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About AssLvr

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    Welcome Me

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  1. Bentley and Mulani Banned

    I know 3 providers that have been banned. I suspect all for the same reason. Some girls just too naughty for the community. It certainly can be crazy out there!
  2. Thanks to all the fine

    Thanks and cheers to you!
  3. Thanks to all the fine

    providers I've met on this site. Many know who and many I've met incognito. My experience is 80+% positive. 5% amazing!!!! A few are simply money hungry or negative on life.... but you get that everywhere. I applaud the provider that enjoys her work and is happy to accommodate. Many guys, myself included, can be giant dicks at times! Lol We get horned up and suddenly fall back to a 13 year old mentality. Thankfully it doesn't last long. Usually after a good release with a great provider, we come back to center. Anyway, I'm rambling. I just want to thank the great providers in Denver and the one's that visit here! Cheers to you all!🍻👍🤘😁😜👅