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  1. Newbie here - but not totally inexperienced. This screening business is hard work! I don't mean Provider screening Hobbyists (a whole other Oprah), I mean Hobbyists screening Providers. I can't help but notice some review chains start out glowing, then devolve into "Rip Off", "No", "No Show", etc. I'm learning to check the reviewer's details, like when did they join (day before the review?), how many reviews have they written (many or just one), do they just review the same 4-5 Providers? Sometimes the review language is very similar to their others (how many ATFs can you have, dude?). I even noticed one Provider on my wish list with several reviews whose picture and stats suddenly changed into a very different woman; it's almost funny to read the old descriptive reviews while looking at the profile's new stats. I'm so glad TOB has many data points to work with. It's still an adventure, of course. "It's a dangerous business going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to"