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Everything posted by TrystinTrimble

  1. When will we stop shooting our youths!

    I've only ever seen you once face-to-face sir; You were reasonable then and you are now. Well done finding a concise way to say so much. This is quality writing here...
  2. When will we stop shooting our youths!

    Man, here's the thing about all that. As I said in my essay a minute ago, politicians sure do get to run their mouth a lot and sign pieces of paper that affect enormous amounts of people. They tell women young girls and doctors what they should be allowed to do with their bodies. Most of the politicians are men. All of them are not in possession of a uterus. None of them will ever be in a woman's position so no matter what your party is it's ludicrous that they think they're the Almighty on this one. Men in suits running for offices need to take SEVERAL seats. In Colorado, A woman is legally able to obtain an abortion clear on up until the end of the pregnancy. There is no woman who is 34 weeks pregnant and telling herself, "LOL I don't think I wanna do this I'd rather go skiing! Silly me! Time to go get an abortion lol !" No one is eager to casually abort. There is what? One or two doctors in the entire state that do it late term? Not one single funtime late abortion in the third trimester, not one. The people who were chomping at the bit to overturn access to one anywhere outside of Colorado are not the ones who should have the power to do it. Even as a woman myself it is not my place to tell anyone how they should ever feel about it. It's not something that anyone really takes lightly, and even if you want to do it as a woman it's not fun I've heard that firsthand from numerous women. It's terrible that some minor who is pregnant by her father is possibly left with no options simply because of where she lives and because some guy in a suit who doesn't give a shit about her Personally feels that no one should be able to get one for any reason. If I can't put myself in that girls shoes he sure as hell shouldn't act like he can. He simply cannot, and that same lawmaker forcing someone to have that child is also doing little to Keep that child from being shot up at school in a few years. I can't dictate how she should feel, he shouldn't have the audacity to lord over her a yes or no. He still does. It always will come down to each unique case and not right/left. I know my situation which was, I had one pregnancy ever. I have one kid. I have one man who is the father. The father is a self righteous republican who had kids before mine. And even his hard right ass sure wanted me to get unpregnant when I asked for his feelings on it, despite being well into second trimester. He didn't care what his politics were, or how I felt, only about what HE wanted to happen. Thank goodness I had the ultimate say. I can't say how I would've felt about it in any other scenario all I know is that My choice was not to bend to his choice. And I'm not a teenage girl, her father is not in capable of raising another child nor has he refused to do it either. I can't even imagine how rough it must be to be a young girl or a assault victim or a battered wife in a trigger state where she just can't decide what to do about it anymore and just has to push forward. All I know is how rough it was for me in my mid 30s when I was allowed to decide what I wanted to do. It's insane that All these lawmakers who are sanctimonious about what's legal in our pants think they should be heard on it really. Am I against abortion? The world may never know. I didn't have one. I sure as hell am against Some stranger in a capitol building getting the final say. Do they think that shit is Fun? We don't need their laws to keep us from Free Abortion Fridays at the clinic. And we don't need their laws to keep kids safe from guns. And we don't need their laws finishing off some rape/incest victim who Has already had such a hard go of it thanks to whoever did those things to her. And there's one state I think; who MAKES NO EXCEPTION EVEN WHEN DEATH IS IMMINENT FOR THE MOTHER? Uncool! So effing wrong. Duh. It seems that most people are an island unto themselves and that's the deal. It's obvious that anyone who legally signs for no exception whatsoever, in no position to even do so. They are clearly completely self concerned. Why do they think we should give a crap about THEIR OPINION? they care not about ours and I guarantee you every day A handful of "pro life" men who prohibited the option of abortion in their valley will still turn right around and find a way to get one if they knocked their mistress up. Or their DAUGHTER for matter! Island unto themselves. Hypocrisy runs rampant in all places. Don't want to get one? Don't get one. Why they gotta force their hand and control all these strangers they don't care one drop about? And why they gotta ignore things that need genuine attention? This is insanity. All of it. Am I pro life? Am I pro choice? I Can't really say. I am definitely pro COMMON SENSE. The liberties lawmakers are taking with the big A and if it's allowed or not... It does not make sense to me I cannot see any common sense in it. Make it makes sense.
  3. When will we stop shooting our youths!

    Where is the off setting benefit? Damn good question! As someone who is comfortable around pistols and rifles I can tell you I have never once had any desire to shoot a weapon of that type. I have never had a need to. I had just as much fun out on the range with a 38 special as I did with a semi automatic 380 as I did with a BB gun shooting cans in my backyard. This is a damn good point right here, sir. I don't see any downside either to getting rid of things that are designed to spray a crowd with death. It doesn't vaporize the ones that already exist but it's a place to start. Why in the name of all this world do we ever need to manufacture one more ak47?
  4. When will we stop shooting our youths!

    Finally, something on the forum that I really want to talk about with people! Thanks for posting this question. Buckle up! So, when I was a child and a teenager I never had to realistically fear being shot at school. When Columbine happened, I was getting ready to enter high school 1000 miles away from here and our school was locked down that day as were many others across the country. While I understood the seriousness of the situation, it was still something that I was not overly affected by at the moment. I didn't have to be afraid to go to school other than the assholes that I deal with in my classes. So there's that. I finished school, went to college, moved up here almost a decade ago, and having been robbed at my job once by then, I now have the knowledge that any time anywhere some psycho could just walk up and start shooting at all who are present. Some crackhead pointed a pistol at me, and instilled in me horrific fear for a few seconds so that I would be compelled to give him $82 and a book of scratch off's. I was shook up and I quit soon after that happened, but I still had not cried for everyone who has been shot for no reason. The only reason I cried when that happened is because I knew that my boss was only going to be a dick about it and security was going to investigate and see if I had pulled an inside job. I just quit and moved on. Closer to home but I just quit. By the time I moved up here from back home I've become aware that mass shootings in public places were becoming more common place, and I had just moved to a place that was a couple of miles from the Aurora theater not too long after that attack happened. I stopped going to the movies, partially because I think going to the movies boring and partially because if I'm gonna get shot by a stranger I don't want it to be during something I didn't really want to do in the first place. So there goes movie theaters for me. Then A bunch of people got shot up at a Jason Aldean concert in Las Vegas, and it became even closer to my sphere of existence and I now attend my numerous concerts each year well aware that the shit canjump off at any time and I make sure that when I'm at a show I'm aware of my surroundings And I make sure that I know where the exits are. I know that's not school settings but I'm going somewhere with all of this so just bear with me... As time has gone on since columbine I keep finding myself more and more afraid of being shot in public by a stranger--but I had still not shed a single tear over these shootings at that point. I was done with school I had no kids and it just hadn't kicked me in the face yet at that point. But Ever since about the time I've moved here, I am always looking out of the corner of my eye for the barrel of a gun, everywhere I go all the time. You have been a couple times while I'm out shopping in a store that we lost power for whatever reason or some sort of verbal altercation goes down out of my line of sight, and any time either of those things happen I am immediately gone every time. The lights go out on a nice day at the Goodwill? That's it I'm leaving and it works. I'm on edge, but it's still wasn't 100% real to me yet. And jeez I Cannot even pretend that I know how the families of the people who have been shot simply for being black and driving must feel. So even as a white woman, This is getting realer every week. As of today, I'm not allowed to own a gun over a single non-violent crime that I committed one time. As of yet I've been unable to get that restriction reversed on me and all around me both legal and illegal gun owners are walking around killing people in all kinds of places. When I was young and country a gun was a tool, I was taught to use them safely and effectively and While I have own them in the past I never felt like I needed them until I couldn't have one. So now the fact that I can't own one seems a bit unfair. What if someone starts firing upon us in a public place and me, someone who is very good at shooting a gun and has a strong intuition, I am legally barred from owning one or carrying it even if I did own one. What the hell... A shooting here, shooting there, Boulder, Uvalde Texas, all over I'm hearing about this shit in news. It's finally got to the point where I am starting to give a damn about Politics. I hear about Nashville a couple weeks back and once again I'm just like why? But then I was Watching the news online and over my morning coffee I opened the body cam videos from the police officers at that school in Nashville from the time the guy gets out of his vehicle up till they bust in and drop Audrey Hale like a sack of potatoes. I hate that anybody has to be shot but good Lord they did a really good job handling that situation. Those cops are heroes, which is more than we can say about the ones from Uvalde. Most of us agree on this fact. They set the standard for how police must handle this situation from now on. The fact remains that we still have to wait for them to show up if it happens again anywhere else and the way they handled it is the best case scenario really. Locking the door of school didn't work, And despite the staff and students being prepared as best as they could for that attack, there was still the loss of the young girl who pulled the fire drill the principal of the school and the janitor and substitute who were unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hale knew that they were walking into a gun free zone, which obviously was not gun free enough to save those six people. The ones who were murdered that day never stood a chance, because of LAWS. Hale had an arsenal, because of LAWS. Hale didn't give a damn about LAWS when they walked in and shot the people. They never had a chance against the evil that moved in on em. And for the first time since all this started happening 24 years ago right here in Littleton, I watched that video and cried my eyes out all over the place. Ugly cried. I can't even imagine going through what those families are going through. This cannot be happening, yet it is. I can't imagine the horror... Except that I CAN now. I have a young child, And that child starts school in September. A private school, an elementary school. And holy crap you guys, watching that body cam video even with all of the most graphic parts scrubbed all nice in the American fashion, it has finally sunk in with this lady here. I don't know any of those people in Nashville and my heart is broken for real. My baby is about to start school where she will be going for the next dozen years or so, right here in the same city where Harris and Klebold Put Littleton on the map with their violence. My baby, nobody's baby ever should have to be in this kind of danger simply because they are at school for any reason whatsoever. Hate crime, mental illness, chips on shoulders I don't give a fuck why somebody would choose to do it all I know is that I am truly afraid that my baby is going to Witness or be a victim to this ; I really am. I am so scared for her and there's nothing I could do to protect her life right now, I can't keep her locked in a tower I can't keep her from going out in the world and that's hard enough as it is without the fear of her being blown away by an automatic weapon while she's at school. To borrow a line from Nancy Grace..."NOW THAT I AM A MOTHER." I finally get it. I feel it. I fear it. It was never any less serious but I finally GET it; and I don't know how I'm going to get through the next 12 years without losing my mind because she's not even in school yet and this is what she gets to walk into. It's unacceptable plain and simple, and it pisses me off so very much that in response to the shooting in Nashville; What I mainly seeing in the news is a bunch of fucking politicians walking around like stupid chickens squawking about trans people and freedom and rights and pronouns and why we need to be voting for who the fuck ever. It pisses me off to no end that politicians are using this to further their platforms and rally for their party. This IS NOT A PARTISAN ISSUE. This is NOT A LGBTQ ISSUE, although I do agree that things just got more dangerous for the trans community as well as children now that there's going to be senseless violence towards them and miss placed retaliation for Audrey Hale attacking a Christian elementary school. I don't want to vote to fix this. The politicians don't fucking care and I don't think either side politically cares about it more than they care about winning the elections. I don't think the answer is to take all the guns away from everyone and I don't think that the answer is to push for more guns either. The whole NRA camp seems to be pretty insensitive about anything going on around them. That's nothing new honestly, it has nothing to do with the senseless violence against children as well as everyone else. Right or left, it isn't the NRA who did it. It isn't the existence of trans people or the use of multiple pronouns to Give people safe spaces to be themselves. That didn't make this happen either and I'm angry that that's all the politicians can run their mouth about currently. Shut the FUCK up already, all of them. Now...personally how I SEE IT; Maybe some gun laws need to be modified, it's still not going to stop people who should not have guns from getting guns. I tend to be left leaning, but when it comes to the issue of guns yes or no, I cannot say that I'm anti-gun. The fact that that shooter was able to get all those guns legally and I am unable to own even one little .380 to defend myself and my family legitimately, is not fair. I'm all about a high-capacity magazine restriction because it can't hurt really...But taking the guns away isn't going to stop evil individuals from shooting innocent people for whatever their reason is. Politically How lawmakers FEEL is irrelevant. No law is going to protect my baby from this nonsense when I have to relinquish her to the school system shortly here. She is in danger, and your kids are as well. The next time I hear about who I should vote for on the platform of shootings I just might lose my temper and start screaming. Politicians Are people too and I'm sure that they worry about their children just like non-politicians do. Still , this is not a Partisan issue this is a Human issue. I don't know why it's so hard for them to see that the one thing we all can agree on is that it is unacceptable that so many children are being shot at school. End of story. The issue of shootings is PEOPLE against EVIL. The reasons that people are shooting our children are as varied as they are not an excuse to do it. Hate crime? Mental health? Abused as a child? We can address various mental health issues of potential shooters and we should of course, but the reason why it's happening doesn't matter. We can chip away at all of the societal sicknesses that are settling us here and everywhere else but in the meantime this shit needs to STOP. IT needs to stop one way or another no matter what and I'm afraid it will never stop. Left versus right needs to shut up about it, and whether or not pronouns were used properly towards the shooter quite frankly doesn't matter. ALL shootings of this nature are HATE CRIMES. ANYONE WHO SHOOTS A CHILD IS A WASTE OF OXYGEN. I don't know what we are going to do about it I and don't know how we're gonna stop it... and I wish I did have that answer. The powerlessness that I and so many other parents must feel over this crap is really hard just to wrap my head around. And how do the schools feel about it? One of my best friends back home is a high school history teacher whose classroom is in a portable building. I discussed all this with him a few days ago and he has told me straight out of his mouth that there is nothing stopping some psycho from walking into his portable and blowing everyone away. He's not allowed to have a pistol on his hip nor does he feel comfortable having one. Maybe the teachers who are comfortable arming themselves should be allowed to, kind of the same way that pharmacists are individually allowed to decide who gets safe IV drug use supplies and who doesn't based on their own personal beliefs. At this point I don't think that prohibiting any guns whatsoever on school property is appropriate. Maybe the teachers should be allowed to arm themselves at their discretion Which is sad to say. I most definitely feel that NO school should be in session anymore without at least an officer or two armed to the teeth guarding the entrances. The school that my friend teaches that has a part-time resource officer who has to check his piece at the door And only gets to carry a taser and a baton. It's not enough. His students in the main building only walk-through a metal detector that can easily be unplugged and isn't always being watched by a security person as they come in. The portable buildings have nothing at all except a flimsy lock on the door. And we have politicians to thank for all of the hand tying that has led to where we are now, no matter what side you're on I think we can all agree on that. The politicians aren't getting anything done. I'm not a lawmaker, I am not a teacher, I'm not a cop I'm just a mother of one. But I think there needs to be armed guards at every single school on this country every day. I think that No student should be allowed in the class until security at the door has insured completely that student is not armed when they come in. Teachers and administrators should be allowed to open or conceal carry at their discretion. Teachers may need to Keep a few feet between them and the students if they choose to open carry to mitigate the small risk of a student grabbing the gun off their side. RTD drivers are legally protected from anyone laying a single fingertip on them for any reason at all it's automatically assault. This may have to become the new standard at school students so much is pokes a teacher and it becomes assault. And if the teacher lay a fingertip on a student It should be investigated. I don't know what the safeguard would be should a teacher decide they want to unload a clip in their classroom in the name of evil, the teacher would simply have to be truly deserving of their position of trust. That's the only thing I don't have an opinion on because I don't know what the answer is for that part. But ffs, There isn't enough being done to make sure that kids aren't carrying a gun at school and they're sure as hell is not enough being done to keep randoms from walking in off the street and slaughtering the children and teachers. Way more can and obviously SHOULD be done AT THE PLACE IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN. Not in a senate session, not in a polling place, not Worded in a way that is politically correct and in several languages. if you made it through all that shit I just wrote, and you feel inclined to tell me that I talk too much, understand that There's no way anyone is going to sit me down or shut me up on this one. My personal experience with all of this has built up over the past couple of decades and I am deeply affected at this point and I have only one child finally and I have not seen a single one of these bullets. The people who have been in the presence of the shootings I would imagine having way more feelings about it than me. We bicker, we cry, we pray. Crying is appropriate for this. Bickering is NOT. Praying is well and good but it's not gonna make anything change. It up to no one but humanity and our actions to keep it from continuing. Make laws. Repeal them. Pray. Get strapped if you must. Homeschool the kids if you want, or don't if you can't. Personally I cannot homeschool my child I cannot keep her from being around the places where this is likely to happen again. Stop talking and DO SOMETHING. Any parent or educator Who is close to this has feelings about the situation that is a guarantee. Everyone else either is really upset about all of this or they are not paying any attention at all. And politicians, I can't believe that they are the ones who get to make laws because they can't get their heads out of their asses on either side enough to keep it from happening from their standpoint. It needs to stop. How do we stop it? I don't know, y'all. I am just one piddly ass mother of one and that is just my take on all of that. I just don't want my baby to be murdered at school, that is one thing I don't think I could live through. I've NEVER been and am not currently in any way suicidal. I'm incapable of that. If she takes a bullet, finally I would probably take my exit. And I've started praying that it won't happen after a lifetime of rolling my eyes at prayer. I don't know what else to do, I just don't want my baby to be killed. I'm afraid for her so much. Thanks for reading...may all the kids come home alive, now and forever.
  5. Best/Worst Experience

    Lately, Best would be the one I saw on my Birthday in January. We had a great time in general and he was very generous for my birthday as well! Worst lately would be THIS MORNING, when someone stole the donation back and ran out the door and was gone. At the end. What a jerk :/
  6. Weird

    Actually my rates are the exact same as they were when I first came here eight years ago. I've yet to bump em up and have bumped em down at times, but I just can't anymore.
  7. Anyone else here been screwed with nonstop lately?

    Here we go with the "zero knowledge but let's blame the woman" thing. I'm surprised it took this long. I just went ahead and took an entire month off. Things are going better since I got back. I really needed a bit of time outta Colorado and boy did I get it!
  8. Because it just happened to me for the fifteenth time. Many of those times, I was already all the way over there or halfway over there on dangerous roads. Hours upon hours of serious efforts casually pissed away by strangers just this week. I can't be the only one who is being driven nuts by guys who are so very finicky and full of it. if anyone wants to say "get a new job," I applaud your originality and can't believe I didn't think of it already. Or if you are a lady who is too being jerked all around by these indecisive and selfish types, feel free to tell me it's all over the place right now. im at the point of "what the hell?!" One of the most frustrating weeks EVER since moving up here.
  9. Anyone else here been screwed with nonstop lately?

    The thing about screening is; that it's is as frustrating for me as it is nervous making for you guys. If I could bend on that at all--believe me--I would have by now. The contact instructions in my ad are the most painless way possible for both sides, literally a one step option. As much as it is starving my ass out; I wish to god I could be more lax. However, past experiences loudly dictate I really just cannot let it slide. It's the one thing I absolutely am unable to overlook, and the only two times I ever have showed me a very bad outcome. Like so bad it simply can never be repeated. I hear things like "I'm just trying to have fun, lighten up," and "Will just a picture work instead? What if we try (insert whatever way a person has decided should be good enough that is only their own preference and ignored my way altogether)?" And I get that this is all fun for y'all; and I want us to all have nothing but fun! But this is also my livelihood, my career basically--and I'm in my 20th year. It's my freaking CALLING. For the fun that requiring screening seems to chase away for the man; the danger and the absolute Ruin It keeps me safer from is exponentially greater. I have the protocol I instruct to you guys because it WORKS. It is minimally invasive for both sides. Cost effective for me, and nearly invisible for the client. It works and when I spend hours in one day getting argued with so fervently, and trying to deflect the numerous ways in which the client is stubbornly trying to rewrite how I run my setup with stuff that simply doesn't work and forces me to take multiple extra steps (likely to no avail), it is VERY hard on me-- and seriously, the only thing about all this anymore that is just plain upsetting. There is a huge common trait in the way some of us have years and then decades on this path without being destroyed by it; in a world where it's not at all uncommon to end up DEAD with no one caring at all about who got us that way. That thing is WE SCREEN, every time and every person; NO MATTER HOW much we need the biz. I am facing some serious difficulty this week due to getting like 30-40 call and having to turn down all but like three of them in one week and I still have to take the issues caused by the lack of revenue over the POSSIBILITY of allowing ONE unscreened gent a chance to be the one that blows up in my face. I have seen how it goes when that one risk I shouldn't have taken goes bad and it is simply too fucking terrible to risk. ****And I know that you fellas don't wanna hear that and that you only see how my ways of being able to see you are an obstacle to your no strings attached fun. My biggest wish ever is for those who inquire to schedule an appointment, to understand that your fun for this day; is my everyday and years long occupation. I like what I do and I'm basically built for it and I almost always enjoy myself greatly...and all I ask of the guy is that he cares about my safety enough to do the one thing that is needed for me to feel safe to invite ya into my home and be alone with me. It is hurtful when caller after caller for days on end; would rather argue with me and assert that he is ***a professional with a lot to lose and a family man with enough to worry about*** and so he isn't gonna screen. I too am a parent. A caretaker for an older and ailing parent. A friend. A volunteer. A person who also deserves stability and peace. A provider who has a solid rep and a record of zero doxxes on any guys, ever. The other way around I've been doxxed THREE TIMES and have received countless threats of it too. If someone is coming at me refusing to screen because they are so suspicious of ME immediately--remember that im not the one who nothing is known about . I'm not the one trying to get around someone's clearly stated terms. I'm not the one arguing for total anonymity and zero risk on my part; because my privacy has been placed so far above someone else's safety. It's; simply put; disrespect of my well being first thing out the gate. How can I feel okay being alone with a person who, in their very first interaction with me; has made it clear that I wayyy don't matter enough to even try to make a better first impression? I can't. That's a hill I have no choice but to DIE ON. And right now; the folks who think they're above my one step screening are indeed kinda killing me. Ask yourself why seeing a provider who uses one piece of info to ensure BOTH of us are able to have a good time--deserves To be met with such skittishness and treated like a problem person? If a provider asks for zero anything to gain intelligence up front; chances are she has a person or two thinking about the risks for her; and probably has those thinkers hiding close by, likely with a weapon. The alternative to brains is usually brawn. And I've learned the hard way that too Many men are intimidated by the brains and not seeing how dangerous the brawn can be. i know that's a LOT OF EXPLANATION for someone who is "trying to just have some fun" I also know that there doesn't seem to be any concise way of getting the suspicious and skittish types to wrap their head around why we do this, so I hope that this wall of text helps even one person see why we operate the way we do. We're not in our 20th year or so because we let other people be in charge of our safety. That's some thing I take all the credit for right there. I just wish that women could be assertive without being put down as being unfriendly for it. I don't see anyone else out there advocating for me, as such it's what we must do no matter how much people don't like it.
  10. Anyone else here been screwed with nonstop lately?

    Aaand it just goes on and on and on. Literally spent a few HOURS getting argued without and lied to and or ghosted at the last minute. Idk what is the deal but a week straight of it, and I really need it to end. Have wasted a whole couple days on these weirdos now and god knows who it actually is or why.
  11. Weird

    Yeah. Right there with y'all. I'm getting numerous texts, just none that result in a thing. SO MANY refusals to screen while they simultaneously give me a home address to make the refusal look super dumb to boot. Lots of nevermimds when I'm 16 miles into a trip out. Had someone flat out answer their door this morning and act like I was some nut job and they had no idea who I was. Was def them being awful people. Some intentionally screwing with me and trying to convince me they know me irl and how cute it was that they were being mysterious. As in "creepy." People asking for disgusting crap. People telling me what great people they are while they wasted my time and then called me names and told me to go get a real job. There is seriously some defective ones right now and they are just relentless with all the nonsense. And in the picture for picture text, which for me means play bitch games win bitch prizes because I don't play that shit. if I didn't know any better I'd say that the crazy notion that women and providers are also people Is being met with some uncalled for pushback. Weirdos need to go back beneath the rocks from which they came, with a quickness. 🤯
  12. I went to the Naughty Ball....

    And did some free advertising for you guys. Oh I love black light body paint! enjoy!
  13. I went to the Naughty Ball....

    I did it without being asked so I think I'm on my own 🤪
  14. Avoiding attention at a hotel

    I no longer use hotels, but when I did... check in with what appears to be "flying luggage." Meaning everything I take in to the room is all contained within a few matching pieces. A chick coming in all gypsy-like is a dead giveaway. that, along with everything else y'all said.
  15. I went to the Naughty Ball....

    It was alright.
  16. I once was on a dating app while strolling through a thrift shop; and matched with a guy who was also in the thrift shop that exact moment. We went on a few dates just cause that would have been a great story to tell our potential descendants one day. But; alas he was a miracle whip guy and I'm in a Mayo family. It was not gonna work.
  17. Why is Denver so Special?

    I saw the Mavericks there a couple months ago. What a great show that was! Totally unforgettable and in a beautiful venue...
  18. Why is Denver so Special?

    Depends on your definition of special...this is gonna be longer than some answers here and so I'll elaborate on three things to do that are fun! 1-Concerts. They're just great here. Red Rocks and other venues as well. I've been to a couple hundred since coming here and most were fantastic😊 2-Art events--a more recent thing I've gotten into here and I've been missing out. There is a great art scene here, beyond just the Art Museum downtown too. Englewood has a couple galleries run by some great people, and they get their hands on some amazing and famous stuff that's worth seeing. I personally prefer Englewood over Santa Fe district for the art. 3-Antique and Secondhand shopping in Denver area is the best I've seen anywhere. If you put in the time and you have particular tastes in stuff; you can totally deck out your house, your decor, or your wardrobe in nothing but a certain era of pieces. Want a 50's kitchen in its entirety? Want to wear nothing but contemporary casual vintage? Have you always fantasized about a fully appointed mid century modern living and dining setup? It's totally doable and probably for less than you would imagine. I've had a blast hunting down my eras and 90% of my stuff is second hand or otherwise curated outside of the brand-new retail market. If you're into that, this is a GREAT place to make it so. can you tell I take my shopping a bit seriously? 🤣
  19. Anyone notice a lot of men low balling them

    When I am occasionally lowballed, I just let them know that my rates are my rates, not a jumping off point for negotiating. But it DOES seem to come in waves, where at times I'm being lowballed like 7/10 calls. Those times used to be very frustrating to me, until... I realized one day that I cannot control when someone is going to do that, all I can control is how I respond. I have repeat offenders who hit me up several times a year and always lowball me severely. I'm talking 50% or less of my posted rate. When those guys hit me up these days and I also happen to be doing nothing else with my time, now I accept their lowball assuming that they passed screening, And give the same percentage of service that they insisted upon paying me of my rate. You can envision that as you will, but ultimately I made SOME income, they got SOME service, and I hopefully sent them SOME kind of message. Now I am sure SOME of those guys walked out of that session disappointed with my service, but if you're going to lowball someone over and over again and all of a sudden they readily accept your insulting bid, you just may end up with half of a pop. Please note that I don't do this universally with all lowballs. Mainly this is for when I am contacted repeatedly by the same person Over a period of time and it's become clear to me that this person simply feels entitled to set my rates for me. If someone is just sitting a little light but the next time they contact me they are prepared to stick to my terms, Then they've shown me that there's a mutual respect and we can start over. Someone who does it once Is just human. Someone who just thinks they are entitled to it is definitely entitled to find out that when you play bitch games you win bitch prizes. 🤑
  20. I made a post a few months back about the best way to buy bitcoins if you're a provider without a main stream bank account. Since then I have changed my method, so… My previous post on paying with these so called coins :) updated way: Cash app Removes two steps for the process, so if you have a cashapp account with money in it just do it all directly through cashapp it puts the coins in your account immediately; you can then turn around and immediately send to TOB, with the fees totaling less than three dollars altogether. If you do not have cash app you can still use the slightly convoluted method I described previously, but as of now cash app is the most direct way to do it without raising your blood pressure. Best of luck ladies!
  21. Update to buying Bit(ch)coins...

    Actually--It just occurred to me that Cashapp might not prefer dealing with our kind, And perhaps to be extra cautious a coin payment should first be sent to our edge wallet before they are sent to the payment address FoR our ads. OK so an update to that I'm going to officially recommend running it through your edge wallet first it probably wouldn't hurt to do it But I thought about it and that's how I'm gonna do it moving toward. With his fosta/sesta shit I guess we can never be too careful!
  22. Update to buying Bit(ch)coins...

    Yes, if you use the app Cash App to purchase and send your coins to The Board, the wait time is almost nothing. You choose exactly how many coins you need or a little bit more than you need in case it fluctuates in a few seconds, within 10 seconds it'll hit your bitcoin wallet in your cash app account under the Bitcoin tab at which point you just paste in your send your address from the pay with Bitcoin section on your billing. For less than two dollars at all times you can send it priority which will make it square up with TV in under a minute. Any excess you have left over can be instantly sold back to cash app so you don't end up buying more than you need to make the transaction complete. For when we first started doing bitcoin only, at the time it was such a high stress thing for me (as someone who doesn't have a conventional mainstream bank account Another time I didn't have a major credit card); And after Kaduk explained it to me; And I still didn't get the point I'm pretty sure I yelled at him in a letter and he was actually pretty good sport about it now that I mention it. But yeah that's how much the process jammed me up and pissed me off... I took it out on one of the mods, I think more than once actually. Sorry about that, K. Dealing with paying shit when I'm kind of fringy gets me real anxious and I get bitchy 🖖🏼
  23. Colorado Other Can anyone tell me where eccie moved their ads to in Austin? I can't seem to find home2 anymore and want to go beyond 411 for a couple days. Thanks!
  24. Ad Board in Austin TX?

    Thanks for the info. I wound up just logging into my p411 and posting a visiting ad. Only needed to work a little bit and got exactly what I needed from that alone.
  25. So, I struggled with this for months on end. I have finally got my mostly easy way to make it happen, this is for those of you who have prepaid cards accounts rather than a traditional bank account and keep getting the card declined as such. I have trouble getting traditional bank account so It took a lot of trial and error but here’s what I have learned… if you don’t have a regular bank account go to and open a spend account through their website. Starting off it’s a pain in the ass but it pays off, you will have to make the initial deposit to the account via one of your prepaid cards as there are noBrick and mortar locations for MVB bank which The account will be with. When you make a initial load, It will take about five days for it to post to your account but you only have to load like $10 to start. In the meantime you will wait 7 to 14 days to receive your debit card from them. That parts annoying but the patience is worth it. For me so far this online bank account has served me just as well as Any of the main stream banks out there. Once you have your debit card is activated, here’s the following things you can do with it: -You can link it to PayPal, Venmo, cash app and Zelle With a fair amount of ease. In most cases instant transfers are possible and if you do a slow transfer from PayPal to this account or vice versa the turnover time on it is less than a full day rather than three days that they say can take. It’s fast. -It links Apple Pay too! -You can rent a car with it, but you would have to put down a deposit higher than if it were a major credit card. You cannot rent zip cars with it unfortunately but you can rent cars and U-haul from other places with it. So far I have not come across one online retailer that does not except it. As long as you have the money in the account to cover what you’re trying to buy it will work. It does not offer overdraft protection but whatever. MOST IMPORTANTLY, you can use it to purchase Bitchcoins for edgewallet, If it declines then just call the 800 number on the back of the cardAnd authorize the transaction to remove flag. If you have a link to Apple Pay you can use Apple Pay to buy your bit coins as well. You will see the coins hit your edge wallet within an hour. It took plenty of trial and error to figure out exactly how much Bitchcoins to buy, but as far as I can tell purchasing $107 worth of bitcoin before the surcharge on Rupe or Symplex brings it to about $112. You will receive back about 104.00 in bitcoin, and you’ll immediately want to turn around and transfer $93 more or less to TOB. That should review above 85 by a dollar or lessBy the time all the stupid fees get done being skimmed off of it. With any luck you might have about $20 left over in bitcoins when everything is done but you can put it towards next month Just leave it in your wallet and come back to it next time you go to renew. It took me a while and it was rife with frustration on the wayTo figure this all out, BUT figure it out, I have done! I hope this helps some ya who keep hitting various barriers when you try to buy coins. I still hate having to buy bitcoin for anything at all, at least now it’s not taking up a whole day of my life each month with stress and wrong answers. Enjoy!