So, I was watching a National Geographic program on the 'net tonight in their Taboo series about prostituition. And of course it seemed a bit biased towards prostitution as they mainly showed the hard side of this trade.
It started with a third-world country at the beginning of the show. This covered a larger portion of the documentary then did any other segment.Then they went on with a small bit about a high-end brothel in Australia where the ladies all professed to love their jobs. In the next part, a porn-view site called where a guy doesn't pay to have sex,but is viewed while doing the deed over live feed. I will say they did show a tasteful done bit about a man in a wheelchair visiting a brothel in Holland. That did show us in a more favorful light. But then, here they go on showing the street walking hard life in our capital of Washington DC. And very little about that was good, if anything at all.
It seems that we will always be branded with -not good, tainted, perverse, and as less then normal human beings by programs about the act of prostitution. There was nothing in this documentary about those of us who are willing, free-lancers of the trade. The web has made this a lucrative,safer way to make a livable wage in todays uncertain economy for many of us women. And I have met many fine sisters while doing this that I admire, respect and consider them to be my friends, and peers.
I just wish that once the documentarys would show this side of our history. Showing the side that has American females who actually don't feel denigrated, and really do like doing this-willingly. Just saying.......