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  1. Was just thinking about my bad issue with a provider, and looking back on a variety of posts from clients and providers regarding the work/intimacy/relationships thing. I think that sex work has been loosely compared to counseling, therapy, client/attorney privileges, doctor/patient, teacher/student, and other important relationships. If sex work took on the same type of importance, shouldn’t there be some code of ethical conduct that sex workers should follow? And some form of governing board that establishes appropriate conduct for being a sex worker? Among many protections and requirements, one rule would be to not take advantage of clients, or to refrain from entering into “emotionally intimate” involvement with clients such that would lead to reasonable clients believing there was a “real” relationship and performing actions under such pretense. This is what resulted in my disappointment, frustration, anger, and hurt. She had told me she loved me, and we carried on in many ways like a relationship would; however, unfortunately there were many other men she seemed to be leading one - one of them I even encountered and she is likely still fleecing him. Would you agree that it is wrong for providers to manipulate clients this way? Don’t need to hear the obverse because I do believe it is wrong for clients to also manipulate (or try to manipulate) providers.