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Everything posted by hornyoldtoad

  1. Was told not to bother old clients

    These communities are about making the best and safest decisions you can to keep your hobby life discreet, safe, and fun. With current reviews the way they are, I feel you should always PM another fellah who has dated the gal you are about to see if you have questions. I've been PM-ing people when trying to make the best dating choices for 20 years now and it always helps me out when I'm seeing someone new. Which is why I always share what I can to pay it forward. If I get crickets, I just don't go see the lady. No ones asking for gossip, far from it, just helpful hints. And how hard is it to simply reply in a very non-incriminating manner? Aren't there board rules that govern the confidentiality of PM conversations? Also, and more importantly, PMing may reveal some 411 that could help one steer towards a better opportunity for them. If you 'cricket' someone and they proceed with an otherwise unavoidable lackluster time, or a time where there is a 'provider's no no' that was a 'john's please please', a provider may get a 'no' rec that could have easily been avoided. And there are too many bullshit 'no' recommendations out there because of some jaded dude, riddled with entitlement issues, has an axe to bear because he didn't get what he felt he deserved. Happens way too often - IMO. YMMV - always the golden rule, always will be, respectfully:) Agree that guys aren't gossipers and want their hobby life private - I want it that way and respect it in others. But the landscape of this hobby is very different now and a whole lot of what people used to access on these boards (that helped them immensely) resides only in the minds of those that have dated before them. Sad that is so hard to see. I hope everyone can use the current tools and make the best decisions they can - and choose smart and safe; and if they see a provider whose offering misses their mark, I feel bad for both parties. My 2 cents - yes, i'll keep the change:)
  2. Western Slope Issues...

    True - but along with that 'busy', BP used to also bring a lot of negativity and too much public eye to a better served private world...
  3. Newbie asking

    it is a general courtesy to let your date know what to expect both in appearance and age when she meets you - frustration when opening the door and seeing someone you totally didn't think you would see is a 2 way street... generally speaking though there are women in every age group in this hobby who actually like seeing us old geezers - research is your friend - and ther is literally a date for all occasions here if you look correctly.
  4. Flake Filter?

    actually isn't any harder - just different - for the most part it is all still there - we just got to do another click or 2... flake index may be a good idea if it's a 2 way street too - from the sounds of it the ladies here are equally as frustrated for their own reasons about the way our side of the street is these days. Fact is the hobby life has shifted and we need to shift with it. truthfully we all got spoiled and IMO a wee too loose about what was happening for all to see. There is a fine line between patronizing a beautiful lady for her time and companionship and other things that may be interpreted by some as illegal - and there was way too much 411 in the public eye that could blur those lines - a market correction was due IMO. hobby safe hobby fun;)
  5. Flake Filter?

    what is mind boggling is that this was too often the case back when all the 'sites' were up and running too... endless posts by providers asking us doods to just do a little research - so few and far in between could you not find what you were looking for... many thanks to the ladies who have their 'dating' websites up and running - it is a huge help...
  6. Not so funny at the time...

    Not just me, thank gawd. yep - did the same thing when I started dating. Literally my 2nd go at this. Except she answered the door and there I was standing with a gift, and envelope and a hard on. Not the gal in the pics, but that is often the case and many reviews back in a day would say 'she wasn't the gal in the pics for safety reasons but you will be pleasantly surprised.' Again, very new and back in the older days when EB and TOB were separate websites, a way more relaxed scene than today. Played out like this: wrong room: may I help you? me: I'm here for our date? wrong room: excuse me? me: I'm (insert horny handle) we PM'd earlier about meeting here, I'm looking for (insert my dates handle here) wrong room: With a very puzzled look, asked who I was looking for again staring at the wine and an envelope and my noticeable 'eagerness' me: insert visual of me figuring it out and scramming to the stairwell Luckily the date was waiting for me on another floor. Same thoughts heading home, wow, how to explain that one to inquiring parties...
  7. Time to hang it up ?

    fewer truer words have been said...
  8. My first stand up

    you hate to see nc/ns posts but they happen - and they always have - and they always will - it's just life - and not unique to 'dating'... the good news you still went on a 'date'... and your nc/ns may be remedied with a make up date - dood - win win! Congrats!!!
  9. greetings from a new member and just thoughts on pics

    If the pro shots capture the true person, ok. All the airbrushing and bunny ears are (for me) a big turn off. I prefer selfies and those taken by dates - that way you know who you are going to see - some of us old geezers save up our dimes and nothing is more frustrating than having to compromise because of misleading pics... I would like to add 'recent' selfies/pics too are a really good thing - posting pictures that are many years old really misrepresents - shoot, just 5 years ago I didn't have all this grey hair and weighed 15 pounds less... we all have our type and the pics should capture that as much as they can...
  10. Parking lot questionable vehicles?

    gotta feel safe - if you don't, you don't - for whatever reason... good on ya to have reached out to her - read way too many of these where that was overlooked and that isn't fair to your date - I hope you made arrangements to see her again... everyone who dates will find themselves in a situation every now and then that makes them feel uneasy - part of the dating game - for me it has always been that odd feeling my car my not be there after my date - so far so good:)
  11. Post Your Funnies

    Ha, I just spit iced tea all over my computer - too funny...
  12. How Old Am I? Lemme Tell Ya...

    no doubt there's quite a few of us on the back 9...
  13. Agreeing to anything over the phone

    yep! that sums it up perfectly.
  14. The Stupidity Is Real

    fewer truer words have ever been posted... jesus - keep it safe people - if it ain't safe, it ain't worth it...
  15. Suggestions Please

    if it isn't safe, it isn't fun! It's always risky engaging in conversations like this via texting - I understand concerns for posting copy in texting that may mislead someone if they fell into the wrong hands. Best to PM for these types of things if you have to. But the best advice is above. If you are super concerned for where you may go on your date, just see someone who you know will meet you there, and PM reputable reviewers is the best way to go. Also, ask providers that you see regularly who they may recommend. Or. TOFTT and be respectful that YMMV always.