Lucy Kitten

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Posts posted by Lucy Kitten

  1. 14 minutes ago, SultryKitten said:

    If you notice, the boards that get paid a lot of money tend to be the ones getting taken down, raided, busted, etc. I think the ones that don't get a lot of money for their site will be pretty low on their list.

    If it does have anything to do with trafficking, it is probably wise to start doing some kind of security check with providers signing up so you don't get caught in the crossfires.


    Samantha Sheppard

    To be honest I haven't really noticed a rhyme or reason. Some were taken down by local authorities and some federal. Some made a lot of money and some didn't. I don't think SW Companions was really rolling in the dough or Sowet. I think the common denominator is money but the amount is kind of irrelevant. That and the whole bringing people across state lines and international borders thing. 

    When the authorities or the media say trafficking they don't really mean trafficking. Eros in recent times had really tightened up the rules, ID was required for advertisers and ads had to be squeaky clean. They were still breaking some laws but they were definitely doing their part to cover their butts and ours by extension by verifying its users. 

    To best of my knowledge and all the sites I have seen go down I have yet to see users of the site get wrapped up in it. It's always cause for concern when you've given a site your info but you can't undo what's been done.  I think what all providers need to do right now is take some serious control over their own business, create websites, join every site you feel comfortable with. Take advantage of the resources that are left and take care of your client base. 


  2. 16 hours ago, parkercole said:


    guess the memo was given out a week ago. all the chatter of tom foolery amongst ladies and gentlemen the repair work was all forgotten about:D!

    Doesn't explain why they deleted all their tweets. Maybe there was a memo but it seems kind of a big coincidence that everyone forgot. I'm glad their back but I don't think it was as simple as people just forgetting. 


  3. 7 minutes ago, EmilyDMV said:

    Nooooooooo!!!!!! I love TNA Mr J has always been kind and professional!

    TNA had lots of loyal fans. I was one of them. They've always been so great and helpful and they've sent a lot of business my way over the years. I sincerely hope they come back and this is just a temporary scare because of what happened to Eros. 


  4. 21 minutes ago, Chrissy said:

    Wow!!! They are taking all resources! Time to build your list of Ladies,  Keep numbers And Say Hello NOW just encase the boards are gone when we wake up :(

    This is one of the reasons I strongly suggest more providers start utilizing Twitter. At least for now, it seems like everything we use in jeopardy here soon. The battle for net neutrality and the ruthless pursuing of BackPage leave our internet future in question. 

    It's free it's global and there is already a huge network of sex workers and clients there. 


  5. 1 minute ago, Bit Banger said:

    After their King County, WA issues, what 2 years ago?

    Agreed, TNA has been a valuable resource. 

    Thanks for keeping us posted, Lucy. 

    And again this year. It's been two years since TRB was taken down but there was another HUGE bust in Belleview as sort of a follow up. 

    It's been a rough few years for our resources. Date Check and RS2K (same owner) were compromised this year too. 


  6. 3 minutes ago, Kali Sensual Reiki said:

    I posted with Eros a few months this last summer. I got NO calls from posting with them.  Interested in knowing if any of providers in Denver use them much? 

    They are not popular here at all. The more expensive it is to post with Eros the more popular it is. It was popular in the eastern half of the country. 


  7. 34 minutes ago, FuriousWeasel said:

    The call center will have their own data center, with call logs, payroll, all their own records.

    The actual data center for Eros is supposedly overseas.  But a whois check of's IP address points to Redwood City, California.  Since there's no raid in California, it may be other customers of Bolma, or even something very specific, like "We suspect that one of the Bolma operators took a call from someone underage due to other evidence we've found" let's say.  It's really hard to know unfortunately.

    Just sort of confused by what it means. They're being very tight lipped about it all. I am pretty sure Bolma is Eros and Eros is Bolma. Xbiz is obviously a industry related kind of site and it was them that said it was Eros' call center

    It seems risky for a business like Bolma to work with Eros and not know about it. Does that not make all their employees complicit? If they are just a call center what information could they have that's useful? 

    I personally am not concerned because I have never used them but I am of course curious about what happened and want to understand it



  8. 1 hour ago, FuriousWeasel said:

    Considering they raided a third party call center (no Eros employees were there) it's tougher to speculate on what went on.  It makes me think it's something other than a "lets shut down a site that enables prostitution!" bust.

    But what does third party mean in this instance? The local ABC article called it a data center. But if they are just hired by Eros are they really the target? I don't see any other reason to bust the call center for Eros if Eros isn't the target. How many clients does Bolma Star Services even have? 



    I don't really know what this means for Eros? Currently it's still up and running but I am hearing rumors of ads not being reposted and updated as usual and there is no one to answer customer calls in the US.

    This sounds similar to what they did to Rent Boy but they were raided and immediately shut down. Can the legal experts chime in? Why Homeland Security? Does a business like Eros help itself by hiring a third party like Bolma Star Services? 


  10. 3 minutes ago, Bit Banger said:


    This seems be another "benefit" brought to you by the Affordable Care Act. Not only do you now need a prescription, but it comes with a hefty price increase.

    It is actually a benefit that ACA covers it. It sounds like from the article you linked that it was the idea of the company that made them because they weren't making enough money. This is corporate greed not Obamacare, the ACA was the only way they thought they could force women to pay big bucks for it.  

    Also from the article you posted, FC2 still sells to wholesalers but at $120 for a box of 12. They're trying to profit off of sexual health, which isn't unreasonable but I would imagine there were lots of different ways this could have been approached. The makers of FC2 are the assholes here. They say in the article it failed because of lack of awareness and education. It's not the responsibility of the public to promote an item. I wonder if it ever occurred to them to target the people who are actually having sex? There are no less than 4 billion blogs about sex not even counting porn sites and do you not find it odd that you had to hear about second hand? 

    Women are the majority when it comes to handling sexual health and with the very real female tax we spend a lot of money. To target women financially like that implies to me that profit matters more. While the female condom is a great idea and I would love to be able to utilize it I will not be giving any money to FC2. 




  11. 15 hours ago, Vassago said:


    ”You do like raw meat?”

    ”I haven’t had steak tartare in long time”


    what happened to those days? Horror films were at their pinnacle.

    Horror is still alive and kicking. Just in the past year or two we've had a few of the greatest modern horror films. The Witch, Get Out, Krampus and IT. We have Andy Muschietti, Peter Jackson, Eli Roth, Guillermo Del Toro. And in between now and then there's been John Carpenter, Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper and Sam Raimi.  I almost forgot George Romero. 

    Horror isn't even my favorite genre but somehow I have seen a ton of it. Every decade has it's gems as well as total turds. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, I didn't watch the monster movies of the 50s. My first monster movie was Jaws. 




  12. 15 hours ago, Bigfoot257 said:

    I'm trying to find a provider who does GFE and also willing to shower together.  You know those hot sexy showers with a lot of foreplay and soapy fun.  The search function didnt work that well combining those two together.  I know there are many ladies who offer GFE and I've come across one or two who will shower together but not both.  I have found one but she seemed to be one of those with who can be a real whack job if you say one thing wrong.  

    Maybe that "one thing wrong" that you said wasn't such a little thing. Maybe someone isn't a "whack job" but justified in their reaction. 

    The easiest answer is to just ask whoever it is that you would like to see. I honestly can't imagine anyone saying no to the shower. 


  13. 1 hour ago, SultryKitten said:

    THIS right here is why they go through my email or screening form on my website FIRST, and it has been wonderful ladies. Even my typing skills have gotten better. I don't have to listen to excuses, or them bragging about how great they are, blah, blah, blah. Drop your phone numbers ladies, it is SO worth it!

    Cali, make your screening protocol front and center. This needs to be clear as this is how you run your business, and it is the crucial step to getting to know you more. When you do this, they will know that it is NOT an option and the real ones will follow. If they are serious, they will do it.


    Samantha Sheppard

    Sounds like the advice I gave you somewhere on this board glad it's working out for you. Filtering out the noise is quite helpful.


  14. 1 hour ago, FuriousWeasel said:

    I just started watching that... I like it!

    I love it! Waiting on season 3. I feel like it's what Evil Dead always intended to be. Evil Dead was a real attempt to make a horror movie. Army of Darkness was intentionally campy and Ash vs Evil Dead strikes a nice balance. It's well produced, it's as gory as you could ever want it to be and it's extra nostalgic. 


  15. Normally I have lists of films that I love but currently I have just one obsession. The Love Witch, written and directed by Ms. Anna Biller. An homage to 60s Technicolor horror flicks. A love sick witch who just can't meet the right man. It turns tropes on their heads, turns the male gaze into the female gaze. It's femtastic. 



  16. On 10/23/2017 at 1:01 PM, CountryGentleman said:

    I've seen a lot of these types of posts on BP lately.   They have TGTBT photos, very vague descriptions which are arranged like a list, and a link to either instagram, facebook, or twitter that are suspicious looking.   I have come to the conclusion that all the ads that follow that general pattern are fake or scams.   Possibly they are intended to get more follows or likes which in some way boost their income.  Also, they may be mining the followers' accounts for email and other personal information to sell or use.  I've seen a few (very few) ads on TOB that seem to follow the same pattern.  

    I advise caution.   

    Just an FYI. BP ads are now limited to 140 characters and social media links are obligatory. All ads look a little suspicious these days. You also can't mine any info from SM that the user hasn't provided. I cannot see all the email addresses of my Twitter followers. 

    Not saying these two are legit but BP has bizarre rules and it makes for some really weird ads. 


  17. DM7xw7GVoAAn5kI.jpg

    Would you pull that crap with Annette? 

    As for you officer in blue I know what you wanna do.

    Seriously though this is all crap. As long as the definition of trafficking remains flimsy everything is at risk. We are all traffickers and just knowing that something illegal is going on is now a crime. The fight with BP pisses me off on so many levels, first the trafficking is getting worse narrative is an outright lie, imposing rules like this really infringes on our internet freedom and the casualties are worse than most can comprehend. BP has the power to put providers out of business if it tanks. 

    If somehow law makers succeeded and put BP out of business do any of you really think LE would buckle down and do their actual jobs and look for actual victims? No laws about prostitution or the advertising of are about saving or protecting people, it's all about punishing people. Shaming people based of moralistic beliefs. 

    It's all hot garbage, we have a local SWOP chapter but they don't seem to do much maybe it's time that CO started it's own outreach and activism group. 



  18. 4 hours ago, tobias846 said:

    I'm definitely a minimalist. I live in a very small condo (essentially one room, with a bed in a loft). I used to have hundreds of books, records, CDs---all gone. My books are in my Kindle and my music is in my iPad. My whole life could fit into a few suitcases.

    I strongly believe in the philosophy described in Marie Kondo's book, The Life‑Changing Magic of Tidying Up. If something doesn't bring you joy, get rid of it---now. I've recommended that book to everyone I know and given copies to friends.

    I will never get rid of my books! They're dusty, heavy and take up so much space but they're my friends. 

    I tried Mario Kondo, I think she's a little kooky. I need some organization in my life but that wasn't for me. 
