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About gr8horse

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    Prodigious understanding of TOB principles
  • Birthday 10/16/1950

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  1. Teasers or Pleasers?

    I clearly understand why some workers are more comfortable dancing as opposed to escorting. One is fully legal and for an unknown reason carries less social stigma. I on the other hand I. have more respect for those that deliver more than just an illusion I don't feel like there is dishonesty with those that simply choose to dance....the game is well understood on both sides. I just think that those that deliver more than just the illusion are perhaps more honest with themselves. JMO
  2. Downloading porn for free

    In my view this journey is neither a sprint or a marathon it has everything to do with keeping the trip interesting. That I am certain is different for everyone. That is where the magic lies.
  3. You can call me anytime!

    Yeah very much water under the bridge. I in fact spent some time considering whether or not she was genuine in her statement about calling her "anytime" and just assumed after that I had mis -read the whole thing. No harm done aside from a small amount of damage to a quite fragile ego at the time. The rough patch involved my wife leaving me my best dog ever asking me to put her down and losing a very good job in the span of about two weeks. I now often say I still miss my dog. She was the best. She spilled blood more than once for my safety. There will never be another like her.
  4. You can call me anytime!

    I learned a valuable lesson many years ago regarding off time chit chat. I booked time with an awesome provider I haven't seen her post for quite sometime by the way. I was in a bit of a rough patch and we spent quite some time discussing this downturn. She was empathetic and in fact helped ad some clarity in my life. When I left she stated more than once if I wanted to call and just chat she would love it Even indicated it would have nothing to do with an appt. I called sometime later and she was more than a little short and terse upon discovering that my call was a social one. Since then I have never made that assumption again. No matter how well the appt. goes we are involved in a business contract. Often at least for myself a very enjoyable one I might add.
  5. Question about time and minutes

    I have always assumed my time starts when I walk through the door. If I arrive late due to my lack of planning I assume time starts at the agreed to hour. If we agree to a 3 o'clock appt tome starts at 3 unless provider pushes time back then it is at first hello. JMO
  6. It would only be polite to ask "would you like another cup of tea?" Hehehehe
  7. Cut The Chit-Chat

    It is apparent to me that what is being marketed in this industry is not a commodity but an experience. One that is unique in someways due social bias etc. but that aside not so different than a massage a pedicure or any number of personal services. The simple fact that marketing is involved clearly implies that selling and purchasing is the end goal. It has become very apparent that there exists a wide range of choices in terms of how that marketing is done. I would venture to submit that the mere fact that all of us post on this site is a result of us marketing ourselves in someway. I have some hope that if I need some street cred my posts here will give the impression that I am a thoughtful person that has learned to choose my words wisely and well thought out. I can only believe that providers post in order to create some name recognition and perhaps create some sense of who they are. Otherwise it would be a huge waste of very precious time. One somewhat loquacious and sometimes vociferous contributor has posted over 2350 times since becoming a member, at (just guessing) 5 minutes per post, which may or may not include reading time is nearly 200 hours spent. It seems like some may use their time posting on a forum as a means of marketing and others may take a few minutes here and there to chit chat. Nothing wrong with either strategy in my humble opinion.
  8. Cut The Chit-Chat

    I would suggest that the above is the brilliant answer. Scarlett I am going to guess that you kicked some serious ass in the corporate world before the frustration and BS took u away from it. I like the way you think. I might just ad that had the OP used a term other than chit chat to describe time wasting it would likely be a much different thread. Likely not as active or as controversial but very different. Perhaps she was intentional with that rhetoric. If she was she was genius, because this has been the hottest thread in a long time
  9. Cut The Chit-Chat

    Now that is funny shit right there. See you have established that you have a sense of humor. That is a big deal for success in any walk of life
  10. Cut The Chit-Chat

    I think we all agree that time wasters are just that..... Time wasters! They likely know who they are and I would expect that with a bit of experience providers can fairy quickly weed them out as well. The crux of this appears to me.... Or at least my question has to do with... is some polite and reasonable exchange(tire kicking as it were) acceptable? Some of us know we are buying just looking for the right model and the best time to pull the trigger. For me this hobby has always been a very timing driven venture. I might also ad that for me a bit of tete-a-tete is somewhat important for discovering the best model. I hearken back to the old days when there were no photos no reviews and our only link was a bit of a phone conversation. Our phone manner both client and provider was quite critical to getting anything set up.
  11. Cut The Chit-Chat

    To take this analogy one step further. I sell widgets and my customers have a choice of buying one of these from any number of widget makers. I engage in some chit chat with these potential buyers on a daily basis. Sometimes I get the sale sometimes I do not, but the one constant is that the better job I do of presenting myself as the best option the better chance I have of getting and retaining that customer. It would be far more efficient time wise if my incoming message indicated that if you don't a known order date and qty "please call back when u have it all together. Efficient but not very effective.
  12. Cut The Chit-Chat

    A few months felt like a long time to me. So nothing close to years. And yes I graciously accept the fact that if I am trying to book on relatively short notice my chances are greatly diminished. My life in the larger perspective is not changed much based on whether or not my schedule collides or gels. Cold showers aren't much fun and not all that effective come to think of it, but it is sometimes the only answer.
  13. Cut The Chit-Chat

    When I make my first contact I seldom have an exact day or time that I would like to book. I contact a provider that I have decided I would like to visit when the opportunity arises. My first contact is to discover if the information I am able to provide is adequate for verification. I do try to be concise as I am cognizant of the time waster label. I never ask about services or amenities, it is important to know what area of the city the appt. will be held. Sometimes I get the impression that a provider is not interested unless I a good to go with time and date. However recently this question and subsequent conversation via text led to a great appt. Her sense of humor, flirtatious manner and her keeping the dialogue open led me to take some risk and sneak out of the office for a long lunch. My question is .... By in large is this proper protocol? Or should I be better prepared when making the first move. By the way thank you to one of the most respected providers on this site for remembering me and providing a reference long after I had seen her. Stellar!!
  14. Pro or Amateur photos?

    I like well done selfies or simple pro photo's. Over edited pro's make me suspect. In terms of selfies it sure helps if you pay attention to your surroundings before taking the pic. A bunch of clutter in the photo may indicate a lack of attention in other ways. Many of us recall a noteworthy selfie from backpage that may have included a quite visible deuce in the porcelain apperature close at hand. Could have gone a lifetime without seeing that. Nice clear photos not neccesarily professional are quite adequate.
  15. Expectations
