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Everything posted by inkspot

  1. No Second Chance for a First Impression

    I would have walked away. I too have made an appointment to drive to a location only to await further directions. Sometimes cell service is spotty depending on the carrier and you are unable to complete the call. That happened to me with a provider way east of C. Springs. It worked out that time. Another time it did not work out due to lack of cell service. We both were less than happy.
  2. Time off from work?

    You guys that are still working just remember, don't wait too long to do the things you want to do. Old age doesn't wait for anyone. I walked away from a high stress job 10 years ago and never looked back. I just got back from a fishing trip in the Wind River Range to recharge my batteries. Life is good. Don't be the richest man in the cemetery.
  3. Hawaii Vaction

    Stop in Oahu just long enough to change planes. It is like Denver surrounded by water. I vote for Kauai also.

    This is the one that instantly came to mind when I read the subject. Whew! That was an unforgettable image.
  5. cloudy head light lens

    I have tried many different products and ways to polish the headlights. Nothing lasts. Even the clear coat for plastic doesn't last long. Just pony up the money and buy Eagle Eyes headlights. They are available on eBay and will be the last headlights you buy. I just put a set on a neighbors Silverado.
  6. Simultaneously funny and disturbing

    Lol. Funny watching those two with the same temperament.
  7. Honesty in Reviews

    I quit writing reviews years ago also. Look at the number of positive reviews compared to the negative. Try to write anything other than a positive review, see how that works out. It is not worth it.
  8. Has anyone seen Lizzy?

    My thoughts.... $500 for a massage. No.
  9. Cursed Out

    I would thank my lucky stars if I had 3 babes to choose from my location. Lol.
  10. Cursed Out

    This is a subject that grinds my gears. I have been in the hobby for a long time. If there is 1 thing that irritates me the most, it is a provider that can't manage her time. I will wait 10 minutes past the appointment time, then I am gone. As long as I am venting... Ladies if I have scheduled and confirmed an appointment well in advance and you can't make it, have the courtesy to let me know you can't make the appointment. Recently I scheduled an appointment days in advance with a provider on tour. 2 hr before the appointment I called for the location. "Oh, I hurt my ...... and won't be there". I live 2 hr from the nearest town large enough to attract a provider. If I had driven 2 hr then learned you couldn't make it, I would have been pis*ed.
  11. Keeping rescheduling

    Yep. Happened to me last week. Found out 2 hr before the appt. Stuff happens....
  12. The white stuff

    I thought this topic was going to be about the first snow of the season. Boy, was I wrong.
  13. Western Slope

    This is true. I have to make a trip to Grand Junction to see the 1 provider that advertises consistently. Her time management skills are lacking, ie., a 10 AM appointment will be 10:30 or 11 AM. But… that is all we have.
  14. Oui

    Don’t let Monday spoil your Sunday.
  15. Ball Busting - Swing away

    Years ago a high school classmate I grew up with came into my office for treatment. He had been kicked in the balls. Later that day his wife came into the office to be treated for a black eye. I wonder what happened.
  16. Fish Tank

    How did you keep the Arowanna in the tank? Those damn things get out through the smallest opening. I would find one on the floor the next morning. Expensive lesson.
  17. Fish Tank

    The key to successful aquariums is the filter you select and must maintain. A excellent quality air pump is also a necessity. Once you get the tank balanced, once a week maintenance will keep the fish happy and the water clear. The big thing is don't over feed the fish. I used to have 37 tanks at on time.
  18. Colorado Springs

    Try or for additional listings for the desired area. Good luck.
  19. What are your favorite car shows in the US

    My favorite is the Early Iron Festival in Alamosa over Labor Day weekend. It attracts car enthusiasts not only from Colorado but also surrounding states. Hotels fill up as do most campgrounds.
  20. To Review or not To Review

    I had a similar experience as yours. Got to the building and waited and waited, then left. I later figured out that the location I was sent to did not have cell coverage for my carrier. Hence, I never received the information until later when within cell coverage. We both were less than happy.
  21. Ed meds

    Happens to the best of us. That's why we are here.
  22. Strap-on Pegging

    Thanks for the public service announcement. I have often wondered where one would go for this service.
  23. Ncns

    This is a conundrum. Guy seeks a certain activity but how to find it. Good advice to do research but you and I have been around here a long time. Remember when providers would post complaining “just because I provided an activity does not mean it is on the menu.” Hmm. Figuring out the price is another puzzle to solve. I miss the days when I could contact a lady operating an agency for a recommendation and be given a phone number without further background checks.
  24. Asking about rates

    Look to the right of the photo in the ad and click on "P411" (if it is there) to show the rates. Not every provider is a member of P411 but you as a hobbyist can view the home page with one click.
  25. Seeking

    Interesting observation. When you had the. “fixed bulk rate”, did the gentleman pay as you go or pay upfront? I would be shy of the “pay upfront” option only to have the provider disappear after the first few visits.