Francesca-9718's Profile

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(720) 254-0502


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (4)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
tcunninglingst Yes 3 6/5/12
Seen on 6/6/12
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Francesca has just moved back to Denver and is in the hobby only part time. I can say is...OMG I am so happy she is available. Francesca is just what I always hope to get when I set up an appointment (which was very easy to do by the way). She treated me like a boyfriend she could not get enough of! She greeted me at the door in a very nice nite-gown with a kiss that was very welcoming, warm, and delicious. Then we kissed some more... We proceeded to the bedroom and exchanged a few plesantries and more kisses. She was determined to make sure I had a good time and seemed to be quite into everything herself. What each guy likes in terms of body type etc is up to them, Francesca is certainly not a spinner-type, and her pictures do not do her justice. she has very pretty face, young, short and just overall quite sexy for the voluptuous type. Treat her nice and she will provide a great experience. This lady really Roxs We engaged in all of the activities above and I believe she throughly enjoyed them as much as i did. Honestly I don't see how you can go wrong with this girl - I will be back for sure. Thanks Francesca!!

lovethisstuff Yes 5 12/12/11
Seen on 12/13/11
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Chatted with Francesca for a very long time, but she no longer lives in Denver, so had to wait until her visit her to get to hook up. We met for a cocktail and chatted for about an hour, getting to know one another better. She is articulate, intelligent and fun to talk to, but I was really ready for a more private encounter, so we moved to her motel room. All of the activities listed above were done with skill and enthusiasm and she seemed as into it as I was! We had a great time. I am really looking forward to her next visit here!

springssailor Yes 63 10/21/07
Seen on 10/22/07
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I met Francesca in chat and was able to email back and forth with her several times before setting an appointment. Francesca is a younger lady than I normally visit, but I was impressed with her wit and she struck me as being quite a bit more mature than her age would imply. Setting up the appointment was quite easy... she lives in Northern Denver, but getting to her place was straightforward. After arriving with candy and wine, we made our way up to her bedroom. Activities listed above were participated in with gusto and abandon. In between the fun, I discovered a lady who has a brain, and is very focused. I always love it when my big head can be involved in all the stimulation... ;) Be aware that Francesca has a life (don't all the ladies actually?) outside of this hobby... advanced planning definitely can result in positive performance.

flyfisher No 4 10/18/07
Seen on 10/19/07
Time: Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: Out-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: met in chat , supposed to be a new girl , another hobbiest said she looked familar couldnt be sure .said buisness is really slow needs some reviews . I hate taking one for the team but decided alright I will help out . She only does outcalls so I arrange a Saturday time , she calls uo and says she was in car accident and car is ruined , doesnt have a car cant make it , ok , I can understand . Then later in the week she says do you want to try again I say sure . She calls and confirms the afternoon of apointment , then 1 1/2 hour before appointment gets on line and says her roomate now says it is to far for her to drive her car , fine I say I will come get you or meet you in a closer location , great she says I will call you back in ten minutes . She has a real slow watch still hasnt called back . I go on bears 5 minutes after she said ok I will call you back in 10 , There she is posting availability for my time period , so it is obvious the writing is on the wall , she has a car and is just doing a no show , no return call canceling , nothing , well guys the ol Fly says once is a mistake but to no show twice and not call or anything , well , the hobby doesnt need this type of behavior.