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Everything posted by jj254-1

  1. 411 on Mia

    Shocked someone booked a 15 minute outcall. Not a critique. Just not expected.
  2. I posted it early. It's written into the first paragraph of each rebel state's declaration of independence. Saying it was about 'so much more' is rooted in the revisionist history that became popular around 1890. The rebel states literally spelled it out for us. It always amazes me that people are so dedicated to preconceived beliefs they will refuse to see the truth placed plainly in front of them. Those 25 this 20 that, they all relate back to the use of slaves. That's why it's 100% slaves.
  3. Between thinking it was racists who made the 'stars and bars' a hate symbol and thinking the North started the war, I'd say she doesn't know her history, and your knowledge seems suspect at this point as well. Slavery is wrong. Know what else is wrong? Waving around the flag of people who killed Americans in support of slavery.
  4. You keep using that revisionist language. The first battle, the 'start of the war', was the confederate bombardment of Ft. Sumter. The fort was manned by American Soldiers. I mean, a few minutes on wikipedia even...
  5. Retirement

    Never got the chance to meet you. Hope the next adventure is awesome. Good luck to ya.
  6. I mean, it's right in the first paragraph of each secessionist state's declaration of independence. " The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery. They have endeavored to weaken our security, to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility, and persistently refused to comply with their express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property, and by the use of their power in the Federal Government have striven to deprive us of an equal enjoyment of the common Territories of the Republic. " That's Georgia's. Wanna read more? Have a peek. It wasn't tariffs. It was slaves. They spelled it out for us and everything.
  7. The flag started out as the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. That army was raised specifically to kill American soldiers in order to ensure slavery continued as an institution. They wanted to be independent once Lincoln was elected because he had a favorable view of abolition. Racist people didn't contort the meaning of the flag, the revisionist revival circa 1890 attempted to portray it a 'southern pride'. They wrote glowing pieces about how 'noble' Robert Lee was, erected statues all over the south (once all the Jim Crow laws had successfully removed all those pesky non-whites from office). Those statues are the same ones folks are fighting over now in Virginia. The war wasn't for independence, it was for slavery. Those 'noble' confederates set out to kill American soldiers. They get no love from me.
  8. Little of column A, little of column B. Hard to like someone rocking the flag of men who set out to kill American soldiers for the right to enslave people based on skin tone.
  9. A lesson the Hateful Ladies and Men...

    He did. 3 year suspension. Got fired too. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
  10. Makes me wonder what would be a perfect review system?
  11. Maybe I'm trippin....

    This is a great answer. Also says 'I have no cash on me.'
  12. Lack of pricing

    Nothing's wrong with that. Also, plan for the highest price you saw. Be happy when you show up and it's lower.
  13. Incall....

    here's an older article with some good advice
  14. Triple the fun

    It's gonna need more than just girls who like girls. They need to like the specific girls in the room. I'd suggest starting with a provider who offers doubles and asking if she has a 3rd to invite.
  15. False References

    Lot of girls want that on first contact to prove you're serious. Your ad doesn't say it specifically. But I can see where someone would expect that to be required.
  16. False References

    Some ladies use the ok as a complete reference. Some don't. 6 months is arbitrary. But it's what they're comfortable with. I'll go ahead and bet if you have 40 oks, even 6 months old, you're gonna find someone who'll see you.
  17. $300 Massage

    I'd probably just get a legit massage at a chain shop and find a nice provider with the left over cash.
  18. False References

    Maybe not kosher to talk about, but I'm rarely asked for references. Few times I have been asked I've been booked for 'now' with no window to check em. So dudes offering fake ones probably getting away with it more often than not. I've always got my references handy. Big fan of the 'ok' system so I ain't gotta track down girls who might be taking a break. But there's an 'on paper' way this hobby is supposed to work. Rarely matches reality. Good on ya for checking, but you're in a shrinking minority.
  19. Rather disappointed

    A traveling girl comes to town and shits on the client base in a non-fetish fashion. I'm sure that'll make her next trip here better!
  20. References...

    Maybe switch over to that being your version of a reference?
  21. ID Rant

    Nah. Already explained my points. You either get it or you don't by now. Not gonna do this 5 year old 'but why but why' stuff. Have a nice day.
  22. ID Rant

    To make it work as a deadman switch, she's gotta save the info some place a 3rd party can access it easily.
  23. USHER has Herpes?¡?

    Maybe. Fucked up to expose someone without telling them first. Let them have informed consent.
  24. ID Rant

    Ain't a doctor. I know not to drink bleach. Suppose you'd wonder who I am to tell folks not to drink bleach, huh? It's elitist bullshit. You're letting your desperate need to be right on the internet blind you. I get it though. Seen plenty of your posts. You're pro-provider, but you define that as necessarily anti-client. Shame, too. You could be a powerful voice for improvement. Problem with self-proclaimed experts is a failure to intake information. You read every client post looking for the flaw, not the message. Gotta break out of that echo chamber. You wanna check IDs? Cool. Run your business how you see fit. Stop telling folks it keeps them safe though. It don't.
  25. ID Rant

    It is a myth. The kinda guy that wants to hurt a provider ain't gonna have any qualms about producing a fake ID. That don't help ladies. AT ALL. It makes them think they're 'safe' cause they got a picture of a driver license. That's a false security. It ain't nothing but a deadman switch. Makes girls complacent. Gonna do more harm than good in the long run. What's it matter to a dead girl if someone's chasing a murderer? She's still dead. Safe will be when it's legal. Til then, check references. Read up on their forum posts. Get some self defense stuff nearby. But don't think any ol DL is gonna keep you safe. It ain't nothing.