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Posts posted by llort

  1. I doubt the majority of prostitutes have much of an "exit strategy". Sadly, many have substance problems or just don't have money skills. Some wind up in jail or rehab or the ones being trafficked get lucky and someone intervenes. Others aren't so lucky and their exit from the business is death. For every upper scale prostitute on the boards, there are probably many more on the low end that are just barely making it day to day.


  2. There is nothing more disgusting in the world except for maybe actual shit eating. There is no way I am going to tongue someone where they expel poop. I also do not want anything ever inserted in my ass either.


  3. Quite simply, I have no desire to ever let a male suck my cock and I do not want anything ever stuck up my ass. The only time a finger should ever even come close to my ass is for a prostate check and nothing else. Even if the hottest woman on the planet were to pull a finger wave, that would immediately cause my pecker to shrink smaller than a toothpick.
