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Newbie gets Ripped Off by Sandy 720..3919

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Vicki and Sandy share a posting on BP with the option of both ladies or just 1. Sandy came to my room. We got caught up on business, and she said she was going to the car to lock it up and get her bag.


The BP ad read: 2 HOT Independent Godesses BLONDE & REDHEAD Tone Outcall FUN! - 23

After patiently waiting for 30 minutes, I texted her number. The other girl, Victoria answered. At first she thought I was an inquiring guest (around 12:45am). Soon we established that I was trying to reach Sandy, who had walked out.

Victoria showed concern. Saying things like, "she is not like that at all". But, Victoria was having trouble finding her. Later at 1:45 Sandy had been found. An emergency situation had come up and she had to take off very quickly. That was a relief.

I was even more relieved when Victoria wrote: "

I will have her contact you tomorrow or I will. I will get your key and money back". Ending the conversation with (at 2:00 am, mind you the appointment was for 11:30p) "

I know you may have doubts but I will let you know what is happening and get you your money. I am sure she feels bad about that already.when she hung up with me she said i left my guy i left him he probably hates me now. Now that I have chatted with you I know what she means"

So, today around 6pm I reached out to see if everything was OK. The recipient of the text went through the usual customer inquiry steps. It took some reminding about the situation, but her memory eventually was refreshed. But still the question: "so do you want to see me?" kept coming up. To which I asked: "do I have a credit"?

"NO" is what she replied.

That's interesting because I was assured I would be repaid, when she wrote the night before:

"I do not fib. I would rather tell the truth. it all comes around in a vicious circle"

Having an appointment at 11:30 and then staying in touch through the process of frantically trying to find her friend/partner until 2am. It was really sweet to hear so much reassurance that everything would work out. In hind sight, for swearing she was soooo honest, I wish she had been. That way if she had written me: Go F' Off, You've Been HAD SUCKER... I could have at least gotten some rest and not worried (and she would have been... honest).

Anyways... I'm an idiot. But, I'd recommend not seeing Vicki and Sandy.


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Vicki and Sandy share a posting on BP with the option of both ladies or just 1. Sandy came to my room. We got caught up on business, and she said she was going to the car to lock it up and get her bag.


Anyways... I'm an idiot. But, I'd recommend not seeing Vicki and Sandy.

Vicki: 720-307-3885 / Sandy: 720-307-3919

Edited by Kaduk

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...Anyways... I'm an idiot. But, I'd recommend not seeing Vicki and Sandy
Maybe, maybe not an idiot, but one thing you want to do (if you haven't already) is write a review. The main reason is not to vent, but this thread will be on Page 2 very shortly and forgotten. Chalk it up to an expensive learning experience, research best you can with ladies with no reviews and move on!

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Vicki: 720-307-3885 / Sandy: 720-307-3919


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