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Posts posted by Happymon

  1. 4 hours ago, Lund said:

    Well! COVID is not just about the death but about the pain and problems which I experienced recently. I went to meet a provider after posting the above and then found myself in fever within next 2 days. I am not sure how this provider is doing, but I get infected which was one of the worst thing that happened with me. Yes I am alive and will be back to normal, but believe me guys- nobody wants to feel the pain and agony I went through. It makes you very weak after when you recover from the symptoms. Stay safe and protect yourself. I am out from isolation but will still keep distance from others for at least another month, though the body ache also don’t allow me to go out.

    I'm glad you're on the mend.

    Your post leaves out a lot of details: did you get tested? Did the test come back positive? If so, what happened to contact tracing?  The very few cases with which I am familiar, County Health wants your contacts back a week/ten days. Are you under a physicians care?  If you're out of isolation then what's the additional  month of no contact (isolation?) about? 

    The incubation period for COVID 19 is 7.7 days, so the most likely scenario is YOU exposed the provider. I hope you or county health informed the provider!!!  To state "I'm not sure how the provider is doing," is just irresponsible on your part. And what about the remainder of those you interacted with?  Did you take the same cavalier attitude towards them? 

    Perhaps these are details you simply omitted from your post,  but you took care of. I hope so. 





  2. 10 hours ago, Bit Banger said:

    I’d like to congratulate the voters of Colorado on surrendering their vote to the more populated urban areas of the East & West coasts.  Passage of Prop 113 and joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is an end run around the Electoral College system defined in the US Constitution.  The Electoral College was put in place to protect smaller states from the tyranny of the majority in these urban areas.  The NPVIC is so much easier than that pesky Constitutional amendment process. 😡

    Stunning displays of selflessness all over. Vote to raise taxes, give more power to the State, demonstrate to give up rights and effectively disinfranchise oneself as a Colorado voter. Brilliant. 


  3. 7 hours ago, sparkey600 said:

    Um.... count my cousin that was 45 when he died of Covid 19. I'm sure you have a "snappy" answer to his death? No heart issues, no high blood pressure. No over weight. No underlying health issues that he suffered from..... I'm so sick and tired of people like you that think "nothing like this can happen to me" People like you are most certainly the problem. "Oh I don't need to wear a mask" It's someone else's problem" "all good is going on here" REALLY?? YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!"

    Thanks for your professional opinion, my family really appreciates it. Anything else? LIKE WEAR A DAMN MASK? And perhaps save someone else?  

    Again...My Cousin is DEAD! A snappy answer? HE's DEAD!!!! If you really think as you mentioned above that this only effects people above the age of 65, let me ask you this? Are you're mother and Father alive? Do you have uncles and aunts that might want to live through this?

    Me? Yes to all and I will do everything in my humble power to keep them safe from all of this stupid crap going on right now. And for you're information, you can be glad my cousin was never on Medicare/Medicare as to not to be a burden on your taxes. President Trump thanks you for your vote.

    I've lost all respect for you on here. You need to do a little more thinking before you post.

    People like you are the problem during a PANDEMIC like this. I'm glad you have no at risk people you love or no risk people you love. Yay you!

    Life must be great for you, unlike the rest of us that are terrified for our over 65 loved ones. Mom's, Dad's, Uncles, Aunts, Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Friends,

    Sleep well bro. You live in a great world. The rest of us? We can die alone. We're good with that. Please don't offer us your condolences, you just showed your true strips here. Keep your inner thoughts and your political thoughts to yourself. GO JOE! Dump TRUMP!


    19 hours ago, JoDoe27 said:

    No clue on the Medicaid/Medicare question but that’s because I don’t have time to comb through it all so I can’t even begin to make an educated guess it assumption especially since I’ve never considered or thought about the portion of the population that currently depends on either service. For Medicare you can comb through this. I’d guess there’s something similar for Medicaid. 

    The CDC does give total numbers does give total numbers on demographics with the majority of deaths happening to those simply over the age of 65 since the CDC doesn’t give an exact age. So I’d say a majority over 85 vs overwhelming over 80 since they make up a larger % but not as much as I expected.

    65-74: 45,950

    75-84: 56,408

    85+: 65,301

    I asked a rhetorical question and spoke to the actual demographics of deaths. I didn't make this up. I inserted no interpretive remarks or personal opinions. I said nothing about masks.  I'm sorry for whatever loss you experienced, but I minimized none of that.  What in the world about what i said precipitated the 8 paragraphs of personal attacks and name calling? 


  4. 22 hours ago, JoDoe27 said:

    I’m actually curious about this. How do the hospitals receive more money post death? And from whom? And why post death vs during actual treatment when the person is still alive and could easily generate substantially more treatment?

    Edit: I found it. They can get up to 20% reimbursement for treatment and if the cause of death is from COVID. BUT that is only for people on Medicare. Now the question is how many deaths are from those on Medicare? Because that would then paint a much larger picture of what you’re alluding to. 

    Given that the vast, vast vast majority of recorded deaths from COVID are over 65 and the overwhelming majority of that have been over 80, how many do you think had Midicare/Medicade


  5. I believe, I couldn't care less about pro sports in general. At one point I was a 15 straight years, 10 rows up, center court, NBA season ticket holder. Today, I can't tell you who or what's playing. I was slipping before, but using the games as forums for socio-political statements has pushed me over the edge into "done." 


  6. I've seen a few ladies in hotels over the years. Tough to get too worked up or nostalgic given the general lack of ambience of the big national chains. I recall the first time I was booked at the Waldorf Astoria. Such anticipation!  Proof I'd hit the big time. The glorious lobby...followed by a 9x9 room and bathroom like our summer home outhouse when I was a kid. 


  7. On 8/27/2020 at 10:12 PM, gr8owl said:

    And by the way what made me think of the above is that it was thirty years ago today that Stevie Ray died.  Still a very sad day for music.

    Which mighta been the last time a gal wore white boots like that in public....  😉


  8. On 8/16/2020 at 3:13 PM, Gentleman47362 said:

    Where have you been? I sucked that palisade like it was a labia. I felt like the Prince of a Labia.

    Cool beans!! It's a revelation for many when they taste something close to fresh picked and not shipped in from Timbuktu. Now keep your nose peeled for Rocky Ford cantelopes and eyes for Olathe Sweet Corn. 

    Our food supply chain is second to none. Unfortunately, in the process, we've nearly entirely sacrificed taste in favor of uniformity and ship-ability. 

    This is not just fruits, but they're the most egregious. I can remember the night I was introduced to shrimp minutes old from the water and and thinking with my first bite: motherofgod, what in hell have I been eating all these years. 



  9. 1 hour ago, ilovewomen said:

    Hmmm. I got a negative rep from ronaroo11 for saying I’m a proponent of supporting our local ladies.

    Guess I struck a nerve?

    Perhaps. On the other hand, it could be that yours was just another irrelevant post, but you got called out. Like when people respond to a 411 request with something like "never seen her."  


  10. On 8/14/2020 at 5:05 PM, Kingleo said:

    I am about to move to new mexico and i am wondering why there are no listings for providers  in new mexico. Does anyone have any answers?

    The unfortunate truth is that to a large extent, "the hobby," as practiced across most of the US,  depends upon anonymity for success. That is only found in large, diverse population centers.  Hiding in plain sight so to speak.  New Mexico has few sufficiently large concentrations of people. The reasons TOB is Colorado centric have been detailed elsewhere. 


  11. Travel is part of my hobby experience. As others have said, circumstances have found me far from home and I have made arrangements. I usually do so before traveling. I've vacationed with escorts and as I currently live far off the beaten path, had visitors in my home. When I lived in Denver, I limited my adventures to the front range. With the numbers of attractive gals in Denver, there really was never a reason to travel outside the metro area. 
