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Everything posted by FuriousWeasel

  1. new here

    Hey, welcome to the forum! Hope you have a great time here...
  2. RIP Shannen Doherty

    I heard the story about her getting breast cancer. The SAG screwed up her health insurance one year so she wasn't covered. That was the year she caught it, and by the next year when they fixed the mistake, it was basically too late.
  3. 100+ Out There

    I went to my favorite coffee shop this morning around 7. I noticed more and more regulars show up and just... stick around. Finally someone asked, and yeah... no one wanted to go back out in the heat! I didn't leave until about noon! Now I'm sitting outside in the shade, as it's cooled down a little bit. Just in my underwear though... hahahah
  4. RIP Shannen Doherty

    She was a talented actress, and will be missed. I'm sorry she had to go out that way. RIP
  5. RIP Dr Ruth Westheimer

    I remember listening to her radio show at one point. She was one of the good people, RIP...
  6. RIP Shelly Duvall

    It's a real shame but at least she's at peace now. I always enjoyed her work, Olive Oyl was actually a favorite...
  7. Content partner on the 29th

    There's always good responses to that... this one is hilarious https://x.com/elisekennedyuk/status/1272913254382276613
  8. Sprinkler Start Up

    I'm waiting on a cool enough day for me to rent the trencher and do a sprinkler line through my back yard.
  9. Time off from work?

    In general I'll take days off kind of last minute rather than planning things out far in advance. That way I know i'm caught up on things pretty much and there is no reason to stress while I'm out.
  10. Featured Ads

    You know you're right. There's a lot less both on each line, and a lot of repeats. Seems there are definitely a lot less using that feature?
  11. I hate flying!!!!

    I just hate the experience of flying anymore. The damn bean counters at the airlines all trying to find the perfect combination of pissing off all the customers through bad service, but just not enough that they stop flying.
  12. As we get older....

    That's great to hear! I had something similar many years back, a virus attacked my liver (not hep) and almost 30 years later it still gives me issues.
  13. How often have you been invited back?

    How about "She retired years ago, and still calls me up regularly for a booty call where she gets a room..."
  14. The Perk Downtown closes

    That is a shame. My friend owns a different shop close to there that I go to most of the time, but The Perk was always just a nice place.
  15. Kona Blue declassified.

    It definitely reads as official FedGov documents, with appropriate classification markers throughout.
  16. Lost my XO today

    I'm sorry for your loss. I hope his family and friends find solace in the time they spent together.
  17. OJ Simpson

    Hey at least OJ can rest in peace knowing that his wife's killer is dead.
  18. Buc-Ees

    The wind today is pissing me off. I wanted to get some things done, and the wind is just giving me a headache.
  19. cloudy head light lens

    If you've never watched this channel before, he does hardcore testing and comparison of tons of different products, and here he's covered the headlight kits!
  20. Want a better retirement?

    All those many years ago I used to work for Vanguard. They're a good choice.. The hardest part to start investing money for the future is the high minimums on starting an account. There's still some places you can start with 100 bucks.
  21. Late Night With The Devil

    I've been meaning to see this one! Please let me know what you thought of it.
  22. cloudy head light lens

    Unless you have glass headlights, they will deteriorate due to UV from the sun, which is why there is a coating on the plastic lenses from the factory. It works like a sacrificial anode in your hot water tank, it takes the UV damage so the plastic doesn't. So you either replace your whole headlamp assembly, or clean and reapply the UV coating.
  23. Worldwide Economic Slowdown

    Saw an interesting analysis today. The economy should actually be in much worse shape than it already is. You know how bad the job market is for people looking for work in general? It should be much worse than it is, since unemployment is artificially low. I'm not talking the BS U3 vs workforce participation rate manipulation, or how the asshole politicians release "Oh there were 500 thousand new jobs! Look how wonderful we are!" then 2 months later the real numbers come out, almost always half of the bullshit they say, and most of those end up being just finally rehiring for jobs lost years ago. This one was that that when Covid hit, so many folks closer to retirement said fuck it and retired. Mostly skilled labor like plumbers, electricians, machinists, and the like. The major issue is that lets say 5 million people extra retired "too soon" and only like 1 million people got hired to replace them. That's bad enough but that's one million people that wouldn't have been hired otherwise, meaning unemployment should be higher by that many people.
  24. If Sick Cancel And Stay Home

    A week from now? Hmmm... I'd keep the appt and just be careful and creative with the play. After I broke my ankle a few years back I went like 10 days before an appt.