Vegas Jen-5884

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Posts posted by Vegas Jen-5884

  1. I am a bit surprised more ladies haven't chimed in on this... I concur wholeheartedly with Brandy... Then again, I now rank up there with the age group that isn't supposed to care, lol. But, I enjoyed the company of older men in my 20's as well. In fact, I was a bit awestruck by them and mesmerized by their (perceived) experience and maturity... So I say relax and find a lady you simply enjoy and forget the age factor altogether...

    On a side note, with all this new 'math' I am now confused as to how old I actually am... If I am 43 should I be listing 33, or 38? Or am I actually 53 and misplaced 10 years along the way somewhere, lol???


  2. Im new here, so take my opinion for what its worth, but as a provider, I prefer seeing more OKs rather than a few. I research my clients just as I hope they will research me. But imho the more ladies a man has seen, the better he will be able to know what he does and doesn't like. It takes a lot of the guesswork out for me which I appreciate. In addition to his profile, I can look at a few of the ladies' profiles (and reviews) he has aeen and get a general idea of what makes him tick. Obviously we are each different and (hopefully) have something unique to add to an experience as well, but if I see a string of ladies with big boobs and minimal make-up per say, guess how I'm going to tailor my look for our date (unless he requests something specific)... Thats just one example. But in general the more statistics I have to work with, the closer I can come to creating a home run experience..
