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Everything posted by johnnybgood

  1. 411 on Allie from Tryst

    Thanks Kaduk, looks like another tgtbt lady...😤
  2. If you won the Powerball?

    Just touching on a dream subject while we're all bored.... For me besides taking care of a half dozen special ladies I've met here on tob and 411 that have made an impact on my life in a positive way, the other thing I'd love to do is give back to all the tob ladies as a whole... The best way I'd love to make that happen is to make their normal donation times say 3 or 4 and have them ALL come together for one HELL of a party! A rented hall with all food/drinks/entertainment/dancing just for you, the ladies as my thank you for all your loving kisses over the years. Oh what a dream it would be to have all you beautiful ladies together in one room!
  3. 2nd wave or what?

    Have to agree, I've just recovered from a 5-8 day stunt with covid, didn't have any of DJT type docs but recovered none the less, the worst part was knowing I couldn't see any of the wonderful ladies I like to see. No idea how I caught it and I don't really care. Never once did I feel like I was dying, sick yes but I've been sick before and most likely will be sick again! Protect yourself, be careful around others but open up our economy again, STOP the lockdowns! A covid survivor!
  4. Can a Guy Get a Brake

    I have a friend who is a police officer, we talk often and I've asked him in general why they don't seem to pull people over for (what is considered minor infractions) like not using turn signal, headlights too bright (illegal) driving in the wrong lane, etc... His answer was because if he did then that's ALL he would do all day! He said he sees half dozen infractions every hour of his day and they get blind eye to the lesser ones. He also stated it's the least enjoyable part of his job (pulling people over)
  5. Looking for A Creamy Pussy

    Shelby Creams
  6. TER/P411

  7. Such a great time of year

    Golden Gate Canyon State park, has an abundance of hiking trails with beautiful scenery, my fav being the panorama point location. Peaceful and not too crowded, beautiful leaves falling to walk through and is dog friendly!
  8. 411 Tanya STG

    I'm sure there are legit girls on there but they are few and far between in my experience...half want a deposit up front just to get a rough location, one lady who's ad said she was gfe friendly and listed plenty of services and only wanted a couple Benjamin's, then when we had a date and time set she lets me know that's it's only a clothed massage! I was like WTF, but she claimed she didn't write the ad and do I still want a massage? I no longer even look outside tob and p411....
  9. Rising asset prices

  10. Should I build my garage haunted house?

    If you love doing it and enjoy it then why not, ALL kids that go out should be wearing a mask this year, many will be wearing a mask over a mask. If we're all wearing masks we're all safe right?
  11. Sorry spark but this virus will never completely go away, 2 mo, 4 mo or 6mo! Has the flu ever gone away despite a yearly vaccine? More than 16 million people must get medical treatment each year in the US because of the flu with 30-60k dying! (During the 2018-2019 season, the CDC estimates 16.5 million people went to a health care provider for the flu and more than 34,000 people died in the U.S. The prior season saw 61,000 deaths.Jan 30, 2020) Are you willing to wear a mask the rest of your life to avoid you becoming one of those 30-60k? Sorry not me....
  12. Sports Question?

    So now that sports have returned how many of you out there are excited about them returning? Do you watch them about the same as before pandemic? More than pre-pandemic? or Less??? I've tried to get back into baseball but found after watching about 1/2 of 3 different games I've lost interest, figured football would be here soon and that is my sport... Now football has completed it's second weekend and I haven't watched even half of either Broncos game (it used to be a full day of bronco action for me) yesterday I went out and worked in the yard with some music playing during the remainder of the game... priorities have shifted for me and I have to say I kind of like it!
  13. Hobbies Outside of :the HOBBY"

    Wow, so many different hobbies out there, I love it, I used to love to golf and bowl but those cut down on the time I like to ride my motorcycle and go camping. Nothing better than to get away from the city, smell a good campfire, gaze up at the stars at night and actually be able to see them! The smell of the tree's, a good rain while enjoying your favorite cocktail with no TV or phone around. I love not knowing or caring if it's Tuesday or Friday because it just doesn't matter when you're up there!
  14. Price increase.

    I'd love to add that one to my stock portfolio!...🤣😂🤣
  15. What is the farthest you have every gone?

    Denver to Dallas, $79 round trip fare!
  16. 411 julez on tryst

  17. 411 julez on tryst

  18. Zoey Slay Colorado Companion Anyone heard of or have any info on this newbie.. ?
  19. 411 on Zoey Slay

  20. Covid-19 Vaccine

    Fork, I did my best in a short period of time to cut and paste on my phone, looking back I see something didn't paste correctly, so yes a part doesn't make sense...but since you're so good with Google then Google this "dr fauci flip flops" and you have plenty of links and choices to gather the same info I did, many with dates and the interviewer. You don't have to believe any of it I don't really care, I saw and heard much of it as it was happening so I feel he's very politically motivated. Not a big surprise for most of us this year. Before you throw me on the Trump train just know he was not my 1st or 2nd choice but he was the best choice between him and Hillary. And now fast forward ahead and we have him and Biden. I've lived through Alzheimer's in my family and this man is right on the verge of a total meltdown. I give him 12 months tops before he won't be able to say 1 coherent paragraph. This man will never get to make a single decision if he was elected president, his handlers would do it all! So yes I'll vote for Trump but not because I admire the guy or think he's a saint but because he's working for free to make America #1 at home and around the world and up until this pandemic he's blown the playing field out of the water despite people spying and listening to his every word since before he was elected. They've lied and cheated him at every turn and yet he still has been a very effective president. Good day!
  21. Covid-19 Vaccine

    Pfunk, I agree with changing your mind with updated info...totally, but when you say something one day to one reporter and something different to another a few days later with no real change of info or my favorite travel restrictions wouldn't have helped but later say the president waited to long. Sorry that's flip flopping to appease a certain group of people! Masks don't help but now masks help, should be people's choice, now it should be mandatory! 4th of July celebrations would be irresponsible but protesting is ok cause it's a constitutional right. Whatever....