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Everything posted by 2Big

  1. To all the Dads

    Maybe if you were a better husband, your wife wouldn't need to "beat up" on you.
  2. Switch to Chrome, Opera, or Firefox. Problems solved. Who even uses IE9 these days?
  3. You are certainly welcome on this board, keep in mind, though, that most escorts and hobbyists tend to not want to mix dating and escorting. Is there, on occasion, overlap between the two? Sure. It's really up to you, and how well you handle these issues, whether you want to blur the two.
  4. http://therumpus.net/2012/06/paying-to-play-interview-with-a-john/ Comes complete with a picture of pfunk.
  5. Using an iPad to post reviews.

    The site isn't very well designed for smart phones. It needs to be designed "dynamically", so it reformats upon detecting access via a smart phone or tablet. Come on, people, it's the 21 century.
  6. never been called.....

    Lol, too funny how people try to mangle and wrestle the language into something that suits their opinion. I don't need videos by some Russian stripper to know what the term burly means, and it sure as hell doesn't mean "fit and chiseled". It's an old-fashioned term that nobody uses anymore (so if your provider used it, well, that tells me something about her age). It refers to men who have muscles but are also "big" (as in "soft in the middle"). Think of retired policemen who are often muscular but also have a gut.
  7. never been called.....

    Boohoo. Look who's insecure now.
  8. never been called.....

    Nobody is insecure. What is being pointed out is that the term "burly" carries the same meaning as the term "pleasingly plump". And we all know what THAT means.
  9. never been called.....

    It means you're a fat slob. Start dieting and exercising.
  10. The point is not "sexy pics". The point is that someone not posting pictures in a situation where visuals are important is basically telegraphing his/her intent to deceive. In this day and age there is absolutely no reason to not post a picture. None. Whatsoever. Excuses are just that: excuses. The same situation applies in the "real world": If a person on a dating site is not willing to share a pic it means that they have something to hide. I learned this lesson the hard way, after exchanging many emails with folks who claimed to be "attractive", only to wonder why they had sent their moms/older sisters to the date. These things require absolute ruthlessness and brutality: No pic? No thanks!
  11. Am I the only one who is terribly annoyed at folks who use their phones to film porn but are too stupid to turn the damn thing 90 degrees, so you end up with a "vertical" movie? Let me say this again: yes, your iphone does hd movies, but TURN THE DAMN THING 90 DEGREES.
  12. Am I the only one who finds fake orgasm and sexual arousal sounds annoying as hell? I mean, ok, you're bored, you're doing this for the money. I'm fine with that. Just deliver the services I paid for, and if you want to read your phone messages or play Angry Birds on your iphone while I'm plowing you from behind. No problem. But, please, no more yelping and whimpering like a chihuahua who's about to get his nutsack cut off.
  13. I once was at an appointment, dog comes into the room and takes a shit in the corner.
  14. Which poster is at the top of the heap in terms of numbers of infractions?
  15. Wait, what? Someone invented the internet? When did that happen?
  16. Handguns with you

    I have the feeling this really isn't about guns at all, amirite?
  17. Handguns with you

    @Jennifer What you presented is anecdotal evidence. But, maybe you're right, next time I go to Walmart, I'm packin' my M16. You never know. There might be Taliban hiding behind the meat freezer. The evidence that concealed carry laws significantly reduce crime is at best mixed. Correlation and causation are difficult to sort out and require a considerable degree of heavy statistical lifting. See here, for example: http://www.sj-r.com/top-stories/x1526463189/Concealed-carry-laws-Experts-debate-impact?zc_p=0
  18. Handguns with you

    My point is that the quote suggests that Hitler came to power by disarming Germans. This is clearly an ignorant argument. Secondly, the quote suggests a comparison between Weimar Germany and the United States today This is also a stupid comparison. Nobody is threatening to take over anything. As Ive said before, the NRA used to be concerned with sports shooting and hunting, now it has been taken over by THE CRAZY.
  19. Handguns with you

  20. Handguns with you

    "Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies) is an observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990 that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes some comparison to Hitler and the Nazis."
  21. Handguns with you

    So, now I'm a communist just because I don't want some fool popping off left and right?
  22. Handguns with you

    A well trained German shephard is going to be on top of you so fast, you won't even have time to go for your "piece". As for George Zimmermann: Zimmermann shot an unarmed teenager, whether he was justified in doing so is for the courts to sort out. I have no opinion one way or the other. Whatever happens in court, the fact is that Zimmermann's life is ruined. Even if does not get prison time, he will have to stay in hiding for the rest of his life. Had he simply snapped out of his "urban revenge cop vigilante" fantasy and done what he was instructed to do (back off and let the cops handle things), he would be in an infinitely better place and Trayvon Martin would still be alive.
  23. Handguns with you

    And you figure wrongly. My argument is that a gun belongs in the hand of professionals licensed and trained to deploy a firearm: law enforcement, military, other gov. agencies, etc.