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Found 1 result

  1. Closest Calls with LE

    Been a while since I logged in, but I always enjoyed reading about the close calls with law enforcement in the context of the hobby. So in that spirit, I'm hoping some of the board veterans may rehash their close calls (if any). Yeah, I know it's fairly old territory, but it can't hurt to ask. As for me, this board (over many years) really helped me cope with my wife's unending lack of affection. My absence has been caused by my wife's return to me, so to speak. She has slowly but surely come back to my arms on a fairly consistent basis. I don't write this to gloat, because I know that so many guys are in emotional pain with their wives ignoring them. People like the intelligent, intuitive, and lovely Melissa Sterling, who I never met, was kind enough to correspond with me. Thank you, Melissa. To Ink Spot, your wisdom and friendship is/was much appreciated. Believe me, I know the pain of so many on this board. For a decade, I knew your pain. I say to you: Things can turn around. Hope is a good thing. Meanwhile, these ladies saved me, giving me a reasonable facsimile of affection. For that, I am grateful. Will my wife's mojo continue? I'm not naive enough to believe it will, but again, I can hope. Making "love" is quite a bit better than pure sex, but either one is better than nothing.