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SOWET users beware.

33 posts in this topic

... R.T. has very few friends on this board. I doubt very many will offer to open their wallet for him. His new site, 5080 Spas, contained many of his rants. His posts practically dared the Feds to take action against him. Looks like he got his wish.



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I do not recall that he posted any reviews with graphic details. I think he mainly indicated that he was given a massage.


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How cute! All the Monday morning wannabe lawyers showed up. The legal system is NOT about the LAW. It IS about ECONOMICS. If LE wants to nail you, they are going to nail you, period. Guess what? Nailing you is not about successfully prosecuting you; it's about bankrupting you. That's how we won the Cold War. Yes, you can exercise your "rights" as so many here claims you have. But you fuckin' better have the bank account to do so. Otherwise, you're invoking 'rights' your wallet can't cash. So if LE has a goal in mind, they don't care about 'rights', especially in a Post 9/11 world. They will achieve it, hook or by crook. The only ones who win in this scenario are lawyers. And good luck in getting a lawyer to sue a government agency for violations of their 'rights'. In fact, let's apply another field of Economics to this realm, Game Theory. The Feds are going to make this man's life hell. So much so, they're going to say, "So tell me about so and so". And you know who fuckin "so and so" is. The accused is going to see this as a win-win situation for himself: I can take some of the heat off me while at the same time delivering my enemy to the Feds. Think really hard about what this means. The reason LE is going after this type of crime is because of the federal stay that Holder put on asset seizures related to suspected drug crimes. Many states, municipalities, courts are following suit. However, none of these institutions are abating assets seizures related to these types of scenarios here, because not only are there less legal repercussions, but the accused simply does not have same financial and legal backing as a same-level drug trafficker. You THINK you know how the system works, but unless you're LE, DA or you have ABT, 211, etc. tattooed on your body somewhere, YOU DON"T KNOW SHIT!

The legal system is partly about the law. You are right that much about the legal system is government power and economics. In this situation, Sowet better have deep pockets to fight these charges. The Feds may have already seized assets depriving him of the ability to defend himself. Sowet provided a website that met a demand. I do not know if he is guilty of the charges (I suspect the charges are trumped up), but at least most of the activity facilitated by his website was consensual and victimless.


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