Laci French

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Everything posted by Laci French

  1. If you have nothing nice to say

    Oh, sweet baby Jesus and bless your heart.
  2. Play a game

    #SeduceSomeoneIn4Words I have baby carrots #BadThingsToHideInYourPants Habanero peppers
  3. Time?

    How do you make any type of connection in such a short time? It would feel completely mechanical to me if it was so rushed.
  4. Time?

    This is some prime drama right here😳 Happy everything is okay with you. Wish I made enough to have a driver😕 This thread is drawing negative attention to someone and just consider if it was would hurt like hell.
  5. Christmas specials

    I just can’t imagine why you haven’t found a regular yet🤔
  6. What are you wishing for?

    My daughter for one more day.
  7. More zero reviews aging up

    I’ve been doing this for 21 years and have only blacklisted 4 men. I love the encounters I share and maybe that makes all the difference? I think the gentlemen are speaking in general rather than specifically calling you or any other lady out.
  8. Dining with your friend

    I will not be a bitch. I will not be a bitch. I will not be a bitch. I will not be a bitch. Whew...that was close.

    I would take 2Big for an all expense paid trip to a titty bar and then an amp.
  10. Ladies... write a book

    I like to be transparent and have a now serving sign outside the bedroom door.

    I’m not taking this as seriously as I should so I apologize and am now ready. Who do I buy for and can we nominate others to play secret santa as well? Humbly yours, Mrs Secret Santa 🎅

    Thank you Tide!! This is going to be the best Christmas ever.
  13. New to this?

    Welcome to TOB. Hope you enjoy yourself, stay safe and prosper. Reach out if you need anything.

    You wanna share my wallaby?
  15. Ladies... write a book

    Great advice and I would like to add one thing you left off your list. Please ask us how many appts we have in a day and what number you are in the lineup.
  16. Spoofing.

    I’m leaning towards #3

    I want a wallaby ❤️❤️
  18. Spoofing.

    This has happened to me as well and I will be making phone calls to other ladies until this passes. Ladies, if you get something strange from another provider (including myself) please let us know. Someone has too damn much time on their hands and isn’t very holly jolly. Stay safe and if this is happening to you please reach out and let myself, Amber720, Audrey or Nina Falkner know.
  19. Dining with your friend

    Watch out for the rabid beaver
  20. Is P411 dead?

    I have been traveling and P411 is alive and well. ECCIE seems to be dead in so many areas and I cannot stress enough to all of you gentlemen to keep your subscription current

    I’m bringing the carrots and everyone else has to bring something else for the salad.
  22. Dining with your friend

    You’ve only eaten p*@@y with dates here ONCE? This might explain your last 2 so-so reviews.🤔

    Where do I have to bring my baby carrots and what will you be doing with them?🤔
  24. New spam/scam phone calls

    So this just happened...Audrey got a phone call from my phone number and when she answered it was a FBI recording 😕 I guess I’m a double agent😂 Is there more tracing that can be done on the phone number and is there a way to keep my number from getting used?
  25. What we have here

    But I’m so shy and quiet...nothing to see here.😊