Jez UaBriain

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Posts posted by Jez UaBriain

  1. On 7/25/2020 at 8:57 PM, fork said:

    Bite your tongue, Pfunk!

    No, she said, let ME bite your tongue.

    And then she proceeded to do so, first with humor and tenderness, then more aggressively, like a dog who had not eaten in a week. Soon she was on top of me, sucking my face with ferocious energy that she had not experienced since her first true love. But I turned the tables, as I knew she really wanted me to take charge. Pinning her fragile arms to her sides, I pushed her down and thrust my my weight on top of her. She squealed with delight and, perhaps a little bit of fear.

    What transpired next was a passionate coupling that neither of us had experienced, at least not in this lifetime. Our bodies entwined for what seemed like hours, but was actually exactly 59 minutes as I am not one to overstay my welcome, and my perfect internal clock would not allow me to take advantage of this woman. Even though she wanted me to, she wanted me to stay forever. I knew that this moment could only be reproduced in dreams, and it was all the more precious for being finite.

    As I stood up over the remains of our ravaged bed, she shrieked and begged of me ...

    "Please bite my tongue again, DemureMormon!" 

    But I had to go. The world is large and its women, insatiable. I had many things to do.

    omg, I swear that guy (Demure Morman)had to be a fan of those pulp romance novels.  That dude was hopeless.......

    I always liked reading Sexy Sadie 's posts. And Beverly Fisher is a incredibly talented writer and other things.



  2. This will be my pup', Eli'a first 4th of July. He likes cbd oil. My late great hound Mollie didn't like fireworks much. She would tolerate them if I kept her  happy on her cbd oil. If you have to stay at home folks oil is the way to go. It makes this holiday more bearable for our 4-legged babies.


  3. On 4/10/2019 at 7:05 PM, Vassago said:

    What are you drinking?

    Rum and coke.

    Bartender, get me a rum and coke and get this bitch a water.

    Guaranteed you’ll go far in life with that line. As in “far to many lonely nights sleeping alone.”



  4. Your right, looking your own mortality in the face is sobering ... But here is one thing that really helped me through a serious illness a few years back. I never once entertained the the thought that it could kill me.  I knew it was possible, just not to me.  So even when the medication makes you feel like death already came to you .... keep your attitude above ground  Good , healthy optimism is sometimes the best medicine one can have.  And stop by here once in awhile and let us know how your doing.  Good luck sir🍀☘️


  5. Oh boy, "my house,my rules" H.H states.  Sir, do you realize how totalitarian that comes across.  I can only speak for myself here, but if both wife number one, and the potential wife number two are earning paychecks , and there for contributing to the household(s);  the my house I make the rules bullshit is problematic. Tread carefully with that attitude.Both women could decide to put their brains together and gang up on you. And two pissed off wives would be far worse then one. As I said sir, good luck , you will definitely need it.🍀🍀


  6. To the op concerning the future ,would -be wife number two. You need to remember that when you meet somebody in the beginning (as it was with wife number one) that there is that period of infatuation and lust. It passes with time. You also need to consider any age discrepancies between you ,wife number one and wife number two. Polygamy can work, I've seen this. But you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see what problems could arise in the situation that you are talking about.

    In order for a polygamist marriage to work, those who are involved have got to like each other. And I'm not talking sexually here I'm talking about in the human factor of personalities.and it sounds like you will have some real issues here. Your wife number one, sounds like her feelings are stepped on here. And you've also got your respective families to consider. I don't think I'd jump into this right away I think the I would continue to see your current lust on the sly. And really think this one through with your big brain not your little guy's head.  You seriously need to put deep thought into this. Many guys have a hard time keeping one woman happy and you've already pissed off wife number one. So good luck to you sir, you're going to need it.


  7. 6 hours ago, acmb2017 said:

    This is wrong on many levels. Worst is he knows who he is and probably will change his handle regardless at this point. I hope he is caught whatever handle he uses by the ladies.

    Well then, there will be no pussy for this dude either. Plain and simple. We ladiesdottend to warn our sisters.  As it should be.


  8. Ya’all enjoy yourselves. No holiday for jez. I am working a double shift at my real life job.  But it’s ok,  I don’t have any family that give a shit so I might as well be making  money.  ☘️


  9. From a recent thread on our pets( thanks to the op). Anyway up pops this question,. Do cats fart? We do know that there are pussy farts, but that is a different kind of critter ( in keeping to the nature of these forums). But I really do wanna know if cats fart. I can’t recall any cat i’ve Had ever cutting one.   We know that dogs are prolific fart-masters. But cats?  Answers?


  10. 22 hours ago, tide32 said:

    I've got an American Bulldog. He's 110lbs of nasty if he doesn't know you or 110lbs of love if he does. He's bossy, sneaky, likes to sleep with his butt in my face and my best friend. :wub:

    And from what I know of bulldogs , they are at the top of their class in farts. Regular fart- masters aren’t they? Although wolfhounds do pretty dang good in that department.     


  11. I have a big dog. She is big enough to qualify for her own seat, so I drive a quad  cab p/up. I will stop at home and pick her up at home before I go grocery shopping. She likes to watch people and that is what she does while I am in the store. I take her with me as much as I can. I hike, she likes. For me, it is a win/ win situation. Talk a co- dependency.. I have always had a dog. I will always have a dog.They are family. 

    I like cats too. I don't have one currently  but when I do they are with me till they pass away animals in my life. All of my critters stay with me to the end of their lives. There are not "throw away pets in my life". For me having a life without four ,furry, paws is not feasible. Won't happen, 'nuff said.🍀


  12. 7 hours ago, Desperado said:

    I too feel a little strange when someone thanks me for my service.  I enlisted in the Army for reasons that are still unclear.  During my time in I travelled the world, met some of he best people I’ve ever known and some of the worst.  I’ve jumped out of airplanes at night, slept in the open in freezing rain, had crazy fun,

    learned a foreign language, received numerous commendations and one letter of reprimand.  I also was in the best shape of my life.  I never saw combat, but was deployed to some really bad areas as a peacekeeper for the UN. It completely changed my life and I’m incredibly grateful I did it , but I would never do it again.  The one thing I never felt it was though, was “service”.     I was paid to do a job and I did it. It’s not that I am ungrateful for the thanks that I occasionally receive, I am absolutely 1000% appreciative of that.  It just feels like people are thanking me for a noble sacrifice when at the time it was just me trying to figure out life.  That being said...Thank you to all my fellow veterans and thank you to everyone who is willing to take the time to be appreciative!

    Desparodo, maybe I can give you a different perspective. Many people, if they weren't forced to by the draft,go into the armed services to figure out what they are going to do for the rest of their lives. However, even though you may have served during non- war years, the strong possibility to be called up to give the ultimate sacrifice to protect the people,and this great country- Is  a possibility. Fortunately,it didn't happen to you. But once you enlist, your life is forfeit until you get your discharge papers. So , thank you for your service. 


  13. The other day I was at a Lowes in Aurora. Up in the front parking area ,next to the disabled parking were two parking spaces that said," Veteran Only". I thought that was pretty dang cool. So to all you ladies and gentlemen who have served the people of this country ,a heart felt---Thank you for your service!

    🇺🇸 🍀 🇺🇸 🍀 🇺🇸 🍀 🇺🇸 🍀 🇺🇸 🍀 🇺🇸
