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ISO Western Slope Talent

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I moved to the Western Slope (Delta- Montrose area) last year. Looking for any under the radar talent.  We have one AMP in town that leaves much to be desired.  Thanks!


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As a frequent visitor to GJ.... I've had a few inquiries for montrose but not consistently enough to go.. small towns are hard.... I've heard there's a couple ladies that do visit from gents but I didn't ask who they were! I hope you can find something to entertain you! GJ might be worth the drive 😊


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Thanks Megan. I was in GJ today and struck out which is par for the course here.


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36 minutes ago, inkspot said:

Thanks Megan. I was in GJ today and struck out which is par for the course here.

Bummer I love GJ but I've only been there once.  Great town.


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2 hours ago, inkspot said:

Thanks Megan. I was in GJ today and struck out which is par for the course here.

That sucks! I hope you have better luck next time!


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