Amber Allure

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Everything posted by Amber Allure

  1. Spoofing.

    Please DM with the information. Thank you.
  2. Spoofing.

    Can't post numbers here unfortunately. Please reach out to me or @Laci French
  3. There will be no more donations

    There are a lot of things about this dude that have been brought to the surface that is NOT GOOD. But I don't think it's appropriate place to talk about any of that other than what's been stated here. The main reason for this post for was Miss Violet. Just my 2 cents
  4. There will be no more donations

    Violet, love! I am so thankful you are okay! Please let me know if you need anything. Love you lottssss Sugar Tits!
  5. Happy Birthday, Hunter VanDyke

    As long as we don't do spicy. Hahaha.
  6. Happy Birthday, Hunter VanDyke

    Awee! Im so late! Happy Late Birthday, my pretty love! Hope your day was wonderful because you deserve it! Love you!!! @Hunter VanDyke XOXOX A
  7. P411 Status

    OP, I PM'd you.
  8. The argument gets me EVERY YEAR! When do you put your Christmas Tree up? Before or After Thanksgiving? I put mine up before because I like how homey and cozy it makes everything feel! When do you put your trees up??!
  9. Providers asking for deposit

    I require deposits for new friends for appointments over 90minutes. Only because I've made an entire day around longer appointments only to get NCNS'd. For tours, if you are wanting 2hours or longer a deposit is required. But, I am established and have absolutely no intention on not holding up my end of the deal. If men would stop the bullshit and the game playing, I wouldn't have to take deposits. Statement above is NOT targeting everyone. Just speaking out of frustration
  10. Self Care and YOU!

    Wanted to just remind all the lovely ladies (as well as the gentleman on here) to make sure we are taking care of ourselves. We spend so much time making sure others around us stay happy, that sometimes we forget about ourselves. Self-care is SO IMPORTANT. And it's not always the obvious things, the ones with depression understand what I am talking about. Just a little friendly reminder for all the beautiful souls on here Stay Warm, Happy Veterans Day and Happy Sunday Much love, A
  11. What Are You Reading?

    I'll look into it! Thanks, doll! They have a shelf in my local Starbucks but thats it.
  12. What Are You Reading?

    I wish there was like a book club shelf somewhere like how they have at different Starbucks. The “Take a Book. Leave a Book” there’s only one by me and I have too many books to let others enjoy!
  13. Happy Birthday Mountainrider

    @mountainrider33 Happy happy birthday love! Have a glorious day!
  14. What Are You Reading?

    @SexiKenni I am one of the BIGGEST bookworms! Lol. There are 2 books that I say you MUST read. A Million Little Pieces My Friend Lenard Both by James Frey. Have to read them in order. Currently reading a book by Dean Koontz, and he's another one of my favorite authors. We gotta get together and talk books!
  15. Full body O

    Couldn't have said it any better. Patience will always be rewarded. Obviously, not all are like this, but the few out there... The whole body O's where you lose control of your body is the best
  16. Well there goes my secret life....

    Actually just recently learned that if you're GPS is on and you use Google Maps, it tracks everywhere you go! Please be mindful of this and all things. Stay safe, we want to continue to be your secrets!
  17. Holiday season

    I mean only if you want
  18. Holiday season

  19. Holiday season

    I really hope there is a "Friendsgiving" Only because I don't have family here since they all moved away and I don't wanna get stuck eating Chinese again. Hahaha
  20. How do I go about?

    OP, I thank you for asking questions to make sure you are doing everything correctly. A little piece of advice though, if the lady has a website most of "us" have our "rates" on there; which allows you to check even before you contact them. But personally, I wouldn't BL you as a time waster, only because I require screening before I discuss "investments," due to it being on my website. Happy Hobbying Dear! Have fun, learn and stay safe A
  21. Blacklist

    Ladies, message @Laci French
  22. Happy Happy day JRWolfe

    Happy Birthday, dear! Hope its full of nakedness and fun!
  23. Ladies, Please Don't....

    Took the words right out of my mouth. If someone was to say "Hey I really like the natural look, no makeup etc etc" I'd either take it off or see if they'd like an early bird appointment. What you like isn't going to match what someone else wants.
  24. The Picture Issue

    Well thanks love
  25. Lots of Talk About References

    Hit it right on the head. Every person that I am willing to see I screen differently. References or not. I screen the guy with references the same way I do the newbie. I’ve had references in the past stating they are fine to see and they were definitely were not. Just trying to keep myself from getting into a situation where I’m not able to regain control, again.