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Everything posted by subtlysexy89

  1. Independent, intelligent women

    Well. I hope that, with time, there won't be jocularity, popularity or valedictorarety. Capacity, Sarcastically, audacity, seniority, priority, majority or the distraction of vanity. Planet E. Come back down to it.
  2. Independent, intelligent women

    Sherlock Holmes is a pretty cool character. Jean Valjean. Emma. But who doesn't love a variation of "Taming of the Shrew?"
  3. Independent, intelligent women

    I doubt those particular artists view themselves as taboo...I was thinking of a movie I saw about a woman writer. It was unconventional for women to write and yet, this writer likely found a way to do what was important for her. Support her life? Anyway...what couldn't be more opposite attain the same goals--Hildegaard and Amos...written music, different message. Alanis and Apple...tell their stories more different. Wear a swan dress to an award show, well let's gossip about that. Conform. Comform. Be the consummate professionawwwl. At the end of the day, seniority or belittlement is cynic masticate cynic. "Dog eat dog."
  4. My Very First Car Wash

    I was super freaked out to go on my first car date. But once it all eased in and my nervousness was alleviated, by stimulus, I realized I WAS AT THE DRIVE IN! And then I woke up to the cruel realization that Cinderella City Drive In is no longer with us. Would I see that movie again? No. But I'm thinking... why stop at car date? Let's go car wash. And maybe if I'm REAL lucky, that special guy will take me to the bushes. But seriously. Car wash. That's where it's at. Well maybe the bushes. No. You can wash my car.
  5. My Very First Car Wash

    Jung and Freud are washing my car. I'm smoking a cigar and you might want to know...the sky is falling.
  6. My Very First Car Wash

    So. I'm going to say...if this is clientele, then what's the point. In my very non-humble opinion, I don't need to impress you. I pay the ultimate stop confounding something that was perfectly OK to begin with. As long as nobody got crafty on you, or endangered your safety, wash my car. I'm sorry that I am not the best palace receptacle in the world, but I am allowed to be independent. HLi.
  7. My Very First Car Wash

    Maligned Pueblo. Women's prison or State Hospital? In which case you might be referring to the dive in.
  8. My Very First Car Wash

    I did not watch the video. I was saying that it was more intriguing to me to imagine the contrast between what I anticipated the video to be and what (in my scenario exercise) the video actually is. Footage of someone washing their car. That would be funny--somtimes washing a car is just washing a car. A little Jung/Freud humor--sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
  9. My Very First Car Wash

    Not euphemistic at all. I didn't watch the video so I will leave it to my imagination in the spirit of comedy.
  10. NCNS in denver

    Oh. Had she seen you before? Don't talk like that about yourself.
  11. NCNS in denver

    I wanted to add...often, I have not been contacted directly through TOB. I find it illogical to write any type of review unless correspondence was made in that way. It is bothersome because it almost seems like guys see us, but don't share their profile. So for all I know, I see this dude with his handle name all over the board... but have no clue that I may have encountered him in real life. To me, it's like being Hallow Man. So if you want someone to use good conduct, conduct yourself in a way that holds you both accountable...if you haven't already.
  12. NCNS in denver

    That's lame. I'm sorry that happened. It's too bad you can't get a direct answer or any idea why. Some ladies don't appreciate when they feel pressed. I suggest calling on time, never early. Calling early can be stressful because there is already a time crunch. We can get nervous or have certain reservations. Don't wait 45 min for someone either, unless you were 45 min early. Message her on TOB and explain your disappointment. See if she won't make up for it. If she does great. Sometimes guys pull the same thing. The bad review? Well, I am bias about those. People make mistakes, which is why going out on a limb is a learning experience. Also, there should be no problems with giving an exact probably don't wait at a street intersection.
  13. Wanksters When a third individual proposes a car date within a bracket of 24 hours, I'm going to have to question why this conduct is acceptable. At. All. Look Wanksters, you might think it's funny and witty to infiltrate someone with ridiculous propositions...but I'm going to go with flat out immature. Get a hobby.
  14. Wanksters

    PS-- Wanksters was naturally meant to be a put down, but to those whose intentions were of Wankers.
  15. Wanksters

    I appreciate all of the feedback. I am disappointed that some of what I say seems like a put down. I was not directing my comments at anyone in particular. I was thinking critically about what just happened today. It's been a curve ball, the way something can influence a person--be it praise, any criticism or ignoring the ways that a person ( l/Myself ) may NOT measure up. It's been a very difficult topic because I realized too late that I wanted to delete it. Then I knew contention would sprout. I just want to say that I especially appreciate the ladies' feedback. I was happy to have someone help me understand. I appreciate everyone's tolerance and thoughts.
  16. Wanksters

    How might these dangers differ from the potential risks of other scenarios? What am I missing? I miss the turnover and lack of accountability provided by the process of elimination and direct communication via bp. However, we place much merit on intuition? I don't know what I'm doing...but it's been suggested that I should find another avenue. Well, I have to survive also.
  17. Wanksters

    How might these dangers differ from the potential risks of other scenarios? What am I missing? I miss the turnover and lack of accountability provided by the process of elimination and direct communication via bp. However, we place much merit on intuition? I don't know what I'm doing...but it's been suggested that I should find another avenue. Well, I have to survive also.
  18. Wanksters

    So you know each other quite well I see.
  19. Wanksters

  20. Wanksters

  21. Wanksters

    Lol. Perpetrators. I said Infiltrators. They are everywhere.
  22. Wanksters

    Lol. It didn't get further than car date. Since when.
  23. How many times do you see a provider

    It looks like if it were only me hearing myself speak or write, then i would not be replying to you at all. I will attract who I am supposed to attract and if I don't, then so be it.
  24. How many times do you see a provider

    Which is evidently what you just sought to do. Thank you for the superfluous language... but I was just being myself. I appreciate that you felt the need to "put me in my place," however, I'm simply understanding as I go along. I apologize that you see it as me being condescing. I think this conversation is over. Don't you?
  25. My Bunghole is Exit Only…

    Nails? Those get in the way of finding the prostate. I feel bad by the way. A good awareness for guys on the separation of anal search and the quest for woman's entry gate. Front to back...never touch the rim and then make your toward the frontal trim.