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Everything posted by geecue2

  1. Roadtrip

    Went to Arizona one time contacted a few ladies before the trip for verification on 411 made it real easy to schedule when the time came.
  2. DFK and ATF's

    Started thinking about ATF's, all of mine have either moved away or retired. One thing I did come up with is what they all had in common. All of these ladies loved to kiss, I mean the real DFK. Thinking maybe that is why I do not have an ATF now. Remember one lady, had to go through her garage to get to the house, she stops in front of her vehicle and starts DFK, pulls me down on the hood of her car, we must have kissed for about 5 minutes straight, ATF after that appt. She would always tell me she liked the way I kissed because I would kiss back, asked doesn't everyone. Anyone else like the DFK to get a session started off right ? Ladies is this becoming a lost art ?
  3. Football season is here

    Nice to know there are two good college football teams in Colorado this year . Go buffs.
  4. Football season is here

    When I heard Dejon was hired as head coach for the Buffs and was brining his son as quarterback, watched him in a game at Jackson St. knew he was going to light it up at CU. Went and bought me prime shirts also bought gold chains , you can’t wear prime time gear without the gold chains 🤣🤣 Go Buffs
  5. When I hit the one billion dollar powerball , will be going on a world tour.
  6. Go Nuggets 2023

    What I love is all the so called experts are always picking against the Nuggets.
  7. legs, legs, legs

  8. New to tob

    Welcome to the board
  9. Are you ready for spring

    Definitely ready for spring.

    Nice to hear you are doing ok Bob. Never did get the opportunity to see Monica.
  11. Colorado College football

    Since the Broncos are going downhill have gotten some Prime Time, CU shirts. Also ordered a gold neck chain, figured you had to have a gold chain to wear with the Prime Time shirts. 😁😁
  12. Missed retired providers

    Wonder, Meagan Rae,Stacy Carlson, Abigail Fox, Brielle Paige, Olivia Grace, Justina Carter, Sweet Bailey, Mya Mylanna.
  13. Colorado College football

    Already getting 5 star recruits committing to CU. His son looks like he is a very good quarterback. Prime time will make the up coming seasons interesting.
  14. Favorite Female Body Pary

    Sexy legs and the sexiest curve on a lady her smile.😁
  15. New To The Board!

    Welcome to Colorado and Denver.
  16. Price of Gasoline

    Going to date myself, can remember when I first started driving you could fill your gas tank for under $8.00 those were the days. Gas prices have not slowed me down hobbying wise yet.
  17. P411

    Hmmm, last night I was getting the warning, this morning and as of right now, no warning.
  18. P411

    There was an outage in my area.
  19. P411

    Kind of freaked me out, after I opened it up about 15 mins later lost my internet everything is ok now.
  20. P411

    No warning this morning, but is that a good or bad thing.
  21. Rip off artists

    Hmmm, review posted by you or did someone hack your tob profile or catfish you.
  22. Where's the bush?

    IMO hope the bush does not come back, remember back in the day, afterwards almost having to use dental floss when finished.
  23. When you see a provider/client out in the public?

    Only one time have seen a provider in public, was walking downtown Denver heading to a party, out of the corner of my eye see this hot lady walking towards me. As we come upon each other noticed who she was, big smile on both of our faces, she hugs me, it was fine we were both by ourselves. Funny thing is we were both going to the same party, we had a mutual friend who was also a provider.