Mya Midnight

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About Mya Midnight

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    Learning My Way

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  1. Provider Pleasure

    I wholeheartedly agree! The pleasure received on both ends is radically amplified when there's a degree of chemistry. I've found the more one focuses on an orgasm, the less...orgasmic it is. When the experience is centered around mutual enjoyment and engagement, climax comes naturally and emphatically
  2. Bowing out gracefully

    Spice, sad to see you go. Your posts were witty and thoughtful! Many a heart button pressed when you posted. Not to make light of the serious underlying issues regarding this thread but, if anyone needs a go to response for trolls, enjoy my favorite. This must be the "insight" my dear friend Riggo was referring to
  3. is Doomsday coming?

    This sounds like some mafia sh*t! Truly disheartening, we have to deal with enough stigma from the rest of the world.
  4. Stuck. The question for the guys.

    I know this is a question just for the boys, but, I can't help myself. I think you should see whomever you want whenever you want, but the reality of the situation is, we all have lives and schedules and on top of that, shit happens. Sometimes, your car breaks down, sometimes a blizzard hits and you can't get to your rendezvous. Sure, see plan B, but if you find that person that you "REALLY" want to see, don't give up. Trust your gut, in my humble opinion, its generally worth it.
  5. Am I the only one?

    Thanks for the insider tip, really good to know!! Yea that "please hold" bit feels kind of like an advertisement/name drop as well...
  6. Am I the only one?

    If you don't mind me asking, what are your qualms with google voice? Curious if its a security problem... thanks babe!
  7. Throwback Thursday Homage to Ruth Brown

    She is such a boss, swoon.
  8. Throwback Thursday Homage to Ruth Brown

    Speaking of euphemisms, one of my all time favorite songs that I first heard off the salacious compilation The Copulation Blues. Enjoy
  9. Ladies that aren't reference friendly.

    Thank you Spice, such an important point. Safety and solidarity y'all! I also think its, ehem, interesting that a provider might expect her client to be monogamous with her considering most of us are... polyamorous

    Not a great day for vegetarian lesbians eh?
  11. No-Show/No Contact

    Yes please! This is a tad off topic but SWOP Denver does have a bad date list, NC/NS doesn't apply to this particular forum but I think it would be great if we had a place to share that kind of information. Listserv ladies? You know where to find me...
  12. The Millennial Mishaps of Mya Midnight

    Instagram isn't broken, we've just "broken the internet" as they say. I might not know how to balance a champagne flute on my caboose (Kim Kardashian reference if y'all missed that) but I'm breaking the internet with the quality, not quantity, of my one instagram follower...
  13. The Millennial Mishaps of Mya Midnight

    I love how the next generation is going to be getting all nostalgic about smart phones and self driving cars...
  14. The Millennial Mishaps of Mya Midnight

    First of all I am so sorry that happened to you! Not much is safe anymore since the (western) world is being revamped in a way that makes it nearly possible for us to live without technology. A friend of mine was hacked and it is terrifyingly easy. The event definitely urged me to up my Internet privacy game.