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About lurkernomore757

  • Rank
    Putting things together
  1. Was this a bad session or am I just Fkd up..LOL

    you are 1000% correct..I thought long and hard about it a few days ago...IF I had saved the text, I could of seen the exchange. But, She has had specials in the past before with a 2 for 1 and I was always too late in the day to get it..This was an early morning gig. And, I got lost on the way their and she must of changed her mind. She could of told me what part of the building complex she was at instead of just gving me the rm number. Lesson learned! If something is too good to be true, it usually is.. oh well, on to the next adventure...
  2. Was this a bad session or am I just Fkd up..LOL

    I only do text confirmations..I am not a big conversationalist. AT ALL...I want to keep it short and simple. But I didnt read correctly or maybe I did. And changed their mind when I got there. Nonetheless, it was very uncomfortable for me...And didnt go well even when I finally found the apt. The numbers on the building were so confusing also...I was driving around the complex for 5 min trying to figure out where they were. And, They were standing outside on the walkway looking for me smoking cigarettes...IT was just a bad scene altogether. I never follow my gut instincts.
  3. blowjob

    i was a dentist for two decades and never heard that one..I did have a female patient suck on my finger and a different patient slap me in the face( she had dementia).
  4. I saw a new provider a few days ago and I could not really perform. I thought they were running a two for one special. So I gave extra $$. My first mistake, cause I didnt understand text properly. I had to choose one of two girls. I was told to get comfortable, while both providers were in the room. Then one girl leaves while I am preped already on the bed. And, the door is wide open. We begin session and my mind is elsewhere. I am thinking is she going to lock the door? What I am doing here.Is She going to lock the damn door. I should of seen someone else;The provider continues to do what is expected, but I am not up to the task. Finally, I asked her to lock the door, and she mumbles something. Basically it was a big fat NO. This goes on for twenty minutes and still all I can think about is: 1) wishing I saw that other provider;2) Is that door going to open; 3) Why cant I perform; 4 I better hurry up because my session is almost over; 5) I should not of given them an extra $ because its not worth it; 6) Should I just end the session and leave. All of a sudden the provider interrupted my thoughts and says we need to finish up. Now I am really under pressure to finish. I asked for lotion, finally started to do what needed to be done, finished on her. cleaned up quickly, got dressed and Not 3 minutes later, her friend walks in the door right on cue......I actually think this was just a bad situation and no fault of the provider, but the circumstances were too weird for me....
  5. Longtime lurker got bitten by providers dog

    great point..I wonder the same thing now...I would think I woouldnt of paid a fee at all..I was already there and it was a trek getting to the incall. And I am a trooper. I once had a 103 fever and it finally broke so I got an outcall that night...LOL The bite is still healing,,Now my arm is yellow from all the bruising. Much better situation now but I think it will take another two weeks to heal
  6. Longtime lurker got bitten by providers dog

    Thank you all for the input. I appreciate the suggestions. I am 100% better than the other day and swelling is down. Definitely looks ugly right now, but I am sure it will get better..I am now just disappointed that I got bit, because I am definitely a dog person and this never happened to be before as an adult.
  7. Longtime lurker got bitten by providers dog

    I saw a provider this morning and she cracks the door open and says come in. Before I knew what was happening her pit bull grabbed and bit my arm. I didnt really know what to do. I yelled OW! and she yelled at the dog. it definitely hurts. My forearm was bleeding cause of torn skin. I didnt need stitches but its still sore. She brought me to her sink and helped wash it off and disinfect it. We had our session(which took my mind off of the pain) and then she showed my the dogs papers and had his 3 years rabies shot. I really don't feel like going to an emergency room. I think I will be fine in a few days unless I start foaming at the Mouth.
  8. June

    hi there...This looks great.. I just started this year with potted plants..Some are hit or miss...I replanted the ones that have lost their flowers in yard hoping for recovery. The asiatics(only one I know name for) have all lost petals. I have an orange one like your pic and that is doing great now that I put it in the yard....
  9. Your Idea Of a Perfect Provider

    I have met a few great providers over the years..But, dozens more that were gaud awful. (smells, rushed, mechanical) In no particular order the things I liked. 1) Girls squats on my and bounces up and down. 2)cleans me up and has warm wash cloth 3)no smell of smoke 4)works on the tip more than just bobbing up and down. 5)impeccably clean 6)not a clock watcher 7)Doesnt say stop or no( rules of engagement discussed well in advance of encounter) 8)Never says hurry up or are you done yet.( a big turn off and ruins moment) 9) Has supplies needed.
  10. Wow,some great stories here...My first celebrity was Jack Nicholson when I was 13.I was having a party and my mom and dad invited him for a drink. nobody too famous other than Dad meeting OJ simpson before his downfall. When living in Florida- first charity dinner Michael Irvin- Ted Hendrick- My mom dropped his super bowl ring into a glass of wine Bo Shembeckler- Couch of the FAU owls for a while Mark Duper Dwight Stevenson-Tackle for the dolphins Chuck Lorre Allison Janey James MacNeil- RB for Jets-
  11. Tell me about money

    Yes!!!!!! and less complicated.
  12. Avoiding attention at a hotel

    Never thought of pretending to talk to someone on the phone...I can barely walk and chew gum, so it might be a little difficult. I usually wear a hat and dark sunglasses.
  13. Pic from the old days

    I didn't even notice until you mentioned it..thanks lol.