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Everything posted by Lucylucyloveland

  1. Is it worth it?

    Since I have "retired" from the ish about 3 years ago, I've moved states away and grown into a spouse/mother/homemaker role 🥱 Yawn city. It makes me miss being a hobby to the hobbyists. Is it normal to miss this? To who, who have circled back, is it just as good, better, worse, worth it, or a waste?
  2. Is it worth it?

    You were definitely NOT the last straw! Omg you're so silly. You're an amazing person and I would be so lucky to see you again.
  3. Is it worth it?

    I'd love to! Go ahead and message her info if it's ok with the mods
  4. Is it worth it?

    Hubby is actually my previous client he even wrote a review for me many many moons ago. We've been togther for going on 7 years. I've since moved to Washington state and I've talked with him about dipping my toe in here. But it's just not the same as colorado. He must get annoyed with how much I've said "I miss colorado" over the 3 years now. Thank yall for replying and telling my your perspective and giving advice. I really do appreciate it!
  5. It's a beautiful day

    The water is going to be insane this season. I'll live vicariously through yall.
  6. Eros is whack

    Mmm choc tiddies are the best
  7. Eros is whack

    I've always been loyal to tob and after one month of advertising on eros I'm even more thankful for tob. I tried out Eros this month after another provider mentioned it and I cannot believe how unprofessional Eros is. For weeks now I have attempted to contact their customer service for modifications on my ad to no avail. They have rejected so many of my photos for unknown reasons (nothing explicit or revealing) they haven't updated my ad as verified (even though I have sent numerous forms of verification per their rules) and they haven't updated my location after multiple attempts to request it. This type of customer service is unacceptable especially since I paid 120 for one month of advertising. GTFO of here with that ... Tob has always been diligent and prompt with any questions or concerns I've had. I am also able to contact the mods of Tob unlike Eros where I just send a message to mass inbox and God knows who answers it and when. I'm over it.
  8. Eros is whack

    I think like ej said, it's probably because I'm new to the site. This is quite a common complaint that I've heard from other providers. I've had some traffic from clients because of my Eros ad but it tends to fall through because they think I'm in Denver. Which is the major request I've been asking Eros to change. It should not take weeks to accommodate one simple request.. I'm mainly in springs and rarely travel to Denver. It's disappointing to spend money on an ad that doesn't generate anything in return.
  9. Gfe or not

    I don't ever put gfe in my ad because far too many clients assume it means no protection. Which blows my mind that some people actually do that. It's incredibly irresponsible. However, my personality and professionalism is as gfe as it gets.
  10. Hi everyone! I'm back in the forums!

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to say hi. I was a naughty girl on the forums a few months ago but I'm out of time out now! Lol thank you to the mods for letting me back in! Love y'all! -Lucy
  11. Missing escorting after retirement....

    Might I also add that my close family and friends know what I do/my profession and they are not so approving.... Reading this gave me much needed insight and reassurance on how one should really feel about this industry. I know my time with my clients are private and mutually unique. There is a stigma about this industry and what it entails but no one except for us clients and providers truly know the emotional connection we have with each other. Although there are times I feel overwhelmed or to be quite Frank, exhausted and fed up with this industry and the clients, there are other moments that redeem my love and appreciation for what I share with everyone. I have met some unique, amazing, wonderful, intelligent and funny gentleman during my time. Even though I know my retirement is looming, depending on life of course, I have thoroughly enjoyed being a provider and in many ways I've enjoyed clients jumping 1in the role as a provider for me. I've spent countless hours by the fire or snuggling up in bed talking and getting to know a total stranger only to realize that they're not a stranger at all they were just a friend I hadn't met yet.
  12. Missing escorting after retirement....

    I feel this on so many levels what a wonderful read!
  13. Former providers -Do you miss it?

    Congrats girl! That is so wonderful! I took a break from age 20 to 25 but between that time I was occasionally stripping so I guess I will always have a desire to be involved in the adult industry. I love being a sexual person and swinging with other couples with my partner. However, I do know when I retire I will enjoy the next chapter of my life very much.
  14. Hi everyone! I'm back in the forums!

    @Hunter VanDyke giiiiiirl... it was a p.i.t.a being in time out lol no fun! glad to be back though! I was really sad not being able to talk to everyone. I don't get to talk to my friends about my "secret" lifestyle so this forum is a much needed outlet for me! For all of us I'm sure!
  15. Providers Beware! Mile High Club (Fake Adult Film Agency)

    @scarecrow right! lmao I better jump on the deal while it lasts!
  16. Hi everyone! I'm back in the forums!

    Bad boy it's been TOO darn long! Maybe next week I'll head up there who knows 💋❤💋 how have you been?
  17. Providers Beware! Mile High Club (Fake Adult Film Agency)

    happened to me too
  18. Hi everybody!!

    Welcome! ❤
  19. Smoking

    Straight. I smoke the American spirits, which is just plain tobacco, and I typically smoke one or two cigarettes in a day. I've never had a client comment on any notable odor or taste but you bet your booty if a gentleman did notice, I would most definitely refrain from smoking hours prior to an appointment. The hardest for me would be before outcalls because I absolutely enjoy smoking and driving. I will 🚬 and put out the same vacha multiple times while I'm driving. However I couldn't even imagine seeing a provider who is a chainsmoker... It is an offputting smell!
  20. I Love You Colorado But Why Are You So Cold

    You could be ❤
  21. I Love You Colorado But Why Are You So Cold

    Admiral! Let a girl daydream! 😂😘
  22. I Love You Colorado But Why Are You So Cold

    Nina you'll love it soon. The summer sun warms your skin up so quick because of how high we are in elevation and the air smells wonderful and light with the scent of wild flowers. We don't have to worry about the excessive humidity and stickiness here, just those afternoon light rains that occur mid to end summer. 😍 The nostalgia, can't wait!
  23. Thoughts on a new interface

    So I was talking with a good friend, who used to be a client, about the impending demise of popular sites for our services and he had some good suggestions, however I'm not so sure these sites and apps would or could transcend tob... So I'm curious of everyones' opinion. How do y'all feel about using Snapchat, instagram, Twitter, facebook, reddit etc. as a medium in case the worst happens? Personally, I think having a friend group like snap would be neat. We could post snaps of our availability/donation and how our day is going. Providers could keep regulars or previously seen clients on their friends list... Even though I'm a "millennial" in my twenties, I'm not too keen on social media except for reddit, so any suggestions or input would be greatly appreciated. -Lucy
  24. Back page orphans

    Popcorn meme would be perfect right about now 😂
  25. Back page orphans

    Oh shit..... 😂😂😂