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purchasing Viagra on-line

35 posts in this topic

@bobcat ....

Yeah they come from the UK, and I get them within 7 to 10 days


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Nothing to be embarrassed about ... Many factors associated with ED ... Could be Sleep Apnea, Inactivity, being over weight, etc ...

Growing up in Japan has made me more open to things I guess. Good Luck .... I'm having fun so ....


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Flanker is absolutely correct. I asked my doc about Sildenafil 20mg pills for pulmonary arterial hypertension recently saying I had read online it was much cheaper than Viagra. This Sildenafil is generic for Revatio. She wrote me a script for (10) tablets with five refills without question for it with ED as the reason, not pulmonary arterial hypertension. I had it filled at my local Safeway. With them using their discount card my cost for the (10) tabs was $12.14. My price from Canada Drugs for (4) 100mg tabs of Viagra that does indeed say Canada on the package, not some third world country, has been $79.80 which I cut into quarters and take one quarter before activity. So the Sildenafil is $1.21 a session vs $4.99 for the Viagra I get form Canada. A very nice savings! Thanks to Flanker for the info.


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while most don't have the analytical resources that I do, I recently tested a US made (Phizer) and an Indian made both 100mg Viagra using USP monographs and a pharmaceutical IR spectrum and found no significant differences other than about a 40% concentration difference in the Indian Viagra vs the US Viagra. The cost with insurance for the US based was 14.00 vs the 0.95 for the Indian product. Incidentally the binder seemed to be virtually the same. For what it is worth this was only 1 US vs 1 Indian product, so statiscally who the hell knows!


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So, for the sake of someone who has no prescription (i.e. no UK or Canadian sites) and who will not pay tons of $$$ for a doctor's visit and the real deal, could someone share with me a good source of good old generic (probably from India) Viagra? For the record, I ordered a good bit from a "Canadian" site that didn't require a prescription about three years ago, it came to me from India, and it worked great, for not a lot of money. Unfortunately, I have run out and I did not keep the ordering information It may not be pure, but it sure did the trick. Anyone willing to help out a fellow old guy?


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