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About gimehead

  • Rank
    Putting things together
  • Birthday January 17

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  • Location
    COS Chicken Ranch


  • Location
    COS Chicken Ranch

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  1. Discrimination

    This ad says: "NO AFRICAN AMERICANS". There's a weird irony in it. Almost has me in an infinite logic loop.
  2. Great Sessions: Two ladies who knew each other as friends and tag-teamed on me. If I get the feeling that I'm involved as an active participant, then I get off BIG TIME. Not-So-Great Sessions: When the two ladies perform with each other as if in a lesbian porn video. Then I feel detached and distracted. Interestingly, I cannot get off on this. I imagine other folks may get really excited -- different strokes. Weird Session: I had two friends in an AMP that I visited regularly. One (call her Kim) suggested that I go for the "four-handed" massage. Sounded like fun to me. Well, the other lady was very self-conscious and Kim was losing her patience with her. Kim started barking orders in Korean to her clueless partner who would comply like a soldier obeying a drill sergeant. It was comical and I almost started laughing out loud. Then I took over with the orders, keeping very calm. It was like on-the-job-training. Then I laid back and let them improvise. The hour went quickly and, in the end, we all had a good laugh.
  3. Is it creepy?

    As I was composing my response in my head, the above sounded almost like mind-reading. Life is passing us by if we cannot recall the past with fond memories. To me, reflection like this reminds me how lucky I've been to know some beautiful people. Good vibrations and warm feelings.
  4. Your worst hobby date?

    You must be referring to this classic review. What a piece of literature! Oh, the horror!
  5. Positives about the new TOB

    Pluses for me: Notifications and Message icons at the top right by my handleStars (*) by the forum threads that will "go to the first unread post"Info format with my profilePhotos for providers in the review area"L"ooks rating in the reviewsFlexibility to put phone number in the Review Search area (no prescribed format for the numbers)Major Negative for me: Review section is still a work-in-progress. Thanks for the hard work, Whisperer & crew.
  6. Your worst hobby date?

    I know that b***ch. Same experience near the airport in Chicago. It was in a building that had "[Airport Name] Girls" on the front. Maybe you've seen it. We negotiated and, before I knew it, I gave her all the cash in my wallet (luckily, no ATM there). That was enough to get her to expose her tits, stand there, and watch me. It was not enough for touching. When I was done, I held up my other hand and asked her to hold it. She replied (in a shrill voice that I can still hear): "I SAID, NO TOUCHING!" and walked out.
  7. Tattoos

    This made me think: Maybe someone should open SnapTat parlors Or do they already exist?
  8. Tattoos

    +1 Richard. I don't want to generalize but... a number of tatted ladies I've seen have a poor self-image. PLEASE don't gang up on me about this one. I also know some lovely, self-confident ladies who have tats but... I feel there are far fewer of those than the ones I first described.
  9. 411 on Mya in COS

    OK folks, I TOFTT. You owe me one. Mya was good fun and I submitted a review this morning. We all are still feeling out the 1-10 rating system. I rated her an "8" to say: "Not a perfect GFE but you'll have a good time." If you want to know more before the review is posted, PM me.
  10. Your worst hobby date?

    Oh damn, MJ! I'm about to go to bed. But first I read your story and the line: "She first hands me her laptop and pulls up a video of her sucking her husbands dick so that I can get comfortable." First I'm laughing out loud. Then I think: "How can I get that image out of my head while I'm trying to sleep?"
  11. Your worst hobby date?

    So I was in New Orleans and suppose to meet a lady at a bar. I said: "How will I know you?" She answered: "I'm a blonde bombshell. How will I know you?" I was in a joking mood -- New Orleans brings out my worst. So I said: "I am height-challenged. I'm a dwarf." She said: "OK, whatever!" Got to the bar, found the only blonde bombshell and said: "Hi!" She said: "Fuck off, I'm waiting for a real man!"
  12. 411 Staci COS

    First my golden rule: DO NOT see visiting ladies. They are seldom worth it. I checked her phone number and this lady is one busy bee. See: (DISREGARD the early stuff about Escort Busts -- this website is BS and lots of earlier threads have discussed this.) But if you scroll down you'll see that she's been to: COS, Charleston SC, Oklahoma City; and Denver -- all since Aug 1st! Ads also show she's listed her name as: Staci, Mikayla, and Ashley. As I said this is one busy girl(s). Love those photos (all 62 of them) BUT I'd stay away unless someone can say something positive.
  13. HELP! Need info on Mya in my fair city (ie, Colorado Springs) The new Reviews Section is not helping -- too many Mya's, no way to narrow down to COS, no info on ads, and no info on height. I don't think she's Mya-6737 since one reviewer said she's around 5'10" and this Mya says she's 4'11". 719-644-4526 Lots of photos at: Please PM me if you've seen her.
  14. "We would love for you to join us for lunch provided it is not on the clock." (received that this morning) "Can you give me a special rate?" "Can you adjust your schedule so I can come by really quick?" "I only have $xxx. Can you do xxx time for $xxx?" "I wish I could feel you with no cover." "What's your real name?" "Do you cum here often?" "Can we just hang out together?" "When can I meet your family?" "I love you" "When's your baby due?" ...Make this list grow!