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About MovieTime

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    Learning My Way

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  1. Hot Springs & Hiking Recommendations?

    It’s my favorite place after dark under the stars. I recommend 4 wheel drive
  2. Fantastic reviews and all of them recent. Exciting stuff welcome aboard.
  3. Lakewood CO

  4. What is going on in city? Anything I should know?

    I couldn’t swing it this year but went last year, will be back next year, every other year works well
  5. Wanting money for texting

    Eating Popcorn
  6. What is going on in city? Anything I should know?

    Phish end of summer run Dicks Sporting Goods
  7. Immature Adults these days...

    Perfect advice
  8. Immature Adults these days...

    I love a lady casual, natural, and comfortable. Those ladies are happy and full of joy, especially pony tails and 100% cotton worn in tees.
  9. Immature Adults these days...

    Unfortunately, there are bad eggs on both sides. And I have to say it is more guys who pull the flakey card. I wish it wasn’t so but the ladies deserve our ultimate respect. Already said, find someone who you connect with and move on when needed.
  10. Lakewood CO

    Amps are the worst, horrible experience, no personal connection which is important to me
  11. Is Tryst taking over?

    Tryst has NOTHING on TOB. The ladies here are genuine and sincere and easy to communicate with in a respectful manner. And it’s local Colorado flavor which is great because I live in Colorado :-)
  12. Could I ask a small favor out of kindness? Could we (guys) not refer to any lady in this community as “that babe”? I don’t think you are intentionally trying to be offensive, but to me and probably others, it does come off disrespectful. All of the ladies here are human beings and special people and we need to be grateful to them. Just my 2 cents here okay?
  13. She is a super sweetheart and I can’t say enough good things about our wonderful time together. If only every experience was like Michelle :-). Yes, I do a lot of research on the site. Wish I had more time to participate in the forum because I love meeting new people and sharing advice and learning from y’all .