Cammy 916-xxx-9620's Profile

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Cammy 916-xxx-9620

(916) 561-9620


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
funtimes50 No 174 7/25/13
Seen on 7/25/13
Time: 45 min Location: BoulderIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Was up in Boulder looking for a connection. Checked BP and found Cammy. Called and she could see me. Gave me directions to her hotel that had me going the wrong way and turning across a divided highway, oh well. Maybe she is directionally challenged. Finally arrived and she asked me to meet her on the 4th floor lobby, by the elevators. No luck as there is no lobby on the 4th floor, only rooms. SO I walked the hallway (real low key) until a door openned and she asked me in. Her pictures must have been taken in 2007 as she has "not missed any meals" lately. Probably 25+ lbs heavier than her pictures (BBW). We took care of the financial business and she took off her robe and crawled on the bed. I explained that I would like a massage, but I'd be glad to give one first. She accepted & off I started. As I rubbed, she never said a word or made a sound. I checked eye contact a couple of times as I worked on her back and then her front, but it was clear she was counting the flowers on the ceiling. I asked if she was interested in DATY and she accepted. Again after 15 minutes, not a word or sound. She was looking out the window or at the ceiling. To say we didn't connect is inadequate. She was not the least bit interested or involved. I'm going to stop there as anything else I might write would just be mean spirited. I will not be back.