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About Ski2000

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    Welcome Me
  1. Acronym help

    Thank you. In that case, i like ss in both the clinical and hoo haw sense.
  2. Acronym help

    Been out of the hobby for a few years and the language changes. What is ss?
  3. Angela Aspen expose

    My point is that when we were together, she slurpped all over my cock and gave me a hell of ride. She ws vocal and way into it, lwhether faking or not. To compare this to rape tells me that she is one fucked up person. I hope ehe gets help.
  4. Angela Aspen expose

    I did see her a few times and enjoyed her. It is fun to look at her videos and think Hey I did that. The part that I take offense to is that her escorting was the same as rape except for the money. Hey ever here of CONSENT. i know Dhe has some serious issues but still take exception to this.
  5. Massage Parlors

    i have been gone from the hobby for a few years. I know that Sowet is gone. Is there a website that replaced Sowet and are the asian massge parlors still around?