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Posts posted by CityEssence

  1. [snip] Providers with couples experience are tons of fun! I would recommend having your wife check out their sites to determine who she'd like to see and then email them. The more involved she is in the process the more fun and comfortable she is likely to be upon meeting.

    Have fun in Vegas!


  2. Another possibity would be to have a thread each January titled, 'the best of last year'.

    Each client would be allowed one response, listing only the name of the YL from his best reviewed experience of the previous year.

    Now that is a wonderful idea!! After all people and best experiences change from year to year. For example best dive trip I took first few years would no longer be my favorite this year as I have "more experience and feel more comfortable in the water." :)


  3. I love bud light lime!! Next time go for it...worse she could do was tell you that your shirt was inside out. :) or she may have not said anything and decided to help you with your shirt off! In that case it really wouldn't matter! :P


  4. OMGOSH Justina!! I was thinking as long as he let her know I didn't see any harm. Hadn't even thought of the owners having cameras to watch their furry friends. YIKES!! Safer to just see someone with an incall.
