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Everything posted by johnnydog

  1. Any TS tops near GWS?

    Glenwood Springs
  2. What If...

    What if Leon didn't sing that song for Rita? What if Pattie didn't look beautiful that night? ...hard to imagine What if Bob didn't live on Highway 61? What if Mick and Keith never met? What if Timothy Leary never took acid? What if Chuck Berry never picked up a guitar? What if Buddy Holly never got on that plane? What if Jimi Hendrix was still alive? What if John hadn't met Yoko?
  3. How do you take your coffee?

    With sweetened condensed milk
  4. Spicy or sweet?

    How about both? Try Brown Sugar and Garlic Chili Sauce sautéed with Greens Beans. Lovely with seafood.
  5. Be kind, you never know what one is going through.

    ^^^That wins the gold^^^
  6. What's the oddest place you've done it???

    Lost my cherry in my mother's car parked in garage of family home.
  7. Sooo Slowwww

    Noticed this is only thir post of the day in CO forum, so I conclude that our community members are busy doing SOMETHING. Hmm...what do we all have in common? Just sayin'.
  8. Does it Matter to You?

    As in film, a good soundtrack enhances the experience and sets the tone.
  9. AOC / She's Hot, You're not

    They are simply modeling the behavior of their leader.
  10. AOC / She's Hot, You're not

    It would be in everyone's best interests if we all could chill and have a good conversation (i.e. seeing other's POV) about what our country should stand for (our principles), as opposed to personal attacks....true dialog. Encouraging divisive behavior can ultimately take us to a very bad place I would hope no one wants to go.
  11. PAIN

    Legos in the night
  12. Puffies???

  13. Condom Broke - Freaking Out a Little

    ^^^Should the client pay less if he's clean?^^^ Of course not! And why would the client consider a provider to be anything else. WTF?, that's an upsell, "For another 50, I'll wash up for you, baby".
  14. Puffies???

    Puffies spotted scrolling through listings at 12:35 this afternoon
  15. Big Game watching

  16. Big Game watching

  17. A missed opportunity and blocking

    J Former Mayor of Cincinnati Jerry Springer paid for his playtime with a check (and his job). Anyone here take someone's check? I think we are ALL smarter than that, on both sides of the aisle.
  18. Funny things our animals do...

    My dog ONLY howls when my cell is ringing and will not eat unless I am home
  19. Best Restaurants in Glenwoood Springs?

    Himalayan on the way to Carbondale (4-5 miles from Glenwood)
  20. You know you are getting old when

    when you switch to slip-ons, cause you can't tie those other suckers no more when the guy In the mirror no longer matches the guy between the ears when you can say whatever the fuck you want and the girls think you're cute when you realize almost all of the women you know are "younger women" When you give thanks for all of the above
  21. What’s your favorite

    This X 100
  22. What’s your favorite

    Everyone is ignorant, just on different subjects.
  23. Are you referring to Robert Nesta Marley?
  24. What a choice!

    If a man had to choose to have an amputation to save his life, what do you think most would choose to lose, a leg or his penis?