bond, according to the court docket. Omuro, who did not enter a plea, is due back in Cousins' court at 9:30 a.m. Friday for identification of a defense attorney and entry of a plea. He was released on a $500,000 unsecured bond. Both were ordered to appear July 10 before U.S. District Judge William Orrick, the trial judge assigned to the case, in San Francisco for a status conference. Federal prosecutors say the pair used the mail and the Internet to facilitate prostitution. According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, Omuro ran two websites, sfredbook.com and myredbook.com, with Lanoce's assistance. Both domains were seized by the FBI today. In a statement posted on MyRedbook's homepage, the FBI said the domain was subject to civil and criminal forfeiture. "This seizure is based on probable cause to believe that this domain name was involved in money laundering derived from racketeering based on prostitution in violation of state and federal law," the statement says. MyRedbook billed itself as a place for escorts and massage parlors to advertise their services. However, the U.S. Attorney's office said in a statement, "The website hosted advertisements for prostitutes, complete with explicit photos, lewd physical descriptions, menus of sexual services, hourly and nightly rates, and customer reviews of the prostitutes’ services." According to the criminal indictment, Omuro used multiple aliases to transfer money from MyRedbook business bank accounts into accounts that he controlled. The indictment seeks the forfeiture of more than $5 million in property and assets Omuro allegedly gained by facilitating prostitution. FBI spokesman Peter Lee confirmed multiple arrest warrants were served throughout the South Bay, but could not reveal the total number of arrests or whether they were related to MyRedbook. CNN reports that the shutdown was part of a broad FBI crackdown on child prostitution, citing anonymous law enforcement sources. Kristina Dolgin, a spokeswoman for the Bay Area chapter of the Sex Workers Outreach Project, expressed concern that the raid would adversely effect a broad swath of local sex workers. Because it is free for escorts to post ads on MyRedbook, Dolgin said, "This will be impacting the most marginalized workers." Escorts use online services like MyRedbook to screen potential clients, Dolgin added. "Using an online platform, there is at least the opportunity to interact with the client from a distance," she said. "People may have to resort to less safe means of supporting themselves." However, MyRedbook has also been a resource for law enforcement targeting pimps. Local police have used the website to conduct stings. In 2011, San Mateo County prosecutors used the site to arrest several suspects who were believed to be pimping underage girls. Bay City News contributed to this report.
  18. The Ark

    It's raining in Denver? Not a drop on California. I arrive on Monday. I will be there for a week. I guess I will have to find my raincoat and umbrella!
  19. Tinge of jealousy!

    Jealousy is a natural, human emotion. You are asking if I have felt jealous over a client. Yes, I have a few times. It did not bother me to think of the guy with his SO. What bothered me was thinking of him with another provider. It was worse if I knew what she looked like. That way I visualized a moment in their session. Ouch! What I did was let myself stew for a while. It felt good to have strong feelings. I did not act on my jealous feelings. If I had acted on it, that would make me possessive. I don't believe in being possessive. I still see these men. I know they have SO's and see other providers. I am fine with it now. I don't know if this will work for you, but what I suggest is keep reading the reviews of this special lady. I predict that some day, you will be fine with her seeing other men. Also, there is a book that mite help you. It is called "The Ethical Slut" by Dossie Easton. There are sections of the book that talk a lot about jealousy in a non-judgmental way. They give lots of suggestions for dealing with it. It is written for ppl who want to get into a polyamorous lifestyle. I feel that jealousy can be a really hot emotion to play with. It means you feel passion for a person. It mite be appropriate to tell the other person about your jealous feelings. Maybe if you preface it by saying "I am not asking you not to see this other person. I just want to be honest." Hmmmmm
  20. Cell phone consfiscations

    The great thing about the U.S. is that we have civil liberties. If arrested, you can say: "I do not consent to any search." Ladies please contact me for more info.
  21. Ladies who is your provider..............

    What secret? I am happy to tell you who my girl crush is: Sensual Violet. She is a knock-out!
  22. Dominance/submission

    It is not necessary for you to play the submissive role to learn Dominance if you have a problem with it. If you do not have a problem with it, it is an excellent way to learn. If you are going to play for pleasure, get references from your play partner before agreeing to play. There are some crazy ppl out there, using BDSM for therapy. If you pay for play, you will find most established Pro Dommes to be responsible. I recommend reading "SM 101" by Jay Wiseman. This is required reading for any submissive who wants to serve me. I don't live in Denver, so I don't know if there are any classes you can take. Here in San Francisco, there are 2 hour classes on rope bondage, service oriented D/s (Domination/submission) and all sorts of topics. Find out where the dungeons are and see if they have classes or play parties. PM me for more ideas.
  23. No Show Excuse

    I say give her one more chance. I tour and also work back home in the San Francisco Bay Area. When I am home, I almost never cancel an appointment. When I tour, I find myself having to cancel appointments on occassion. I hate to do that, but touring is more difficult than being home. Probably next time she will make sure that she doesn't cancel on you, and the two of you will have a wonderful time together. Don't underestimate how much passion forgiveness can inject into a session.
  24. 411 on Rachel Grey outcall massage

    There are plenty of massage providers who would never allow an exchange of body fluids. But there are few who would do an outcall for $135. Why don't you look for a HH incall?
  25. New book: Lost Girls

    Robert Kolker is an investigative reporter who writes about criminal justice. He has recently come out with a compelling book, "Lost Girls", that tells the story five murdered prostitutes in New York State, in the year 2010. The killer has not been found. Mr. Kolker was particulary interested to find out that these prostitutes were "normal" people. He details that their mothers work at low-paying jobs. Their daughers decided not to take that route, preferring to be well-paid. He brings a compassionate perspective to prostitution in the Internet age. It is possible that Law Enforcement is to blame for the fact that the killer is still at large. A full investigation was not launched in a timely manner. I haven't bought the book yet, so I don't have details on that. Here is a recent interview which is just fascinating: http://us.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0oGdNXJSuRRGFgAydgPxQt.?p=the%20lost%20girls%20robert%20kolker&fr2=sb-top&hspart=FreeCause&hsimp=yhs-shopathome_001&type=100973&type_param=100973