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Everything posted by elrack3

  1. 719-203-2760 Colorado Companion Has anyone seen southern comfort? https://colorado-springs.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/southern-comfort/472826344591 She's been posting on stg for a while.
  2. 719-373-6949 Colorado Companion Does anyone have any info on this one? Crickets on photo and phone searches. http://colorado-springs.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/what-are-you-waiting-for/661823513254 https://www.eroticmonkey.ch/blondyswan-escort-colorado-springs-730725#erotic
  3. June 719-401-4841 Colorado Companion Any info out there on June? Been posting in the Springs a few months now. My searches mostly come up with crickets, other than the definition of girl on Merriam-Webster. (Not much of help there but comforting to know she's a girl.) Thoughts, experiences?? http://colorado-springs.skipthegames.com/female-escorts/caucasian_w/the-new-girl-in-town/940119060690
  4. New Girl, June COS

    Yep, very legit and very fun. Saw her this evening and was very happy i did. Review pending.
  5. And her name is Danielle
  6. Just saw her and she is great. Suggested she focus on TOB over skip the games. Hope she will. Not sure how to to review someone without a profile here.
  7. New Girl, June COS

    Ditto for me except MY phone died and I didn't realize it. She does seem to keep in touch. Will try again to meet her, she seems to be back in town.
  8. New Girl, June COS

    I had to look it up. Leave off the “I”. “Dont get around much anymore”. Duke Ellington
  9. New Girl, June COS

    “I don’t get around much anymore “. Isn’t that a song?
  10. What's Must-See in Mile-High City?

    Ditto above on Red Rocks. Walk up the seats not the stairs for a nice knee workout. (Gotta get you ready for skiing). Walk around Sloan's Lake. Again a nice little bit of exercise and a fun view of downtown across the lake. (Kinda reminds me of the view of dtown Seattle from Kerry Park. The space needle actually looks big from there). 16th st mall, maybe hit Jazz at Jacks, see if Dotsero is in house? If you like museums, combine the Nature and History Museum with a jaunt around City Park. Denver Botanic Gardens? Walk around Wash Park, find a cool little restaurant near it, there's tons. As far as I'm concerned you can't go wrong being outside enjoying the fresh air. Have fun!
  11. Swinging?

    But did you enjoy your time? And will you go back?
  12. 411 on Selena4you

    Disclaimer: Before reading this, place your tongue firmly against your cheek. This already bruised male ego has just received a nearly catastrophic blow (not the fun kind). Leah, can we ERror on the er side? Perhaps oldER guys? Dang it still smarts. Double dang, I think I may be entering into drama-laden-comment country. At least it's only the drama of my own crushed heart. You may now remove your tongue from your cheek. YMMV is always there regardless of any of the preferences we all may have (on either side provider or customer). I do agree with you (in spite of the pain) get it out there (communicate the rules) right in the beginning. It is important to keep work enjoyable right? Anyway, I'm going to go pout. Maybe I'll trim some hair that's started growing in places where it never used to grow before. Maybe watch reruns of Wild Wild West. IN COLOR Cheers!
  13. My feelings are kinda hurt

    I saw that too when I was going thru the 411 forum just now. I think it's fine, but the damage done to my fragile (and aging) male ego is ...... okay I sat here trying to find a word and can't.
  14. 411 on Selena4you

    Sorry I can't help, I have no idea about her, but the 'won't see anyone over 50' pisses me off. Age discrimination at it's worst. There ought to be a law, get the sheriff on the phone. Had to get that off my chest.
  15. Swinging?

    I think that's up to you and how comfortable you are in crowded places. This is definitely a lifestyle club though (swinging). (Oh btw, the swing downstairs is really fun to use). DO NOT take your lady friend there unless you both know where you are going. This is REALLY important especially if this is your idea and she isn't involved in the planning and doesn't know what the Scarlet Ranch is about. Maybe go through the web site with her to make sure she's on board. Go there on a non theme weeknight first to register, explore the place, get comfortable....recon! Enjoy some fun play time with just each other. Go downstairs grab a bed and close the curtain, you don't have to participate with others or invite others in. (I do recommend the swing, I hope it's still there for you) You never have to do anything. Lifestyle rule #1 is "no means no". We never had issues and found most involved in the lifestyle to be very cool, caring and authentic. (Like everywhere else in life, you can always run into exceptions though). Leave ALL expectations at home, go with an open mind and just enjoy a party. I don't want to preach here, but get your lady in the loop, don't just take her as a surprise. The ranch is not a vanilla venue. The lifestyle can be fun, yet it can also bring drama into a relationship. btdt Best wishes on a fantastic Halloween party for you and your lady, wherever you wind up.
  16. Inappropriate Texting

    AGHHH you left me hanging! "And the answer is?"........
  17. Swinging?

    The Ranch can be a real good spot. Haven't been there for quite a while, some of the events can be packed! Halloween was always a huge bash when we were going. YOU SHOULD GO!!!! The foam parties are a hoot. Sunday fun day tends to be more laid back, super nice when it's warm out. You take your own bottle, they keep it with your member number and serve you at the bar. On super busy nights getting served can take a while, but that can be okay too. It can break the ice with whoever you're waiting beside. And you certainly won't have ANY worries about costume there. Anything (or nothing) goes. Kendall keeps the place real clean.... play areas downstairs, as well as the restaurant/bar/game areas (shuffle board, pool, darts), dance floor upstairs, and same with the hot tubs, Tepee and cabanas outside.
  18. The best Italian food!!

    Melissa, I thought you were of the Springs. Though I have heard great things about Armandos (I haven't made it there yet, but I will) what would Franco say? (hmmm kind of reminds me of "'what would Brian Boitano say") I'd hate to see his cigar drooping as he heard of you finding a new Italian love to the north. How does it compare to Paravicinis? I was talking about his ubiquitous cigar not.....oh never mind.
  19. Alternate Universe

    Why do I use reviews? A big part of it is to see if a provider is legit. Secondly the menu and other 'attitude' like comments that I take with a grain of salt. So a similar deal for providers. Is he a legit customer? Does he pay?, stick to consensual activities?, on time?, some providers are interested in age/race? Then again doesn't something like p411 do a lot of this? Just thinking.
  20. 411 on Paris COS

    Oh great! Now I'm supposed to read the words, not just look at the pictures? Hmmm maybe that's why I never learned anything from those magazines? Interesting thought to google the headers too. I agree the same one has been used a lot. And it's such a stupid header on top of it's overuse. Since I was hoping it was ParisPlays I found her on eccie and shot her a note. We'll see if she's in the Springs. Thanks for the search idea.
  21. Paris 719-496-0422 Colorado Escort Any info on this Paris? http://coloradosprings.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/cick-me-daddyexoticj-uicy-call-7194960422/23729362 I can't be sure if she is the same one reviewed here as ParisPlays on 3/23/16. I suppose it could be another of the ubiquitous changing phone numbers. Pics yield zip on google & tineye. And nothing on Escorthistory etc. Any thoughts lads? Heplful hints? Stupid jokes?
  22. Adriana

    Haha, yep! I enjoy cracking myself up when sending messages, I think my thoughts are hilarious. But this doesn't seem to be a hobby that nurtures a sense of humor. These forums being a notable and enjoyable exception. I have laughed till it hurt reading some of the stuff in here. I've decided to keep it to the facts when scheduling and enjoy my humor other times/places. Agreed her pics are nice!
  23. Emily-573 573-342-0889 Colorado Escort Can't tell for sure what's up, if she is real. Pics are awesome (google search has nothing interesting) but tin eye has stuff and it appears these pics might be someone else from 2008,9. One TOB review from a 'frequent' reviewer, but no others. A different(?) gal has posted pics on TOB Emily-573 profile. Pics look cute enough, but not BP ad girl. Might someone share some insight for me please? http://denver.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/new-submissive-babe-petite-and-so-hot-incalls-and-outcalls/22885847 ________________________________________cached Ad BP Denver escorts May 11, 2016 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:4p1XAvlEqDwJ:denver.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/new-submissive-babe-petite-and-so-hot-incalls-and-outcalls/22885847+&cd=20&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  24. A little up date. I decided to go for it. Set up a time after repeated lengthy waits between each text. I got to the designated spot and time but got no answer for the next 60 min. Set a last message to say 'oh well, maybe next time?'.....still no response. What do you think? Did I have something in my teeth, or bad breath, or b.o.? Maybe I left out a comma in one of my texts? Ha