Sensational Sammy

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Everything posted by Sensational Sammy

  1. Hi all, I haven't been in practice for awhile, but I've been wondering about something. Would there be a market for lingerie or topless massage without the happy ending? I'd be open to the fella taking care of himself at the end, but I would want to avoid doing it myself. Everyone's opinions are much welcomed! Thank you!
  2. I'm working in Minnesota. Anyone have any suggestions on where to post?
  3. New Years Resolutions

    Just on January 1st? 🤣 Just kidding. Mine is to push myself to go out more.
  4. Welcome me

    Welcome! This is a great site. Happy to have good new members. I have yet to be too active, but I’m working to go more full time and plan on being much more active.. 😉💋
  5. You Denver Girls are the Best

    Why thank you JJ! I think we’re the best too.😉💋
  6. What are Screening Procedures in Denver?

    Hi All, What do providers do here to verify clients? PM me Thanks All!
  7. “Doncha know”

    Hi there, I'll PM you a few that may be interested in.
  8. Vice activity

    A great thing for a provider to do if she’s in a hotel is ask upon check-in for a room away from the elevator, and near the stairs or door because she’s a smoker. This way there’s no foot traffic through the front lobby for clients.
  9. MN Sites

    Totally agreed. MSP doesn’t have great boards. I work there often. I will say if a lady doesn’t ask you to verify out there, don’t see her. It’s an industry standard out there to complete verification. Trying to work in Denver as well, but not sure of the industry standards here. Seems to be different here.
  10. MN Sites
