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About XXX Kat

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    Welcome Me

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    Northern Colorado

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  1. Cali Rose *

    Cali is recovering quite well. And is beyond grateful for everyone.
  2. Cali Rose *

    Thank you everyone! Seriously this is a blessing for her
  3. Cali Rose *

    She is having me collect donations due to the fact that she has a concussion and can’t remember any of her login information to her $ apps. So I have been helping her with everything. She is doing much better. I’m very thankful my friend is alive. Thank you everyone for your support.
  4. Cali Rose *

    I’m writing this on behalf of Cali Rose… She has been in the hospital since Christmas Eve. She just got out of ICU a few days ago. However, still in the hospital. She was trying to escape an abusive boyfriend. He found out she was staying at my place and found her. She jumped from the fourth story and has been suffering a number of severe injuries. I’m trying to figure out a way to get something set up as far as a go fund me account to help her out. Feel free to DM me with any questions. Happy holidays Kat
  5. Colorado Dommes?

    Hey baby fyi there a few bdsm out there .