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Everything posted by scars&staples

  1. Public Apology

    I was a long time lurker, but now a new member may I extend a sincere welcome back Bella.
  2. Newbie to TOB, saying hello.

    That's him!
  3. Newbie to TOB, saying hello.

    Evening everyone, I've been a lurker on the site for about the last 6-8 months and finally decided to join the site. I've tried to learn a lot by the power of observation but thought I'm a newbie, no references and no membership to P411 (yet) but my history with providers goes back nearly 20 years. I ventured on to TOB, but ended up having an amazing time with a wonderful provider who was on SoWet but not long for the profession. I tried again maybe a year later and the appointment I tried to make wasn't meant to be. I took it as a sign that it wasn't a great match and she was letting me down easy by her explanations. Now nearly 20 years later I'm here again, with a bit of gray, a bit wiser but always looking for opportunities to learn. Especially in a world such as this. I have plenty of questions, but Right now I hope to learn as much as I can and see if I can't contribute as well. Thanks everyone.
  4. Newbie to TOB, saying hello.

    Thanks for the comments, I'll give it a shot regarding PM's I think the next quest is finding the right balance between sounding like a wooden statue not the "hey babe, you available?" one liner approach and saying too much which might come across as over eager. Sincerely thanks for the comments above..
  5. Newbie to TOB, saying hello.

    Thanks for the welcome. my memory regarding the ladies that were on SoWet is rather vague, I don't remember names at the moment but so many years removed I doubt it really matters. There are a few providers who I'm interested in seeing, However, knowing that there is a CX NCNS epidemic going around i fear that my earnest communicationmight be mistaken as an over eager client or one to stay away from. Especially with no references. which puts into context, which providers should I contact? I sincerely don't want to waste a provider's time if indeed they won't see a newbie. But if a profile/ad doesn't expressly say 'Not newbie friendly" or specify needing references, then should I take it as they "might" see me? I understand that safety and discretion is #1 priority. So, I understand the necessity of references.. Thanks again.